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Dynamically getting tags in post edit screen

I am trying to dynamically get the post's tags as the user adds them while editting a post, but I have not found any hook related to that action. I know I can make my own hooks, but the thing is that ...
Zeko's user avatar
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My meta box don't want to save value

I've been fighting with that for three days and I can't figure out, why my code doesn't work? <?php function my_custom_post_product() { $labels = array( 'name' => ...
Marcin Panek's user avatar
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Just the First Metabox what saves the data!

I have a problem with meta boxes that I working on! I'm making a small meta box framework for my theme but I got a weird problem that is the first meta box the first array it's the only one saves ...
hesham shawky's user avatar
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Add_Meta_box to custom page (formidable edit post)

I'm working on a minor "project" on my wordpress site, and im trying to add a custom metabox to the formidable - edit post(page?) screen. But i seem to be unable to figure out how to do it. ...
Mac's user avatar
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I need show posts by customer (Shortcode)

I have customers in one new custom post type. And in my posts is created one metabox with all customers (select option). Only need compare, what option select user and show all post by this customer ...
Luis Paico's user avatar
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How save custom meta type posts multicheck grouped by taxonomy (with CMB2) [closed]

I'm using CMB2 ( for add new meta to post types. I'm trying to add a new custom meta with a list of posts grouped by taxonomy, but I do not know how to save them. I would ...
xechino's user avatar
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why my wordpress dont have toolbar like, plugin, themes and other?

why my wordpress dont have toolbar like, plugin, themes and other ? thet is screenprint of my wp.
ago's user avatar
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Slug is changing when I use WP_Query in a metabox of a post

I want to use a metabox that allows the author to select the related post in all post edit pages.. The codes are working when publish the post, the meta is being saved.. But the post's slug is ...
D. Merchant's user avatar
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Save datapicker date into wordpress admin

i have question: i need when user pick to date in datapicker and press button and filled all field in form, need to save this data with selected ...
John Genry's user avatar
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Metabox - Displaying the Value of a Metabox

newbie here. I am struggling around for hours. I am developing my first WP Plugin where I can enter products (product title and description). It seems that wp saves my description in the db, ...
hd_'s user avatar
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Can't get meta values to save

I'm trying to write a class to make meta boxes. The boxes display fine, but I can't seem to get the values to save. It seems like the Save function isn't being called at all. As a further experiment,...
Mandu's user avatar
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php output of generated custom metabox

I have used WordPress Meta Box Generator v2 Beta website to generate a custom meta box to upload a custom image file in to custom post and in admin side everything seems to work fine but I can not to ...
Prusakov's user avatar
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add instructions to upload pages and / or forms

I want to put file prep instruction on the media upload forms/pages/tabs. There are a lot of people using the admin. There is a CMS guide but it is rarely read causing issues with page load slow ...
v3nt's user avatar
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how to update editor content from metabox

hello am trying to update and add editor content from metabox not using the default editor so i tried to use wp_update_post($array); but doesn't work it cause issue Fatal error: Maximum ...
Mouner Mostafa's user avatar
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get wordpress post loop by meta box date

hello i just added date input by using metabox but i can't sort the loop in the front end page by latest metabox input date i try this $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'meta_key' =>...
Mouner Mostafa's user avatar
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wp_editor metabox does not output the saved html format

I have used wp_editor as a meta box for additional contents. Although it saves and displays the content, it does not save the format. Meaning, heading and paragraph tags are saved as simple text ...
jeff's user avatar
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Unable to save multiple images in wordpress

I'm creating meta box to attach gallery of images into posts. But I get only one image after saved. Please correct my callback function below: function save_custom_meta_data($id) { /* --- ...
112233's user avatar
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check_admin_referer not working in custom meta box for custom post type

In my callback function (the one which output HTML for forms) of add_meta_box, I am using wp_nonce_field( 'uniqueid', 'my_nonce' ) Now in saving function, I am using this at top to verify nonce ...
sanjay ojha's user avatar
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Metabox messes up permalink

<?php add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'la_season_sponsor_add_metaboxes' ); function la_season_sponsor_add_metaboxes() { // TEMP-FIX FOR FAULTY PERMALINKS global $post, $wp_query; $...
Niels Tieman's user avatar
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Custom meta box data not saving

I created this meta box for my custom theme. I thought I followed all the guidelines, but I'm hitting a wall. The meta box and all fields are showing, but when I update, the data is not saved. Meta ...
ekspresyon's user avatar
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Hiding the widget meta box in the Appearance->Widget screen

I don't want to unregister_widget() the widget on the screen, rather, just hide them for admins. Any ideas? I tried: remove_meta_box('widget-id', 'widgets'); but I couldn't figure out the second ...
Tanner's user avatar
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meta field for numerous links

I'm currently trying to store something which looks like this. [links] => array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => ...
Wayward's user avatar
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How to add custom Author Info Box to blog posts "only" and NOT custom post templates

I’m not a php developer. I can handle html and css and my goal is to become proficient with php and javascript but right now I dabble with the latter two. In this case, I added some code to functions....
rvc2's user avatar
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3 answers

Get value from meta box

I'm trying to write a plugin that adds a value from a meta box to a post on save_post. But I can't figure out how to get the value from the form field in the meta box This is the relevant code: ...
user2994259's user avatar
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Saving custom fields for WP_Query to retrieve

Thanks in advance for any help offered. I am writing a plugin for wordpress that has multiple custom post types sharing some custom meta boxes and fields. I have everything working and saving ...
marwyk87's user avatar
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Save metabox checkboxes values to custom content type

I'm trying to save checkboxes values to categories for custom content type. I have printed the values of the IDs, the array with checkboxes values and all looks good, but at the end, the values doesn'...
Tiyome's user avatar
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My own metabox checkbox plugin only saves the last value I've checked

I'm building my own metabox with checkboxes. I want to save the values of the checkboxes I've cheked as categories (IDs). I have build an array to append the values of the checkboxes, but it only ...
Tiyome's user avatar
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Populate metabox dropdown with post title from another Custom Post Type (issues with wp_reset / global $post)

I have a custom post type, and in there I have a metabox with a dropdown. The dropdown is populated with the titles of posts from another custom post type. My metabox system works. I tried ...
Quin's user avatar
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CMB2 Post Search Field displays/repeats initial post if left empty

I'm using CMB2 and the CMB2 Post Search Field to create a one-to-many link between different types of posts (including custom post types), with the post search field in a repeatable metabox group, so ...
liblogger's user avatar
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How modify comments metabox on post edit screen in Wordpress?

I search a solution for custom the comment's html on post edit screen when i click to the button "add new comment". I want to add a ACF field in the form. The codex not explain a solution... Or an ...
Hoplaventure's user avatar
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Create Meta boxes dynamically

I followed and created a meta box using all code from this question here: Create more Meta Boxes as needed Basically only two fields are created when you click on Add track button: Song title field ...
David Medeiros's user avatar
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Generating Custom Post Type list, within admin of another custom post type

Is there a way to generate a custom post type list within the admin of another custom post type and use that information as meta data? For example, there is one custom_post_type named "Attorney" and ...
Dave Micheal Galliford's user avatar
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How to show all the associated posts with specific date of data metabox?

I need someone to answer this question. I have metabox which shows date: $date = rwmb_meta( 'pb_match_date', '', $post->ID ); I want to get all the associated posts with specific date of that ...
bdtheme's user avatar
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Update custom table on metabox POST

So here is the problem : I have created a metabox field for my posts and I want it to update a custom table (wp_location) in my WP datase... The idea is to update the table with the value of the POST ...
Hub Lot's user avatar
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Do something with thumbnail image on post publish

For example get width and height of the image and save it to a custom field.
Megh Gandhi's user avatar
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Collect custom post in a calendar

I'm working on a site in which I have incorporated a calendar of events, which also serves as navigation in the events page. That is to say that when I click on a calendar date associated events occur....
user106159's user avatar
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How to retrieve custom post type permalink in another cpt?

I have a metabox which shows custom post type named football_player as dropdown.Now I want retrieve the permalink of this custom post in another custom post named football_team template. Everything; ...
bdtheme's user avatar
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Sub Field of File Field

Is it possible to add sub text field alongside with file field (for PDF upload) with "meta box" plugin or even custom code? taking into consideration that the file field is multiple ex: File #1: [...
mohamad salama's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I remove this sidebar from my Search Results page?

I don't want to display this particular sidebar on my website's search results page because it displays details (SITE ADMIN,, etc) which I want to hide from the user. How can I hide or ...
OmarQaziDev's user avatar
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Save input form on custom field

I have an idea but I don't know if it's working on wordpress. I wanna save/stock input values on a custom field or metabox, is that something can work on wordpress? I couldn't find any way to develop ...
Carl Willis's user avatar
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Custom meta box in editor of custom post type not working

I made a plugin using a custom post type, then I added a shortcode to display a specific post of that type in any page the user wants to. Now I want to put a meta box in the editor page so the user ...
Julián Bonilla's user avatar
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issue with saving custom metaboxes fields

I have a post_type named room_type and a taxonomy room_facility. Between them I want a relationship. Furthermore I would like to add a value for each relationship room_type and room_facility. So the ...
MolteNolte's user avatar
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How to shows CPT which has specific meta key?

I am trying to show post from CPT, but it shows no records.I want to show posts which has meta_key:match_details_competition_name and match_details_session_name.Hollowing are my codes. function ...
bdtheme's user avatar
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How can I add metaboxs to Admin Bar?

Is there a way to add a metabox to the admin bar? My goal is to be able to change the categories, tags and publish date / time, status & visibility of a post on the front end of any post/page. I'...
Erik Malson's user avatar
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Custom fields changes the formatting of metabox input

I have just started learning Wordpress so please go easy on me here. I have managed to setup a custom metabox with some text fields. If I enter some sample text in these input boxes, the code gets ...
Arete's user avatar
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Custom WP Meta Box - Use data from within the post screen inside meta box

I have created a custom Meta Box that appears on my WP post edit screen. I would like this box to be an image preview of sorts, the URL for the image should be controlled by another field on the post ...
James's user avatar
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How Add a Save Button to Custom Meta Box without Leave/Stay js Dialog?

I remove the publish default button and add a custom submit button for the post page, but wordpress save it like a draft after showing the (js alert) dialog: "stay or leave the page?"
SatuWeb's user avatar
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How to show select_advanced content instead of ID?

When I am using this code, it only shows the ID instead of its content. I want to show the content instead, how can fix this? array( 'name' => __( 'Select Home Team ', 'themepixels' ), 'id'...
bdtheme's user avatar
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WordPress AJAX load post metadata in modal

I have a custom page template (front-page.php) and I have a custom metabox which is assigned to this page template. Metabox have 7 sections, and each section have 2 inputs. It looks like: 1. Client ...
vitality's user avatar
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Render the metabox input values as HTML

I'm new to PHP and WordPress. I've created a site on WordPress, where the user can add an HTML code snippet (the inputs are taken using a metabox and displayed). The problem is WordPress doesn't ...
Jinson Johny's user avatar

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