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5 votes

When moving a WP site, why does wp-admin redirect to old site?

It is not a big problem. Your Database contains all previous links which cannot be automatically converted. There are two type of solutions for that: In wp-config.php add this code: define('WP_HOME',...
Aakash Bhagat's user avatar
4 votes

How to get path or root of plugin folder, not file or dir?

How about just define a constant that stores the plugin's root path? Define path constant For calling numerous files, it is sometimes convenient to define a constant: define( 'MY_PLUGIN_PATH', ...
Sally CJ's user avatar
  • 39.9k
4 votes

Hook filter to change wp_upload_dir() path in multisite

Use the upload_dir filter. add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'wpse_261931_upload_dir', 10, 1 ); function wpse_261931_upload_dir( array $uploads ) { if( is_multisite() ) { //* Do something interesting ...
Nathan Johnson's user avatar
3 votes

Migrating a File from Plugin to Theme and changing its path → instead create a REST endpoint

I'm not sure why are you trying to print out a PHP file's path, because it's not a good practice. But to get the equivalent function for themes, you can use: For parent themes : ...
Johansson's user avatar
  • 15.4k
2 votes

When moving a WP site, why does wp-admin redirect to old site?

Just changing the site URL in the config will likely not update all of the internals to create a working dev site for you (unless the site is pretty bare-bones). You'll have problems with serialized ...
Sean Michaud's user avatar
2 votes

How to have a custom URI path for specific page template

You need to add a rewrite rule to WordPress. There are several options to do it depending on your exact needs. Maybe the most general is using add_rewrite_tag() and add_rewrite_rule(): add_action( '...
cybmeta's user avatar
  • 20.6k
2 votes

How to inject custom url path for page ?

you can use this plugin to generate this kind of permalink
user20392's user avatar
2 votes

Changing the server path

WordPress doesn't rely on server path, it relies on the URI. When the WordPress code is loaded, it will define the proper paths itself dynamically by using PHP constants like __FILE__, such as ABSPATH ...
Johansson's user avatar
  • 15.4k
2 votes

path of wp-content directory when we are on some plugin

Just use pre-defined constant echo WP_CONTENT_DIR;
Usman Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes

How much control do we have over CPT rewrite slugs? Can I create a "root" page for my CPT with out the page path, and then have paths for other pages?

The way I see it, you could do: // Via the init hook, do all these: register_post_type( 'library-books', [ 'public' => true, 'label' => 'Library Books', 'rewrite' =&...
Sally CJ's user avatar
  • 39.9k
2 votes

Add custom path to url to specific pages

If you want to change the permalink structure for all Pages (i.e. posts of the page type), you can use the WP_Rewrite::$page_structure property like so: add_action( 'init', 'wpse_382911' ); function ...
Sally CJ's user avatar
  • 39.9k
2 votes

Components used in Themes and Plugins: How to get file URL?

Is there a way to determine if my current PHP file is within the plugins' folder or within the themes' folder Broadly you always have path to current file (__FILE__) so you can always examine it for ...
Rarst's user avatar
  • 99.9k
2 votes

Is there a way to get a path to the theme directory without the server name?

Yes get_template_directory: get_template_directory(): string Retrieves template directory path for the active theme. Returns an absolute server path (eg: /home/user/public_html/wp-content/themes/...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
  • 60.6k
1 vote

Pulling images from a subdomain

Managed to solve it myself.. So if anyone else has this problem. Because the sub-domain is still under the main domain you do not have to put - /home/hostname/ you only need the /home/sub-...
infonory's user avatar
1 vote

specifying relative file paths in WP with jQuery requests not working

In PHP, it's not necessary to post to a PHP file, it is only required to include ( or require ) files and then use checks and validations to ensure that code is only processed when required. You ...
Q Studio's user avatar
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1 vote

Plugin path comes wrongly

To solve this problem, we must use plugin_dir_url command. For example: <?php wp_register_style( 'foo-styles', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'dahili/bootstrap.min.css' ); ...
Faruk rıza's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get a link path to use for my resources such as JS scripts?

Although @butlerblog's answer works, I find it unecessarily complex. I've checked above and beyond, site_url will always give you the current site's link, it will resolve the schemas for you, whether ...
Daniel Smith's user avatar
1 vote

How can I get a link path to use for my resources such as JS scripts?

This is kind of a hacky way to do this; but unfortunately, there is not a WP function that will do both (theme and/or plugin). It's only an either/or proposition. On the surface, you'd think it ...
butlerblog's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get post image root URL?

The get_attached_file() function returns the path to a file based on the attachment ID: $FeaturedImage = get_attached_file( get_post_thumbnail_id() ); Getting the path to a specific size is more ...
Jacob Peattie's user avatar
1 vote

What is procedure to let set path in wordpress?

[jsmol acc='caffeine' type='mol'] Will look for an uploaded file named caffeine.mol. If it can't find a matching post for an uploaded attachment and type=pdb, it will try If it ...
Qaisar Feroz's user avatar
  • 2,147
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Apply template by path/slug related to custom post type?

You can't set a project as a base of permalink because you would have to enter rewrite rules for each one. What you can do is create a custom taxonomy related-resources: function ...
Greg36's user avatar
  • 701
1 vote

Theme in wp-content but my index.php search theme files in root

I assume you are adding your stylesheets like this in your header: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> Which won't work. To construct the path dynamically, you need to ...
Johansson's user avatar
  • 15.4k
1 vote

Back button to previous page and breadcrumbs

For the button behavior, If it's a one-off use case, you could add custom php conditional to check the referring url $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] and current page/post ID or url. Then, either add a ...
Anson W Han's user avatar
1 vote

Correct Plugin File Path It looks like this function adds a trailing slash, so starting your string with a slash is not required try; require_once(...
ngearing's user avatar
  • 2,174
1 vote

Hardcoded paths in my plugin

You want to use plugin_dir_url(): $url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/my.js';
Jacob Peattie's user avatar
1 vote

Components used in Themes and Plugins: How to get file URL?

Here's a solution that will return the URL to a file relative to its location, as well as string indicating where the file lives, i.e. mu-plugins/plugins/theme. This code has been adapted from ...
Dave Romsey's user avatar
  • 17.9k
1 vote

How to inject custom url path for page ?

For a page, you need to create a parent page(s) with the slug you want to put in between. Then you may choose these pages as a parent to the last slug page (insight page in your case). It will insert ...
Iggy's user avatar
  • 381
1 vote

How to inject custom url path for page ?

It's probably best to register a new post type for this. In custom post types you can easily control the url structure. Use the register_post_type function for this. In this function you can add a ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 202
1 vote

Plugin base URL

Sorry for the late answer, below is the function I use to retrieve the plugin directory name in the format requested by @Andrew (i.e. with a trailing slash as mentioned in the comment to Kevin) /** * ...
Clinton's user avatar
  • 871
1 vote

When moving a WP site, why does wp-admin redirect to old site?

phpMyAdmin: go to wp_options table set homeurl and siteurl as your new url Login to you wp-admin dashboard go to setting->general change WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)
Hari's user avatar
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