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Questions tagged [phpmyadmin]

phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web.

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Wordpress Website with Woocommerce and mysql DB realy slow [closed]

I'm currently building a new Webshop and unfortunately have huge Problems with my WordPress site. It's loading super slowly when I try and open a new page. Look at the Screenshot from Chrome about ...
Forestbird's user avatar
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How to return count number from a wordpress database

I have a database 'wp_db7_forms', with fields, 'form_id', 'form_post_id' and 'form_date'. I am trying to get a COUNT of the number of entries for a specific 'form_post_id'. With this sql query in ...
Malcolm Collins's user avatar
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Database table prefix different between wp-config.php and in database

I'm completely updating this quesion because I've discovered new facts about the problem. My wp-config.php has the line $table_prefix = 'wp75_';. The plugin WP-Optimize also shows the tables with ...
Jim Worrall's user avatar
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is it possible to get a list of URLs from post_content directly in a mysql query via phpadmin?

We have many forms that are hosted externally from our Wordpress environment that we are moving to a different system, so we'd like to generate a list of the pages that contain these links along with ...
Erich's user avatar
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Wordpress Admin login problems- PLEASE HELP [closed]

I have just taken over a clients website to carry out future maintenance and updates. I am not sure if the previous developer left on a bad note but the thought has crossed my mind. I simply cannot ...
FrontEndGuy's user avatar
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Deleting WordPress posts and media files based on author via MYSQL database

I would like to delete some of the posts in WordPress between a period based on the author via MYSQL database. I have difficulty identifying the WordPress tables and their relationships to perform the ...
Lal Prasanth's user avatar
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After Import: Insert "Use" Statement in Database

In transferring a site from one host to another while retaining the same domain name, copying WP files is straight-forward, not so with sql databases. In a shared hosting environment, importing a ...
Laurie Stearn's user avatar
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#1067 - Invalid default value for 'post_date' when trying to create a new column

I am trying to create a new column inside the wp_posts table but I am getting the error #1067 - Invalid default value for 'post_date' when I try and save it. What I am trying to do is, I am getting ...
I. Antonov's user avatar
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problem solving in website loading

/*! elementor – v3.16.0 – 20-09-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elemenhow tor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-...
Vidhi shah's user avatar
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How to set autoload from "yes" to "no" _transient_wp_core_block_css_files

In WordPress version 6.3, create a transient named "_transient_wp_core_block_css_files" (~0.4MB) in the wp_options table to store the list of CSS files to load when using WordPress' blocks. ...
Tuan vn's user avatar
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SQL phpmyadmin remove posts from cat id exclude condition

I have a sql code for wordpress database that use for deleting posts from specific cat id for specific time duration and I always use this code and it is working fine. DELETE a, -- DELETE from ...
akhbarejadid's user avatar
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404 Error after URL update

I changed our company domain name and now all i get is a 404 error. I have updated the option table in phpmyadmin as well as updated apache2 conf. Where else do I need to change the info for this to ...
IVMC Peabody's user avatar
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How to use phpspreadsheet reader with $wpdb

I am trying to import an excel file on a webpage with a submit button. As far as I can tell, the only way to do so is to use PhpSpreadsheet. How can one incorporate PhpSpreadsheet with $wpdb and ...
John Lyons's user avatar
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Importing data from excel sheet on webpage rather than from within phpMyAdmin

Has anyone ever been able to upload an excel sheet to phpmyadmin without doing it manually? On a webpage, I have a upload file with a submit button. Is it possible for the submit button to upload all ...
John Lyons's user avatar
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Cannot login to WordPress admin after update

Hello I need help please for my website. I can not enter the wordpress admin after updating the version. the hosting does not respond to me either. This is the image that informs me, a php version ...
ALEJANDRO's user avatar
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My website has a PHP Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 706 ...
Maria k.'s user avatar
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How to change wordpress adminstrator user 's ID from 1 to 0?

I have a WordPress site with one user (ID : 0) (administrator). I would like to set this to 0. so my subscribers will have their IDs starting from 1 onwards. I tried to change it manually from the ...
shireef khatab's user avatar
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Need SQL query to find&replace image URL

During a website move the wp-config.php file was replaced (by the host) to connect to the new database, and a directive I had in my old version (that specified a root folder for all images instead of ...
Trisha's user avatar
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Delete user with only subscriber role

I have a site which have 90k+ user with subscriber roles.I want delete user with only subscriber role using phpmyadmin . So I know how to delete it But some users have multiple roles for example few ...
RDX023's user avatar
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Wordpress can I manually add columns in users table and display it in the default manage user plugin and registration form? [closed]

How would I go about doing this? Thank you!
sorce's user avatar
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how to get serialized post meta

I have posts that have video content and these videos stored in database like this (serialized) a:1:{s:9:"video_url";s:0:"";} This serialized data have post video urls but can ...
Teymur Abbasov's user avatar
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How do I remove/reset all current widgets from the database?

I recently migrated a site from a dev server to a web server and I appear to be stuck with a menu sidebar I had built in the old site that doesn't appear in the widget area of the new site's dashboard ...
ProverbialPaul's user avatar
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Monitor all the queriers executed by my website

I am extending the functionalities of one plugin. For the sake for this I would really like to know if there is anyway I could view all the queries that are done to my database live?? Thank you in ...
Alduxo's user avatar
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Is there any way to monitor a MySQL db and check what has changed?

I'm trying to understand the schema of woocommerce. It would be quite easy by monitoring the UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE query in a short time of period. Is there any way to achieve that?
Revious's user avatar
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Broken wordpress site, non-working links and no access to wp-admin page

I was just handed a broken Wordpress site that I am now in charge of Administering (administrating?). EDIT: Since posting this, I have made some new discoveries about my issues. When trying to access ...
boog's user avatar
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How to change my 3000 Published post status to Draft using PHPMyAdmin

I have to change my all 3000 published post status to draft. one way to do it one by one or another option is to select bulk post... but bulk selecting also takes a lot of time because I have around ...
The Coding Bus's user avatar
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Error establishing a database connection (Set-up locally)

This is my first time working on Wordpress and accessing site locally. The Wordpress site is on the github and I tried to pull the codes from there and accessing site already to my local machine but ...
santiagoelie's user avatar
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Filter table with dropdown

I'm making two dropdowns of location and category to filter a table by internship location and category. I want to make it so that a user can select one or the other and it will still filter it. I ...
Sarah Lim's user avatar
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DB prefix not updating

I have a site I built locally and migrated to a live environment. Later I created a copy of this site and booted it up locally again to do some further dev in there. My local dev software (Local by ...
mtm's user avatar
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Delete all pages (thousands) except a few by their IDs

I have over 20 thousand pages and need to delete all of them except very few. Deleting them from the wp-admin page would take too long and a huge effort. Is there a command I can run in PhpMyAdmin to ...
shireef khatab's user avatar
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Duplicate posts when posting nulls in records in phpMyAdmin [closed]

I have a phpMyAdmin database with a table whose contents, when inputted from the database, automatically publish the related information. Some of the details within the record may be NULL, and while ...
N012P's user avatar
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Delete all users with Editor role and their content mysql

I have a Wordpress site with thousands of editors. I cant delete them from the WP dashboard as its to slow. I need a query to delete all the editor users and their posts from PhpMyAdmin? Thanks
DarrenLee's user avatar
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Double domain name in category URL-s

My site runs on the latest version of WordPress. However, I have a problem with categories. Permalinks are set correctly and my category path looks like this: Links work ...
kacperrro99's user avatar
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oembed_cache SPAM problem [closed]

I recently found hundreds of posts with post_type oembed_cache while looking into my database. Many of them appear to be spam. I can't for the life of me figure out how there are being injected into ...
Medium_D's user avatar
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Display data from phpMyAdmin with WordPress

I have imported my website to Wordpress and facing a big issue how can I do sql Query to display data on my pages with wordpress? for example I have product, price, description which I need to display ...
Martin's user avatar
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How delete post_content records of specific category from phpmyadmin

I need a SQL command to delete post_content records for specific category's posts
akhbarejadid's user avatar
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Import large database in php my admin

I have Wordpress website. I am importing large database into "Php my admin" but showing an error. You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to documentation for a ...
49 ideas's user avatar
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How to make custom column Admin>Users sortable?

I have a few hundred users (customers) to delete, specifically those that registered before 2019 and have zero orders. I've added the following code to my child theme functions file in order to add a ...
Cleopatra's user avatar
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How to display data from custom table in wordpress phpmyadmin

Thanks in advance could anyone here help me, I would like to display the value from the phpmyadmin database in wordpress, The value was stored from the dropdown form and I want display that value in ...
Siddheshwar Chavan's user avatar
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I wanted to Know that how can I give ingore to 0000-00-00 in my config file

I wanted to know that how can I give ignore to 0000-00-00 in my config file so that I didn't get an error of invalid value for this Zero-Date 0000-00-00 in my site database.
Sachin's user avatar
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I imported an restore an database and It shows #1067 - Invalid default value for 'user_registered'

My database tables become corrupted so for fixing them I restored data and It shows an error #1067 - Invalid default value for 'user_registered' how can I fix it.
Sachin's user avatar
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Update a buggy installation

My site is pretty slow , so I am looking to update the wordpress in hopes of getting it back on track. What are best practices? because , getting few PHP notice & warnings in the Debug log. + The ...
Dhaval Joshi's user avatar
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Updating user meta adds string count to value?

I am using Gravity Forms to update user meta. The user meta has to be serialized for another plugin, so I have to catch the value and convert it using the gform_pre_submission action before it gets ...
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

How to bulk delete a certain part of all wordpress posts

site been hacked, and all posts been injected a line of js code under the content! <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script> I have found the ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Wordpress Migration Post Problems

I am currently working on a website, created with WordPress, the website has been compromised with security flaws, because when WordPress was installed they did it with a version of PHP 5.2, also the ...'s user avatar
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Live to Local on MAMP, not working, outputting functions.php code

This is an older custom theme. On the live server, I updated to the latest version of WP, updated all plug-ins including ACF. Downloaded all files, DB, and renamed to local URL. I've done this many ...
rkDev's user avatar
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Wordpress admin creation through phpmyadmin not working

So I have searched extensively on this, but all the answers do not work for me. I bought a website from someone, he installed it on my hosting, but did not provide me with the admin login. He is now ...
Taberkinslaw's user avatar
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When I add metadata, metavalue length is added in to the value in some cases

When I use the following code: update_post_meta($new_post_id, '_test_metakey1', 'a:1:1;'); update_post_meta($new_post_id, '_test_metakey2', 'a:1;'); The database adds the keys as follows: Why does ...
Ian Freeman's user avatar
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WordPress fails to install with "Can't Select Database" Error (WAMPServer)

UPDATE: 2020-07-12 I tried installing on Windows 10 64-bit and it failed to install WordPress with the same database error as on Windows 7. That tells me that either there is a bug in WAMPServer 3.2.0 ...
Eric Hepperle - CodeSlayer2010's user avatar
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I need to find posts that contain YouTube links without http:// or https:// prefix and add http:// to all of them

Is it possible to do this via WordPress Dashboard or PhpMyAdmin at once? For example: Find this: Replace to this: There is ...
Numan Çebi's user avatar

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