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30 votes

Add <meta> tags to the <head> section via functions.php

The hook you're looking for is specifically wp_head which could look something like this: function theme_xyz_header_metadata() { // Post object if needed // global $post; // Page ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
  • 20.8k
10 votes

How can i remove JUST the title tag from wp_head() function?

You can see everything added to wp_head in the file /wp-includes/default-filters.php. If your theme supports the title tag, you can remove it entirely with remove_action: remove_action( 'wp_head', '...
Milo's user avatar
  • 78.8k
8 votes

Is there a way to read or list wp_head() contents?

I wanted to search-and-replace in the header, but Neither @majick or @Samuel Elh answers worked for me directly. So, combining their answers I got what eventually works: function start_wp_head_buffer(...
Putnik's user avatar
  • 198
6 votes

Remove all theme CSS & JS from wp_head (but only for 1 page template)

Thank you for your help! This solution works with my theme: function remove_all_theme_styles() { if ( is_page_template('template-landing.php') ) { global $wp_styles; $wp_styles->queue = ...
Heinrich Held's user avatar
6 votes

wp_head() outputs in body

This is your browser's attempt to avoid invalid markup. Your echo ' test'; outputs something that does not belong in a head tag, so the browser closes it and opens the body tag. If you look at the ...
Milo's user avatar
  • 78.8k
5 votes

Removing specific style from wp_head

Note: the file name is functions.php, not function.php (but that's probably just a typo in the question). To remove a script or style, you must remove it after it was added. If you try to remove it ...
Futuritous's user avatar
4 votes

How to load different css file for different pages

You can achieve this using conditionals inside the function enqueuing your styles. function wpdocs_theme_name_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'global', get_stylesheet_uri() ); if ( is_page(5) )...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 919
4 votes

wp_head hook by page ID

If you want to use different meta tags for different pages I recommend you to use custom field values. If you prefer to do it with conditional functions, try this: add_action( 'wp_head','...
Misha Rudrastyh's user avatar
4 votes

Replace category titles

Well thank you for this question i did this after you posted this function category_title( $title ){ if( is_category('name1') ){ $title = 'name1 title'; }elseif( is_category('name2') ){ $...
sagar's user avatar
  • 181
3 votes

How can i remove JUST the title tag from wp_head() function?

Wordpress 5.7.1 with Yoast SEO installed Working code is: add_filter('document_title_parts', '__return_empty_array', 10);
Andrew Kozoriz's user avatar
3 votes

Is possible dequeue/remove style from wp_footer() hook and add on wp_head() hook?

If you look at the source code, you can see that wp_enqueue_style( 'crayon' ) is called in Crayon::enqueue_resources() which itself is called either from either Crayon::the_content() or Crayon::...
Nathan Johnson's user avatar
3 votes

How can I get wp_head() as a string instead of echoing it?

You can use PHP's output buffering. WIth this you can write a wrapper for the get_head() function function wpse251841_wp_head() { ob_start(); wp_head(); return ob_get_clean(); } You can ...
Tunji's user avatar
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3 votes

storing wp_head in a variable?

This function doesn't take any params, so there is no nice way of doing it. But of course you can do this PHP way using output buffering ;) ob_start(); wp_head(); $var = ob_get_clean();
Krzysiek Dróżdż's user avatar
3 votes

How can I change the <head> tag contents of individual Wordpress posts?

I would read this article, its from Yoast. I don't think you are understanding what the focus keyword feature does. This article talks about that as well as how adding the keyword meta tag is a ...
RiddleMeThis's user avatar
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3 votes

Custom plugin - $post_id in wp_head

Use get_queried_object_id() to get the post ID of the current page/post when viewing a single page or post, regardless of whether or not you're in the loop, or what the global $post variable happens ...
Jacob Peattie's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to modify the header with a content shortcode?

No, by the time your shortcode runs, the header has already been sent over the network, even the post title. It is too late to change things already sent, aka everything before it reached the_content. ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
2 votes

Edit title-tag in wp_head with yoast seo

I don't think adding <span itemprop> to the <title> is a good idea... If you can not use any existing tags like <h1> for that, you may consider adding meta tag: <meta itemprop="...
Worduoso's user avatar
  • 271
2 votes

Adding code to head to all pages manually

You might use the wp_head action, That is triggered within the section of the user's template by the wp_head() function. add_action("wp_head", "hook_js"); function hook_js() { if(is_home() || ...
Benoti's user avatar
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2 votes

Track down where script is being enqueued from

There is no filter when a script is registered, so it is hard to track that down. Use a full text search in all your theme and plugin files to find the source. In addition, you can filter the URL ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
2 votes

Auto Generated HTML source code formatting

I know it's really trivial Yes. Yes it is. ...we are shooting to do the best job possible Spending any time whatsoever on fixing tab indentation in your output HTML as opposed to focusing on the ...
TheDeadMedic's user avatar
  • 36.6k
2 votes

Remove all theme CSS & JS from wp_head (but only for 1 page template)

I modified Heinrich Held answer so this will help new people who are looking to remove, deque and de register theme styles and scripts. The following function will remove all the styles registered. ...
Ahmer Wpcoder110's user avatar
2 votes

How can I get wp_head() as a string instead of echoing it?

Thanks to @Tunji's answer, I accomplished this with a more generic function: /** * Use output buffering to convert a function that echoes * to a return string instead */ function ...
tsdexter's user avatar
  • 191
2 votes

Change default dns-prefetch resource hint value

var_export( $hints ); gave me array ( 0 => '', ) so that means the array key is not but Changing ...
lowtechsun's user avatar
2 votes

Replace category titles

You shouldn't use wp_head action - it doesn't give you a chance to modify title that is already printed. But WordPress has special hook for that: wp_title. The code below should do the trick: ...
Krzysiek Dróżdż's user avatar
2 votes

Why wp_head() function not loading style.css?

The theme functions file name must be called functions.php not function.php. This can cause your code to not implement? You must check carefully.
Quang Hoang's user avatar
2 votes

Removing auto versioning of JS and loading to header

If I'm reading correctly you just want to deregister a script but failed... I think that you tried to deregister it too early( before was added ). add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'example' ); ...
Brada's user avatar
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1 vote

Different favicon on different pages

As of WordPress version 5.6, any posts or pages has options on the editor to include any custom scripts/styles and meta tags to the header of the page. So if you put your <link rel"icon" ...
Sam Jacob Dev's user avatar
1 vote

Add <meta> tags to the <head> section via functions.php

DIY SEO: 1: In the post/page editor for a page or post: Add custom field(s) (meta data) with required value(s) for your SEO meta tag(s). e.g. Open say your "Terms &Conditions" page in the page ...
scytale's user avatar
  • 424
1 vote

How to load different css file for different pages

If you wish to do it in your template you can do the following. You can learn more about the is_page function here: <html lang="en"&...
Liam Stewart's user avatar

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