I have an idea but I don't know if it's working on wordpress.

I wanna save/stock input values on a custom field or metabox, is that something can work on wordpress? I couldn't find any way to develop such a thing.

I hope I had describe my idea.

  • So, you're saying you want to create some default custom fields with default values on post creation?
    – socki03
    Commented Oct 19, 2016 at 21:44
  • @socki03 exactly, I have created a custom post type with many custom fields, so i want to save what people insert in the form input on the custom field. Commented Oct 19, 2016 at 21:47
  • Then you'll want to use the save_post action once your post is created, you can update_post_meta all the form fields to custom fields. Unfortunately, I can't be more specific without any more information. codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/save_post
    – socki03
    Commented Oct 19, 2016 at 21:57


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