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Questions tagged [screen-options]

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Wordpress not displaying columns to hide/show on screen options

I have installed Wordpress 5.8.3 which is at the moment the latest version available. I'm trying to hide certain columns within the posts dashboard, but for some reason I doesn't have the option to do ...
sfarzoso's user avatar
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Home Dashboard Screen Options always change

Like any other WordPress user I have installed a few Themes and Plugins. I recently noticed that the boxes on my Home Dashboard change every now and then and only 3 of them they are always there: ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
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Remove check boxes and its label from screen option for custom role

I want to hide many check boxes and its label in screen option only for custom user role (wdm_instructor and group_leader). How to apply below code so its for custom user role only: add_action( '...
jasaweb's user avatar
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Error on clicking 'Screen Options' tab only at Products-related editor screen(s) and for specific user

My client has problems with the Screen Options tab and in general with Javascript (or maybe WPBakery) related parts of the Admin screen. WPBakery-s blue buttons are not displaying to him at all. And ...
Viktor Borítás's user avatar
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How can I 'check' the "custom fields" box from the Screen Options?

I am using the latest version of WordPress v5.3.2. I am trying to find out a way [through Code] to enable 'Custom Fields' by default, when on the Add/Edit Post/Page pages, at least for the one's ...
Tanveer Malik's user avatar
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Wordpress Screen Options, Help, Visual editor, Status, Visibility, Revisions, Published on and any toggled indicator don't work for posts

New to WordPress, I'm trying to debug the problem briefly described in the title of this question. None of these links works in our site when we edit a post. All work fine in any other components (...
Ricardo Rodríguez's user avatar
1 vote
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Enable all Screen Options by default

I am currently hiding the screen options tab on a post edit screen with this function... add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'remove_screen_options'); function remove_screen_options(){ ...
fightstarr20's user avatar
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I can't find the Screen Options menu when editing blog posts

I am trying to change the author of a blog post but can't find the Screen Options menu when editing a blog post. Can you help? I've included a screen shot.
Debbie Eck's user avatar
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Hide some items from Screen options in dashboard for products

I am trying to unset/hide some options in dashboard. I am trying it for products screen. Here is the screenshot Here is the code i tried to hide SKU /** Hide Dashboard widget by default via Screen ...
Nimesh Deo's user avatar
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check for the current screen

i'm working on my core theme plugin, i created a theme options in theme admin page, normally to avoid nonces errors, i must separate the sections with tabbed navigation, so i successfully did it , the ...
Simo Patrek's user avatar
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Declare Global Variable In OOP PHP

I'm working on my Plugin & i wanted to declare one of the global wordpress variables which is $current_screen To Check whether The user is on the target page or some other page, my Approach was ...
Simo Patrek's user avatar
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Dashboard widget, screen options/help doesn't work?

I have managed to break something with my Wordpress Multisite install. I have tried deactivating every plugin and activating again. Right now I cannot click the Screen Options or Help in the dashboard ...
jockebq's user avatar
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Add options to the "Screen Options" section on the "Menus" editor

I'm working on a system to add custom options to the WordPress menu editor, and I'd like to integrate it with the Screen Options panel. In my research, I couldn't find anything on modifying an ...
JacobTheDev's user avatar
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How do I add more options to the post-new.php page?

Some themes have options such as 'enabling or disabling the sidebar', etc, on the post-new.php page. How can I do those (without plugins, I'm making a theme from scratch)
NovoBook's user avatar
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WP Custom Fields Metabox Disappears - ACF plugin issue [closed]

The WP custom fields metabox on all posts (including CPTs) disappear, and the checkbox in a post's Screen Options is also gone. This only happens when Advanced Custom Fields is activated. None of my ...
David's user avatar
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How to set screen options layout value for a single page

On functions.php or from the UI, does WordPress provide a way to change the screen options layout value for a specific page? Right now when I make the switch from 2 columns to 1 column, it changes ...
klewis's user avatar
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WordPress Screen options does not show any fields

I have a Wordpress installation with a modified TwentySeventeen theme. When on any page of the admin I can click the "Screen options" tab and it expands but it is completely empty. Nothing in my ...
Reine Johansson's user avatar
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Disabling 'posts' in Appearance > Menus

I need to 'soft' disable posts in a WordPress site. By that I mean I am hiding the 'Posts' menu item from admin... and not much else. I would also like to disable 'posts' from appearing in the Menu ...
Alan Shortis's user avatar
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Custom Admin Section

I am creating a new custom admin page. For reasons I cannot explain here (due to the length of the explanation), I cannot create the custom admin section via Custom Post Type, but rather, I have to ...
Greeso's user avatar
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Force 3 Column Dashboard Widgets

Is it possible to force the WP dashboard to show 3 columns at all times?
Amjad's user avatar
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How to set default visible columns in posts list, for all users

Is there a way to set default visible columns in posts list, for all users?
Riccardo's user avatar
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Remove Category description textarea

For a custom taxonomy I have created. For each new item, the description field is showing. I would like to hide the description textarea ( Since you can see from the image that I am using an advanced ...
Kiran Dash's user avatar
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How modify comments metabox on post edit screen in Wordpress?

I search a solution for custom the comment's html on post edit screen when i click to the button "add new comment". I want to add a ACF field in the form. The codex not explain a solution... Or an ...
Hoplaventure's user avatar
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WordPress custom setting page - add flashing message

I have a custom settings page for my plugin that has in the same page a submit button and a link like
llanfair's user avatar
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'Screen Options' is missing. Where should I start troubleshooting?

My plugins are updated, my WordPress core is upgraded, and I don't have anything too fancy on the website. Yet 'Screen Options' is missing. Where should I begin troubleshooting?
EnglishTeacherEric's user avatar
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Recognising a screen size change

I trying to understand what is happening with the Wordpress theme that I am using. The menu is found on the right hand side of the page and when the window size is made smaller it changes to a single ...
RGriffiths's user avatar
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Getting error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'add_filter' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION)

I am getting error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'add_filter' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) when i write the below code in my plugin class file. but this is the only easiest ...
Kerry's user avatar
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Where are screen options when in admin on mobile?

I'm working in the WordPress admin area on my smartphone. Where are the screen options? I need to "Show advanced menu properties".
user avatar
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Add simple field column to the posts screen

I know that manage_posts_columns is the hook for managing the column in post screen. I can add a column with following code, // add new column hook add_filter('manage_posts_columns', '...
Janith Chinthana's user avatar
4 votes
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Add a custom tab alongside Screen Options and Help

Using the WP_Screen object, is it possible to add additional tabs to a custom admin settings page? I already have Screen Options and Help, but I also wish to add a Import/Export tab. I've looked in ...
David Gard's user avatar
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4 answers

set role specific screen options in post summary page

I need to set different screen options(title,author,categories...) in post summary page for non admin users(editor,author..) which can not be altered by user him/her self. Example : This is the ...
Janith Chinthana's user avatar
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Make Post Editor Select Number of Columns To 1 By Default

I want to make the Number of Columns in screen options for a custom post type is selected to 1 by default, instead of 2, which means full screen. How this can be done?
Ari's user avatar
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Hiding Metabox from Screen Options Pull Down

I've created a Custom Post Type (CPT) which has 2 metaboxes. On the Edit Page for the CPT, the screen options pull down (at top) displays the metaboxes and gives the user the option to "Show on ...
sleeper's user avatar
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Extend Screen Options

I'm customizing the WP-admin and want to add a toggle button to switch between the customized admin and the default admin. I'd like to place that button in the Screen Options drop down tab. Is there ...
davidcondrey's user avatar
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Change default screen option value for media items per page (in media library)

I want to remove pagination by changing the default screen option value for posts per page, pages per page and media items per page, in the admin area, to 999. The default value is set to 20. I found ...
codeview's user avatar
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Change default screen option value for posts per page

I want to change the default screen option value for posts per page in the wp-admin area when listing posts in pending mode. The default value is set to 20. Changing the value directly in the Screen ...
Christine Cooper's user avatar
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Wordpress 3.8 - Dashboard 1 Column Screen Options

With the new Wordpress 3.8 under Screen Options they seem to have misplaced the "Columns" feature where you could put your widgets into 1 Column, 2 Columns, 3 Columns, or 4 Columns. My question is how ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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Add data-icon input to Wordpress custom menu links

I need to add a data-icon="" input to my Wordpress Custom Menu input box thing. This is so I can use an icon font and type the code in for a specific icon and in the CSS use pseudo elements to match ...
Tom Oakley's user avatar
2 votes
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get_current_screen() inside add_action('admin_menu')

I am successfully using get_current_screen(); to get the post_type to decide whether to manipulate a meta box or not. I also need to use it in: add_action('admin_menu', 'infographicMetaBox'); ...
Titan's user avatar
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Show more than 20 items in pages or posts edit dashboard

How can an admin display more than 20 items under "ALL posts" ( or on other pages )?
T.Todua's user avatar
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Showing user ID on user main page from screen options

On the user main page in the screen options, you have some choices for displaying user information e.g.. e-mail, role, posts etc.. Is there a way to be able to display the user's unique ID?
Romes's user avatar
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Add screen options to custom admin pages

I want to add screen options to my plugin settings page, like the ones that are available in the Dashboard. I tried using the add_option method of the WP_Screen object and found that it supports only ...
Sudar's user avatar
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Screen options on a different computer

Is it possible to keep dashboard screen options (for instance, not showing custom fields) across computers?
drake035's user avatar
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Set default screen option for appearance -> menus

Is it possible to have any control over the screen options for Appearance>Menus. I am working on a theme and with a fresh Wordpress install where I had never touched any of the screen options ( at ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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Automatically show 'taxonomy' meta box by default in Appearance > Menus?

Is there a way (with code) to automatically show the 'taxonomy' meta box in Appearance > Menus ? This way, the users don't have to click on the 'Screen Options' tab > 'Show on screen' > 'taxonomy' ...
Gilles Vauvarin's user avatar
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Screen Options Wordpress WYSIWYG

Is there any way to set a checkbox for WYSIWYG box in this options so admin is able to hide it in case there's no need for content in a page
Paradise's user avatar
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How to set default metaboxes on user creation?

Just for repetition's sake, I want to do the following: I need to set custom fields and the excerpt metaboxes for WP default Posts post type when a new user is created. I know that by default WP doesn'...
george.n's user avatar
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How can we customize the logo and some text on the welcome screen?

I have found discussions and solutions on hiding or removing the lately introduced Welcome screen. But we DO find the screen, as a whole, very useful and an excellent addition. So, what we are ...
marikamitsos's user avatar
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How to Remove Certain Screen Options and Table Columns from post type in wp_list_table?

On the page where we list all posts made: There is a Screen Options tab in the upper right corner. Upon clicking this, a menu slides down. Contained within this ...
Michael Ecklund's user avatar
10 votes
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How to Remove Certain Screen Options and Meta Boxes from add/edit post type?

Now, when you add or edit a particular post within your desired post type, there are more screen options as well. Although, these Screen Options are showing/hiding meta boxes. I would like to be able ...
Michael Ecklund's user avatar