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Database table prefix different between wp-config.php and in database

I'm completely updating this quesion because I've discovered new facts about the problem. My wp-config.php has the line $table_prefix = 'wp75_';. The plugin WP-Optimize also shows the tables with ...
Jim Worrall's user avatar
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Wordpress Admin login problems- PLEASE HELP [closed]

I have just taken over a clients website to carry out future maintenance and updates. I am not sure if the previous developer left on a bad note but the thought has crossed my mind. I simply cannot ...
FrontEndGuy's user avatar
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Deleting WordPress posts and media files based on author via MYSQL database

I would like to delete some of the posts in WordPress between a period based on the author via MYSQL database. I have difficulty identifying the WordPress tables and their relationships to perform the ...
Lal Prasanth's user avatar
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#1067 - Invalid default value for 'post_date' when trying to create a new column

I am trying to create a new column inside the wp_posts table but I am getting the error #1067 - Invalid default value for 'post_date' when I try and save it. What I am trying to do is, I am getting ...
I. Antonov's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete user with only subscriber role

I have a site which have 90k+ user with subscriber roles.I want delete user with only subscriber role using phpmyadmin . So I know how to delete it But some users have multiple roles for example few ...
RDX023's user avatar
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Is there any way to monitor a MySQL db and check what has changed?

I'm trying to understand the schema of woocommerce. It would be quite easy by monitoring the UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE query in a short time of period. Is there any way to achieve that?
Revious's user avatar
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Error establishing a database connection (Set-up locally)

This is my first time working on Wordpress and accessing site locally. The Wordpress site is on the github and I tried to pull the codes from there and accessing site already to my local machine but ...
santiagoelie's user avatar
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DB prefix not updating

I have a site I built locally and migrated to a live environment. Later I created a copy of this site and booted it up locally again to do some further dev in there. My local dev software (Local by ...
mtm's user avatar
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I wanted to Know that how can I give ingore to 0000-00-00 in my config file

I wanted to know that how can I give ignore to 0000-00-00 in my config file so that I didn't get an error of invalid value for this Zero-Date 0000-00-00 in my site database.
Sachin's user avatar
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2 answers

I imported an restore an database and It shows #1067 - Invalid default value for 'user_registered'

My database tables become corrupted so for fixing them I restored data and It shows an error #1067 - Invalid default value for 'user_registered' how can I fix it.
Sachin's user avatar
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1 answer

I need to find posts that contain YouTube links without http:// or https:// prefix and add http:// to all of them

Is it possible to do this via WordPress Dashboard or PhpMyAdmin at once? For example: Find this: Replace to this: There is ...
Numan Çebi's user avatar
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Is there any defects for using same database prefix in WordPress for multiple sites?

I have now two sites using the same database prefix i.e., not other than wp_ Now, the argument arises that if there are some known issues or defects for them being same. As if I install WordPress from ...
Sujal Jain's user avatar
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Deleted products from woocommerce are still in the database

I deleted some product variations from my Woocommerce website. almost 75% of all the product variations on my website. I had 20,000 products with 640,000 variations. and now i have only 180,000 ...
Hossamude's user avatar
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1 answer

Migrating meta_key and meta_value from old theme to new one

I've just installed a new theme for my wordpress website. ( Jannah Newspaper Theme, to Bimber ) My website is a platform for posting music videos. Jannah Theme have stored all my embed video posted ...
Samuel Beaudoin's user avatar
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Store GravityForm data in phpmyadmin (mysql)

I'm currently developing a small portal on Wordpress for a client where users have to submit forms (created with Gravity Forms). I'd like to be able to store the data from these forms, upon submission,...
kinganor's user avatar
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Better ads plugin has 500.000 entries in wp_postmeta

My wp_postmeta table is huge, around 1.2 million entries, about half of those are caused by bs entries (_bs_via_rel_2, _bs_review_verdict, _bs_source_url_2, _bs_source_url_3... etc). From what little ...
Adilicious's user avatar
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Unable to insert two value in two different columns (Wordpress database)

So I have made a new input with the name "Anaam". When users fill in their info in the input, it should go to the database. However, it will not. I have looked at youtube videos to solve this problem. ...
Parsa_237's user avatar
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why not selecting multiple rows of same standard_id using SQL query from database?

i have invested much more time in simple query ,i was trying to select different rows of same standard_id and in my database is two such rows which have same standard_id but from them i only getting ...
Tahridabbas's user avatar
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What is recommended data type and encryption type for password in a database

I want to know what data type and encryption type best to use in a database for user passwords. Thank you in advance.
Lucifer Levi's user avatar
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Can I disable auto increment of WordPress Posts Database to utilize previously deleted records?

When I delete a record field of WordPress posts database such as Post, Image, Page, etc. and add new item then it will add in a fresh record field due to auto increment function. But I would like to ...
Vaibhav Dhotre's user avatar
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1 answer

syntax error for changing user role from database

I want to change user role from the database, UPDATE wp_usermeta SET meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}' WHERE meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND meta_value = 'a:1:{s:9:"wpas_user";b:1;}'; ...
D.JCode's user avatar
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Changing root password in PHPMyAdmin for Wordpress Database when going live

Is it a good idea to create a password and make your password secure for your Wordpress database when uploading the database to a third-party web host (going live instead of hosting on localhost) ...
West's user avatar
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Duplicate database to roll back theme & content changes

I am going to update site to a new custom theme and it will take a few days to get all the work done. Can I duplicate a wp database in phpMYadmin, so i have wp-db1 and wp-db2. Then I can change wp-...
Joe Barrett's user avatar
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WP website showing blank page after moving from subdomain to main domain

I created my website on the subfolder After it was finished, I moved the website's files to the main adress (ftp). And after that, I edited ...
Kevin Verhoeven's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to create a wordpress database with php code?

Just curious . Is it some how possible to create a database with php code? I am having only having access to public_html folder and i want to make a wordpress installation. Is there any method to make ...
user avatar
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Delete all post meta except featured image Using SQL

Please I just migrated my site and I found out that wp_postmeta consumes most of my cpu resources, Is the any Sql code to Delete all post meta except the featured image. I dont want to Use wp ...
Godwin Alex Ogbonda's user avatar
3 votes
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Emojis getting converted to "?"

Emojis in posts and comments on a 500+ posts blog get converted automatically into single question marks in irregular and untraceable intervals. The respective tables wp_comments and wp_posts are ...
Jörg Mayer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where is the "default attribute" values located in the phpMyAdmin in Woocommerce?

I'm looking to mass remove or clear the default attribute for variable products in Woocommerce. Is there an easy way to mass clear this value? If not, would you be able to direct me on where I can ...
Humble Val's user avatar
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Wordpress Database Huge wp_usermeta Table

I have a wordpress site with over than 700,000 users. Each user adds more than 20 rows to the wp_usermeta table ! this is causing very slow queries and the website started to crash, login failure and ...
blugraphic's user avatar
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Can't update WordFence Options, clear data manually

I ran across this problem today. Found enough bits on Stack Overflow to finally get me there, but figured I'd post a coherent answer to my question. Problem: I can't save changes in WordFence, and ...
KingRichard's user avatar
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5 answers

How to replace values in Wordpress DB using phpMyAdmin

I am trying to save a value in a cg_option row/field using phpmyadmin, however data is not stored correctly and when loaded again after saving, only part of data appears. Do I need to use a conversion ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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2 answers

Connection refused on locahost after importing database?

I'm using Wordpress Instant for my development environment. It's a portable dev environment that allows me to run a local wp install off a usb, so it's portable and I can take it from one computer to ...
Aslan French's user avatar
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Users table association with users_metadata table appears broken

I noticed an issue after deploying a custom theme build to a Go Daddy Managed WordPress installation (client's request, RIP) wherein users created by the admin account in the WP back-end weren't ...
S. Coll's user avatar
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How to retrieve user data based on role using SQL?

I need to retrieve user data from SQL database and I have managed to do it with the SQL code given below: SELECT wpu6_users.display_name AS n_user_display_name, t1.meta_value AS ...
Arun Yogesh's user avatar
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import posts with dutch/special letters

I am importing posts from a csv file using the plugin Really Simple CSV Importer. I am uploading some posts in dutch language. The plugin uploads all the posts nicely but fails for the post which has ...
Kiran Dash's user avatar
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Will changing the folder name two directories above a fresh wordpress installation break the site?

I have a client who would like two Wordpress installs on his LAMP stack. The thing is he forgot to give me the directory names that he wants them on. So as per standard LAMP stack each site will be /...
little tiny man's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to Move Local Singlesite Database to Remote Multsite Database?

I'm fairly new to Wordpress and I'm a little confuse on how to take the database from my local server and replace it with the one on the server on a Wordpress multisite. I've replace database before ...
Radizzt's user avatar
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Wordpress character set issue

I'm currently migrating a wordpress site to a live server. When trying to import my database via phpMyAdmin I run across the following error below: Error CREATE TABLE `wp_commentmeta` ( `...
Samuel's user avatar
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Export only pages and posts with mysql dump

How to export only pages and posts using mysql database to database approach? More precisely: what tables should one select for dump (I suppose wp-posts and wp-post-meta ) is it safe to export only ...
Miloš Đakonović's user avatar
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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS with wordpress search

When I make a search on my site no posts are retrieved and through wordpress debug I get this error message: WordPress database error: [Table 'theme_se.wp_comments' doesn't exist] SELECT ...
HannesH's user avatar
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Missing latest posts and options after DB migration via phpMyAdmin

The latest posts and options are not appearing after importing the database. I'm missing all the latest posts and the latest Advanced Custom Fields. The export is from the remote server and import to ...
Laurence Lord's user avatar
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#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

I am trying to move my database from my usbwebserver to my online server. But I get this error, can anyone help me with this? #1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Ritchie's user avatar
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Delete all post meta except featured image

My aim is to clear up my database entries. I did a migration from blogger which added many useless post_meta. I found a plugin (db reset) that has the option to reset/delete all post meta. However if ...
IXN's user avatar
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get backup file from wordpress database in x days

I have a wordpress website with so many posts and custom fields located in meta table. What I have to do is to make backup from each 30 days (for posts and postsmeta table) and append it to my last ...
David Peterson's user avatar
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Check if a database is well installed

I tried to install wordpress under eclipse and xampp under ubuntu. I created the database (user: root, password: empty) by a sql command create database wordpress;, that is it. The wordpress seems to ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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Changed meta_key value in structures, now dashboard shows zero users

I was trying to edit the email form field so that it accepts int values like of a phone number. I knew very less about how database values work and this is what i did: 1. Figured out that email field ...
shrbisht's user avatar
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Post Views / Hit Counter Problem?

I have decide to use WordPress as a CMS to my 5 moths old website. I have already added all previous posts to my new site ( WordPress ). But now I need to change view counts to previous views counts. ...
Nilohn's user avatar
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Files on Localhost, Database on Server

With Wordpress, is it possible to work on localhost but have the DB on a server? So that workflow will be: 1) Work on localhost (but connected to remote database) 2) Upload JUST files via ...
Guit4eva's user avatar
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2 website 1 database... Local to online

I've two wordpress websites : - One online in FTP folder "www", for this website everything's ok ! - The second website is on localhost for the moment. I would like to put the second website on the ...
Vjardel's user avatar
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Set Display Name to first and last name (phpmyadmin SQL Query)

I'm trying to change all the users Display Names to be their first and last name. I have looked into a number of plugins and wrote my own PHP to try and accomplish this however the site has over 50,...
Toby Osborne's user avatar