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Questions tagged [child-theme]

Child theming is a safe way to modify a theme. A child theme inherits a "parent themes" styles and then can selectively override. This alternative to "destructive" editing allows for safe updating of the parent theme and provides an easy way to undo theme changes.

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Unable to remove action from parent theme via child theme

The Blank Slate theme (in its functions.php) adds a jQuery script to each page, which I would like to remove: <?php /* ... */ add_action( 'wp_footer', 'blankslate_footer' ); function ...
The-Coder-Who-Knew-Too-Little's user avatar
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Disable astra_get_search_form from generating in header [closed]

I have a website with an Astra child theme. Astra is generating a search form in my header. The form is generated 4x by Astra, and as the method="get". I don't use this form, and there is ...
MaxiGui's user avatar
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How to overwrite a thrid party block's css in a child theme?

Consider a Wordpress (6.6) child theme based on the default Twenty Twenty Four theme: How do you style form fields used in third party blocks? Just copy and pasting a modified version of the third ...
SePröbläm's user avatar
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How can i change the class of a post from a theme?

According to this link… …i can add a filter to change the class(es) of a post. How can I do this from a theme? I ...
rhavin's user avatar
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How to Use Webpack with WordPress Script Modules and Enqueue a Custom Class

I am working on a WordPress project using version 6.5, which introduced support for JavaScript modules. I have a parent theme that exports a JavaScript class, and I want to import this class in a ...
Nani samireddy's user avatar
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Migrating a Bootstrap 3 Website to WordPress

I'm in the process of migrating a legacy Bootstrap 3 website with around 300 pages to WordPress. I'm planning to use GeneratePress as the theme and WPBakery Page Builder along with some additional ...
Samuel's user avatar
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2 answers

For a Child Theme, do I duplicate the parent style.css and then add my child css?

I'm creating and installing a child theme for the first time. There are only a few edits to the style.css and one to the functions.php file. Do I need to copy the entire parent style.css into the ...
denewey's user avatar
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Twenty Twenty One update changes dom classes and breaks my child theme

I built my first child theme and am paying the price of my ignorance. It basically breaks all the time. Every update to the main theme (Twenty Twenty One) seems to change some class name that my js ...
milpool's user avatar
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Can't make an external api call in php side of wordpress child theme

Edited 07-14-24 to show permission callback in api Edit 2: showed my fatal error I'm new to making api calls in wordpress. I need to make an api call through the backend to a 3rd party api. I can't do ...
vroque2022's user avatar
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Live Preview while customizing is not showing the updates while editing in WordPress

I'm working on a small website in WordPress, when clicking the "customize" button, it will open a page that shows a "Live Preview" of the website and allows you to add custom CSS ...
Zahraa's user avatar
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Can't disable child theme style

I got problems with my twentytwenty child theme and hope, that someone can help me. In order to optimize my website for speed, I'd like to use critical css as inline code. To do that, I wanted to call ...
Andreas Böttcher's user avatar
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Trying to insert widget code into theme function

The site I am working on has a function in the theme (Botiga) that creates a wrapper row that displays a sorting dropdown for the items below. The default output is the dropdown displays in the right ...
semidivine's user avatar
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Proper way to load styles using a child theme

I decided to start using Elementor Hello theme for building my websites. In the past, I always edited style, templates and other theme files directly from the original theme directory, but I decided ...
Martin Peternel's user avatar
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How to move custom icons from parent theme to the child theme

I have two sets of custom font icons that from my understanding are being loaded by two php files of the theme that i am making a child theme of : admin-style.php & icons.php admin-style.php : <...
Nick Delhanidis's user avatar
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Child theme's functions.php not being read (child theme's autoload.php not being run)

Our child theme's functions.php contains: require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; However, the files that autoload.php loads are not being loaded, and a fatal error occurs. '/vendor/autoload....
Steve's user avatar
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1 answer

enqueue_custom_scripts isn't working

I am attempting to use javascript to activate hotpots I have made in Wordpress, (using HTML and CSS but when trying to enqueue my custom script. Nothing is happening. function ...
CiaranQM's user avatar
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3 answers

Wordpress child theme widget customization - Eduma

0 I'm in a bit of a struggle at the moment so I could use some help. The thing is, I need to fix some fields for registration in the Eduma theme Eduma theme has it's own child theme called Eduma-child,...
PhantomPhreak1995's user avatar
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ACF Pro simple Business Directory - Requesting assistance with created Templates and associated Functions.php Coding

I want to replicate the basic Business Directory functionality found at this URL. We've not had any luck with off-the-shelf software and our needs are very basic. This ...
Micah K's user avatar
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How do I create a single.php file as the default template for single posts in the twentytwentythree theme?

I am trying to create a single.php file to be the default template for displaying single posts in a child theme that I have created from the TwentyTwentyThree theme. The reason I want to set this as ...
Shanahando's user avatar
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How to disable the autozoom on mouseover for the product image in Storefront theme of WooCommerce?

I'm currently using the WooCommerce plugin with the Storefront theme on my WordPress site. On the single product pages, the main product image has a default mouseover behavior that I want to modify. ...
David Menache's user avatar
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Category theme template becomes default template for child theme

I am developing a child theme and have created a custom template for "category/ archives" page for a specific category However, For some reason this custom template has become the default ...
Kendall's user avatar
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twentytwenty children theme, using gutenberg, changing a title change them all

I started to look forward modifying thèmes and i made a children theme from twentytwenty. On the landing page, using gutenberg, i edited page name at top, then added some paragraph, gallery and when ...
akalabete's user avatar
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Child Theme Reverts to Parent Theme After Activation: Customizations Lost

I'm experiencing an issue with my WordPress child theme. I created a child theme based on the 'drinkify-lite' parent theme and used the provided code to enqueue the parent styles in my child theme's ...
Marlon Montenegro's user avatar
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How do I know if the custom theme is a child theme or a full-custom theme?

Inherited a custom built WordPress site. How do I know if the theme it uses is a child theme or a full-custom theme? I would like to delete the unused themes for security and to free up space, but ...
mimibushart's user avatar
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How can I add ReactJS to the child theme?

So I wrote ReactJS, CSS and HTML code of a calendar, separately from WordPress development, and want to add this calendar to a specific page on my website. So far I have this code: function ...
Hercules' Creed's user avatar
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Unload templates; disable parent Template Parts using only "theme.json"

I'm currently creating a child theme in WordPress and I'm having trouble with template parts and custom templates from parent theme. In particular, I want to disable some of the template parts ...
Vladan's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom WP Blocks (register_block_type) in a Parent Theme

I have a parent theme that was developed as a project base, and within that I have been building up a group of completely custom WP Blocks (scaffolded with npx @wordpress/create-block). These blocks ...
Ben's user avatar
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Modifying posts based on category in TwentyTwentyTwo theme

This is quite a starter question. I want to change the style of all the posts in the "photos" category by adding custom CSS to the style.css file of my child theme. However, I cannot find any ...
Klosmi's user avatar
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Any plugin installation and update overwrite current theme

I'm facing a strange situation. I have a website with custom theme and custom child theme active and every time I try to update or install a plugin via admin interface, the plugin extracted files ...
MKay's user avatar
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Is it possible to load a child theme from a remote server?

Was wondering if we could store and serve a child theme (style & functions pages) on a remote server or website instead of a folder within the main theme & hosting? Or do you always have to ...
speedypancake's user avatar
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Custom Theme Additonal CSS "<" and ">" are transformed to "&gt" and "&lt"

Im using Elementor Child Theme and in there im sometimes writing "Additional CSS" and till yesterday everyting was working correct. But since today "<" and ">" are ...
Rick H.'s user avatar
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How can I use AJAX in child theme template?

I'm trying to perform an action with AJAX in a Child theme template in Wordpress. I've looked into many similar issues. However, I couldn't find a solution. I've been dealing with this for about 2 ...
peramsm122s's user avatar
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Child theme css not loading when declared in parent functions

This code exists in the parent theme functions to load the child theme styles if the file exists but it is not loading at all even though the theme.css file is present in the child theme assets ...
zigojacko's user avatar
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post_row_actions filter from parent theme not executing in child theme

In functions.php for a theme I include a file that adds functionality to allow the easy duplication of posts - the include file contains the code from this (very useful) webpage. I include it like ...
toby1kenobi's user avatar
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theme.json should be in the child theme folder when using xxxx.json style located in the styles folder?

I'm making a child theme of TT3. I'm using a json style in my child theme located in a styles named folder. Do I have to have a copy of TT3 theme.json in my child theme ?
Gilles L.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Twenty-Twenty-Two Child Theme Mega Menu

I’ve got a limited knowledge of CSS. What I know I've learned while programming. That said, I’m working with the Twenty-Twenty-Two theme. I’m trying to add a mega-menu to my child theme. The ...
Phil Huhn's user avatar
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How to fix enqueue_styles error for a twenty-seventeen childtheme

I have searched your site but cannot find and fix this error I get: Notice: Function wp_enqueue_style was called <strong>incorrectly</strong>. Scripts and styles should not be registered ...
Prink1978's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to set the background color of a template part (Header/Footer) in Twenty Twentythree?

In Wordpress's shiny new Twenty Twentythree theme, how can you assign a background color to the header or foother template parts? Can this be done in a child theme - through theme.json? Or somehow ...
SePröbläm's user avatar
5 votes
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How to move the customizations done in the Editor to my child theme?

Dashboard -> Appearance -> Editor -> 3-dots menu -> Export lets one download a zip file, which contains the folders parts and templates that - according to various online tutorials - ...
anick's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove Google Fonts from parent theme within a child theme [closed]

I'm using a third-party theme with a custom child theme on a website and want to remove the Google Fonts from the parent theme within the child theme's functions.php. This is not working - nothing ...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Custom Post-Rename Function Does Not Function in WordPress 6.x

I have the following function in functions.php in a child theme: <?php add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data' , 'modify_post_title' , '99', 1 ); // Grabs the inserted post data so you can modify it. ...
Zyniker's user avatar
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How can I show template dropdown in custom post type?

I have created a new custom post type in wordpress using register_post_type() function But when I click on add new in right side the editor not showing template choose option as you can see in ...
Irfan Emon's user avatar
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ways to create customized theme (hard coded - no pagebuilder)

I'm a front-end developer, I have question hope u guys can help me, what do you think is the best practice to create a customized theme? I have this project and I'm contemplating which method to use. ...
agent abstract's user avatar
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Check if style is declared in child theme from within parent theme. if so, use that style in parent theme

Wondering if there is a way to check if a scss style is declared in a child theme. If it is then i would like to use that style inside its parent theme. Does something like this exist?
user226058's user avatar
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How to handle a large child theme

I downloaded a theme which was set up with lots of "unnecessary" functions, but the core funtionality is good, rare, and very hard for me to re-create, so I want to stick with it. However, I ...
eligolf's user avatar
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Inline CSS header style priority function.php Child (no enqueing I think)

I am webdesigner that knows some basic CSS and HTML. I never worked with PHP and I don't know how to handle this problem but I think it's fairly easy... Well I hope. This is the code: <?php if ( ! ...
Pim Van Delft's user avatar
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How to replace function in child theme?

There is a function in the parent theme: function latest_comments($list_number = 5, $cut_length = 50) { global $wpdb, $output; $comments = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ...
Varnothing's user avatar
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How to override theme class function to child theme? [closed]

File: wp-content\themes\theme-t\includes\classes\ClassX.php class ClassX extends Base { public function some_logic() {} } I want to change the logic of some_logic() via child theme, how it is ...
Sohil's user avatar
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Show excerpt and not full post in Twenty Seventeen

Help a non-coder out! I tried using child theme configurator, and have successful created a theme child, but it doesn't appear to contain the same code as the parent theme. And all the answers to a ...
Clovis's user avatar
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Child Theme style.css changes aren't showing. Parent "style-less.css" over rides it, and won't update

I'm using a child theme with a style.css file and none of the updates are showing on the live site. When I view the child theme style.css file via "view page source" the changes show in the ...
Derek's user avatar
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