URL Rewriting in Wordpress for only one specific page
Let's start by getting rid of the rules you've added to your .htaccess. This is WPSE and the page is running inside of WordPress, so we're going to rely on WP to do the rewriting.
You're going to want ...
How to change the url of the archive page to be inside the custom post type
The has_archive parameter for registering the post type should work (untested):
register_post_type( 'news', array(
'has_archive' => 'news/all-news',
'rewrite' => array(
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
url-rewriting × 2055rewrite-rules × 587
permalinks × 471
custom-post-types × 404
urls × 287
custom-taxonomy × 213
htaccess × 191
redirect × 108
slug × 90
plugins × 87
plugin-development × 77
mod-rewrite × 72
categories × 70
php × 66
404-error × 54
multisite × 45
pagination × 45
customization × 42
pages × 41
taxonomy × 39
posts × 38
site-url × 38
functions × 36
archives × 32
rewrite-tag × 31