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Update a buggy installation

My site is pretty slow , so I am looking to update the wordpress in hopes of getting it back on track. What are best practices? because , getting few PHP notice & warnings in the Debug log. + The ...
Dhaval Joshi's user avatar
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How to periodically roll back WordPress to a fixed point in time?

I have a demo WordPress site that showcases a plugin I created. The plugin lets users interact with content from the front-end and could potentially result in a nightmare of content bloat over time. I'...
Industrial Themes's user avatar
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Backing up and restoring multiple sites efficiently

We are offering complete website backup and restore services once per month to our clients. 90% of the sites are WordPress but hosted in a variety of hosting facilities with varying access (some ...
Drongo's user avatar
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Restose content from revisions - sql query

How i can restore all posts to the closest revision to a particular date via sql query?
h404's user avatar
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get backup file from wordpress database in x days

I have a wordpress website with so many posts and custom fields located in meta table. What I have to do is to make backup from each 30 days (for posts and postsmeta table) and append it to my last ...
David Peterson's user avatar
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Backing up Wordpress database and files

I've tried a few third party plugins for backing up my site, with some working well and others not so much, so I'm trying out backing up the site manually. Is there anything I'm missing here or is ...
Jay's user avatar
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Backup localhost (wamp) database (phpmyadmin) from harddrive files on windows? For WordPress?

Is it possible to backup files from a old hard drive without having access to phpmyadmin? Could someone point me in the right direction?
Josh's user avatar
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