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Questions tagged [phpmyadmin]

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web.

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3 answers

header background color changed after drop & import database in phpmyadmin

This is what I did in phpmyadmin. Export DB in .sql format Drop all tables Import the exported DB The database should be same, but the website looks weird as below... how come...? Before (black ...
EzGame's user avatar
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Unable to install and upload theme due to php.ini file [closed]

Issues with uploading my theme to localhost using WAMP Server on Windows 7 Home version. I've changed the limit to 635mb in the php.ini. However, there seems to be TWO php.ini files. These are ...
Fliss's user avatar
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How to periodically roll back WordPress to a fixed point in time?

I have a demo WordPress site that showcases a plugin I created. The plugin lets users interact with content from the front-end and could potentially result in a nightmare of content bloat over time. I'...
Industrial Themes's user avatar
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Users table association with users_metadata table appears broken

I noticed an issue after deploying a custom theme build to a Go Daddy Managed WordPress installation (client's request, RIP) wherein users created by the admin account in the WP back-end weren't ...
S. Coll's user avatar
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4 answers

lost all the links in WordPress after changing hosting

I am moving my wordpress website from one hosting to another. i moved my file(from filesmanager) correctly i export database from phpmyadmin to new host phpmyadmin Home page working fine (http://...
StackQA's user avatar
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Adding user data to an existing user_id

I'm using phpMyAdmin to add some new user records to the existing users within a WordPress database. The database is for a WordPress Multisite network. I had to migrate my old WP site to the new site,...
ina2n's user avatar
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403 Forbidden Localhost Wamp Apache Php

I’m completely new to wordpress/website design and I’m following a tutorial on youtube about creating custom themes. I’ve set up a website in localhost and I’m using permalinks to navigate to pages in ...
javiersgonzalez123's user avatar
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How to retrieve user data based on role using SQL?

I need to retrieve user data from SQL database and I have managed to do it with the SQL code given below: SELECT wpu6_users.display_name AS n_user_display_name, t1.meta_value AS ...
Arun Yogesh's user avatar
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I want to create a 300 multi-site wordpress network using subdomains

This is the network on this site and i have two multi-sites apart from the main one, what i want to know that, can i create this many multi-sites, without the network crashing or having too much ...
OSMAN's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

"#1067 - Invalid default value for 'post_date'" when trying to reset AI after backup

I've restored my Wordpress database from an sql backup. However, in doing so, all of the tables have lost auto increment. When I try to add it back in with this sql ALTER TABLE `mercury_posts` ...
SinisterBeard's user avatar
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I can not access my local PhpMyAdmin control panel

I have created a local WordPress (WP) website on my computer using the limited edition of DesktopServer. I then used FileZilla to download the WP files along with the associated database. Now I cannot ...
Sumru's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I unable to login to Dashboard after adding myself to admin via phpMyAdmin?

So I have added myself as an admin via following the instructions on this site: I have done this ...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing Wordpress author name in database

I originally begun my wordpress site using a psudonym. Over the past few years I have been attributing my own name to all articles and have had the author name options switched off. Now I'm changing ...
smashingtuck's user avatar
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Lamp stack not supporting phpmyadmin? [closed]

I have install lamp stack + word-press in my Ubuntu 16.04, in that apache2 , word-press is running but when i try to run phpmyadmin is not running i need to create new database so how to run ...
Santosh Bhagwat's user avatar
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Wordpress redirects to old login after migration

I've followed all the steps for migrating my existing wordpress site to another server. However, when I try to login to the migrated site, it keeps redirecting me to the old one, despite whether I use ...
smashingtuck's user avatar
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Set meta_key and meta_value for all registered user in wordpress using sql query [closed]

I am trying to add meta_key and meta_value for the all already registered user in my database via phpmyadmin. I want: meta_key = is_activated and meta_value = 1 Thanks,
Nitish Paswan's user avatar
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import posts with dutch/special letters

I am importing posts from a csv file using the plugin Really Simple CSV Importer. I am uploading some posts in dutch language. The plugin uploads all the posts nicely but fails for the post which has ...
Kiran Dash's user avatar
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Changing a Child theme's name on MAMP localhost

I would like to change the child-theme name on my localhost (MAMP) set up for a project I'm working on. Obviously changing the folder name is easy enough, as is changing the child-theme's name in the ...
pjk_ok's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Create a Admin User for A WordPress Site via MySQL (PHPMyAdmin)?

My WordPress site got hacked and the WP Admin user account password was changed by the hacker. This essentially locked the user out of his admin dashboard. It is best (for situations like this) to ...
Faisal's user avatar
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Editing mysql tables/database with wordpress or other app/cms

I have a particular use case which i am not sure is common or suitable to wordpress. I have built a website without using wordpress using html css javascript and have it connected to a custom mysql ...
Maximilian Travis's user avatar
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Changing the entire permalink

I have a plugin that creates a custom post. I want to change the permalink from: https://[site name]/lesson/lesson-1/ To: https://[site name]/learn/lesson1.php Through the wp admin interface, I can ...
Lumo5's user avatar
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Will changing the folder name two directories above a fresh wordpress installation break the site?

I have a client who would like two Wordpress installs on his LAMP stack. The thing is he forgot to give me the directory names that he wants them on. So as per standard LAMP stack each site will be /...
little tiny man's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to Move Local Singlesite Database to Remote Multsite Database?

I'm fairly new to Wordpress and I'm a little confuse on how to take the database from my local server and replace it with the one on the server on a Wordpress multisite. I've replace database before ...
Radizzt's user avatar
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cannot log in to the mysql server (wamp and wordpress)

When I run wamp (an offline webserver) and then run phpmyadmin, user and password are asked. I haven't used wamp in a while so basically I forgot user and password. I've followed some guides like this ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Backing up and restoring multiple sites efficiently

We are offering complete website backup and restore services once per month to our clients. 90% of the sites are WordPress but hosted in a variety of hosting facilities with varying access (some ...
Drongo's user avatar
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3 answers

Can't find my wordpress DB in phpmyadmin

I have created a a site on my localhost, But Now I need to upload website on live server so i need to export word press DB from Phpmyadmin, But I cant find any WP DB there. Here is my wp-config file ...
Bilal Zafar's user avatar
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Change sticky status of posts from phpMyAdmin

I have many sticky posts in my database. Is there any SQL function which I could use from phpMyAdmin to change (remove) sticky status of posts, if post is sticky to change it to not sicky.
Advanced SEO's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

How do I find all admin users using phpmyadmin?

I logged into my wp-dashboard after a hack to find that there is a 'ghost' administrator of my site... the only problem is, I can't just list the user table and delete it. I don't know why, but here'...
Trav Roes's user avatar
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Wordpress character set issue

I'm currently migrating a wordpress site to a live server. When trying to import my database via phpMyAdmin I run across the following error below: Error CREATE TABLE `wp_commentmeta` ( `...
Samuel's user avatar
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Update custom table on metabox POST

So here is the problem : I have created a metabox field for my posts and I want it to update a custom table (wp_location) in my WP datase... The idea is to update the table with the value of the POST ...
Hub Lot's user avatar
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Need to change all links in page content but not in post content

So usually I would just do a database search and replace for changing my URL but what I've done now is decided to split my site into two different sites which works great for me because of the way I ...
d.ariel's user avatar
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0 answers

how to search wordpress database for slug names [duplicate]

I'm trying to rename one of my pages to 2017 and the slug to 2017 as well. When i click save the slug is renamed to 2017-2. To me this means something else is using this slug, but i'm not sure how ...
rudtek's user avatar
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Error while submitting form using AJAX and php

Hii i am trying to save data of form to user meta data table by using javascript, AJAX and php. Here is my code HTML Form: <form id="savem" method="post"> <input type="text" name="...
Ashish Pariyani's user avatar
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Way to send multiple values for column to MySQL?

I am creating a plugin that allows the user to select multiple options (as a checkbox), which sends these integer values to MySQL. The way I have this set up at the moment is by taking these values ...
sarcastasaur's user avatar
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Export only pages and posts with mysql dump

How to export only pages and posts using mysql database to database approach? More precisely: what tables should one select for dump (I suppose wp-posts and wp-post-meta ) is it safe to export only ...
Miloš Đakonović's user avatar
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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS with wordpress search

When I make a search on my site no posts are retrieved and through wordpress debug I get this error message: WordPress database error: [Table 'theme_se.wp_comments' doesn't exist] SELECT ...
HannesH's user avatar
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SQL error #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' [closed]

When I want to import database, I get the next error: Error SQL query: -- -- Dumping data for table wp_comments -- INSERT INTO wp_comments ( comment_ID , comment_post_ID , comment_author , ...
crater87 jaimes's user avatar
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Missing latest posts and options after DB migration via phpMyAdmin

The latest posts and options are not appearing after importing the database. I'm missing all the latest posts and the latest Advanced Custom Fields. The export is from the remote server and import to ...
Laurence Lord's user avatar
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wp_login.php redirects to old domain

i changed my domain name associated with my hosting account yesterday when i click on it redirects to i already changed the siteurl in ...
user3449454's user avatar
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MySql query to get posts with all meta and terms

I'm trying to figureout a way to get all fields from wp_post with all of their custom fields and categories in one mysql query. So in one row of the result I should have post fields with their custom ...
David Peterson's user avatar
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#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

I am trying to move my database from my usbwebserver to my online server. But I get this error, can anyone help me with this? #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Ritchie's user avatar
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Restose content from revisions - sql query

How i can restore all posts to the closest revision to a particular date via sql query?
h404's user avatar
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Delete All Product Images in phpmyadmin

I've just inherited a site that's being migrated to a new host, and I'm attempting to tidy up the database during the process. The WooCommerce site had roughly 10,000 products resulting in somewhere ...
alphazwest's user avatar
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$wpdb to insert html form information

I'm trying to insert posted variables from a form. When I shorten the amount of variables I'm inserting it will sometime pass the information in my mysql database. Once I continue to add on ...
Sean McVey's user avatar
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4 answers

POSTS list in WordPress by views

I need a code that causes: <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> List according to the amount of VIEW, is like to list popular posts only that it will enter the table mh_postmeta, and ...
Pedro Quezado's user avatar
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What will happen if I delete all my attachment type posts from database?

OK maybe I'm a bit hysterical about performance, but I don't see any reason to have more than double the post entries I need in my database. I mean every image automatically creates an attachment ...
IXN's user avatar
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Delete all post meta except featured image

My aim is to clear up my database entries. I did a migration from blogger which added many useless post_meta. I found a plugin (db reset) that has the option to reset/delete all post meta. However if ...
IXN's user avatar
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How can I use WP_Query argument 'Like %..%'?

I didn't find a good headline but this is my problem: I have this code (works fine!): $resume_args = array(); $resume_args['post_type'] = 'resume'; $resume_args['posts_per_page'] = 7; $...
cgee's user avatar
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2 answers

Gaining Login Access via the Database

I have been given a job to amend a Wordpress site. I have only been given access to Cpanel. My questions are can i log in to the back end of Wordpress via Cpanel? If you can't login via Cpanel can i ...
Max Stewart's user avatar
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get backup file from wordpress database in x days

I have a wordpress website with so many posts and custom fields located in meta table. What I have to do is to make backup from each 30 days (for posts and postsmeta table) and append it to my last ...
David Peterson's user avatar