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'wp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I can't get WP-CLI to run on Windows. Downloaded to c:\wp-cli\wp-cli.phar, Added c:\wp-cli\ to the System & User Path ...
Steve's user avatar
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Failed to upload image on localhost

I am trying to edit my theme on a fresh installation via the customization page. When I try to upload the site logo via the media uploader, I get the following error: “logo.png” has failed to upload ...
Nekomajin42's user avatar
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WP Cli will not execute on Windows

I have tried to install Wordpress CLI on my windows machine running windows 10. But for some reason everytime i try to run the wp Command it says 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external ...
Jonas Bang's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Windows hosting a bad idea for wp?

My client used Windows hosting. It seems to be giving a lot of trouble and I'm wondering if Windows hosting was a good option. My research on the net lead me to this article that advises against it: ...
Bhavika Khare's user avatar
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Windows-hosted new site shows no preview: "Future home of something quite cool." message is displayed

I added a theme and made a sample home page. What could cause the site to display no previews or even display no changes when published? Note: I did my best to search similar previously-asked ...
Bhavika Khare's user avatar
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WordPress fails to install with "Can't Select Database" Error (WAMPServer)

UPDATE: 2020-07-12 I tried installing on Windows 10 64-bit and it failed to install WordPress with the same database error as on Windows 7. That tells me that either there is a bug in WAMPServer 3.2.0 ...
Eric Hepperle - CodeSlayer2010's user avatar
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3 answers

Permalinks on Windows IIS not working and web.config breaks site - does wordpress not support windows server now, if so how?

I have a large wordpress site that I migrated from AWS/Linux to a different host that is Windows Server 2016. I have been developing on wordpress for years but this is my first time back on Windows ...
STing's user avatar
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cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I've been researching for hours, but I don't seem to find a solution. I've tried every single solution I've found. We're running Wordpress 5.4 with PHP v7.4 in a Windows 2019 server that's behind an ...
John's user avatar
  • 21
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1 answer

Accessing private posts through REST API, same code that works in remote doesn't in local

I am capable of fetching private posts through the wp rest api by calling mydomain/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?status=private&slug=whatever I am authenticating well and receiving a valid token, no ...
GWorking's user avatar
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Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() - Wordpress installation

Trying to install wordpress without xamp on my local machine. Version info: Wordpress: 5.2.3 PHP: 7.3.9 Apache: 2.4.41 When accessing this url -http://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php, ...
sotn's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up Wordpress Locally on WAMP for a new site (with one already)

Here are the steps I took in downloading and setting up WordPress on a WAMP (Windows, Apache2, MySQL, PHP): 1.) Download WAMP Server, here: WAMP Server Installation 2.) Download WordPress on ...
West's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom permalink gives 404 error only in some pages

Some pages of my Wordpress don't work after creating a custom permalink for products URL in my localhost environment. Home page works, but for example /contact page returns 404. If I look at Apache ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Is XAMPP faster than running LAMP in WSL on Windows 10? [closed]

I've been using Local by Flywheel for my local dev environment but recently it started acting weird so I decided, that since I'd finally learned a decent amount of CLI, maybe I should try just using ...
Aslan French's user avatar
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Trying to install Wordpress on WSL Windows 10, and running into issues with wp-cli and "wp db create"

Okay so I'm following this tutorial: I had to do a bunch of monkey around to get MySQL to work because for ...
Aslan French's user avatar
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My WAMP SERVER will not connect to website in wamp server after I went to command prompt and typed in PATH=%PATH% is there any way to revert this??? I'm an idiot I admit it.
PythonPersonPro's user avatar
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WP-CLI plugin delete command fails silently

I have just started trying out WP-CLI and did a basic test of installing a plugin. It installed fine, no issue. However, the plugin delete command fails silently, with no error messages and the ...
Mr Pablo's user avatar
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2 answers

Search and Replace in Windows XAMPP site

In my Ubuntu VPS, to search and replace in a DB of a site I do for example: cd /var/www/html/ sudo wp search-replace "http://" "https://" --all-tables Yet in Windows 10 I use XAMPP and ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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Using Windows Server 2012 How to Move Uploads Folder to another hard drive

Using Wordpress as an intranet. The Wordpress installation is on C however this drive is limited and wanting to use another hard drive on the server (Hard Drive E) for my uploads folder. Am I able to ...
tbenjamin44's user avatar
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One-click WP site generation wih wp-cli on Windows

If I run these commands sequentially in windows CMD, I get a site up and running quite quickly. wp core download wp core config --dbname=my_wp_database --dbuser=root --dbpass=my-db-password wp core ...
Robin Andrews's user avatar
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2 answers

Saving Permalinks Results in 403 MAMP (Windows)

I am trying to setup a local environment on my Windows 10 machine (to knock out some overtime) but keep running into a problem. Let me start with my environment workflow on Mac OSX... I have developed ...
erwstout's user avatar
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1 answer

html to posts, jpg to featured image, zip file contains jpg and html

I have many zip files that each zip file contain a jpg image and a html file how do I make the html to be the wordpress post and jpg image to be the featured image any help is appreciated
theor's user avatar
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Posting with slug "favicon" gets redirected

I've created a WordPress posting with an URL slug "favicon": Unfortunately this seems to somehow interfere with the favicon, because instead of showing the ...
Uwe Keim's user avatar
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2 answers

WP CLI Shell not working on Windows

I recently installed WP-CLI on windows with the instructions below. However when I type wp shell I get en error: The system cannot find the path specified. One solution on github says: Psysh is not ...
Robin Andrews's user avatar
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1 answer

strange behaviour with "rin" in brand new installation of 4.6.1 [closed]

I am used to install WordPress by myself manually so I can control everything. I basically grab the latest: PHP (5.6 NTS x64) MySQL Community Server WordPress (4.6.1) Done it hundreads of times ...
Tiago Duarte's user avatar
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wordpress http to https windows server

Having a few issues getting things to work after changing wordpress from http to https on a windows sever. The web.config file is a bit of a mare to work with and the hosting company seems to think ...
steve555555555555's user avatar
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Does Wordpress Support Using Named Pipes on the Windows Operating System?

Okay, suppose I wish to disable networking completely on a development machine running MariaDB 10.1.14, and instead use Windows' Named Pipes/Sockets. I'm using a local copy of Apache (2.4.23 x64 VC14),...
gate_engineer's user avatar
3 votes
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When attempting to update a self-hosted WordPress site, I'm seeing "ASN1 unknown message digest algorithm"

I've got several WordPress sites that I self-host on a Windows Server. When attempting to perform the upgrade process, via /wp-admin/update-core.php?action=do-core-upgrade I see the following error: ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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2 answers

How to update WP-CLI on Windows via Composer?

I installed wp-cli back in April on my Windows box using composer. I believe with the following command: composer create-project wp-cli/wp-cli --no-dev as outlined in the alternate install methods on ...
syntax53's user avatar
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Migrating WordPress from Windows Server 2008 R2 (IIS v7.5) to CentOS

The agency I work for have purchased a new server, bringing our total up to 4. The 3 servers we had previously are all running Windows Server 2008 R2, whereas this new one is running CentOS, ...
E. Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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1 answer

Newbie: Multiple WP sites on Windwos 2012 IIS

Newbie Question: I have a Windows 2012 server with an existing ASP.NET / HTTPS site on it running a small SQL Server as well. My customer wants to add a dozen or so WordPress sites, one for each of ...
Ian Vink's user avatar
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Wp_mail() function not working in Windows and MAC OS

Not getting mails when sent from Windows OS and MAC OS but getting when sent from Linux OS. I tried sending mails from LINUX OS,Windows and MAC OS LINUX sending me the mails as it should do but ...
dh47's user avatar
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Offline Wordpress Application

I have to Document some Work and i thought to use WP as a platform to work with others. We have articles, pictures in different categoried and could use the tag function. A Search function is ...
dichterDichter's user avatar
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Perfmon performance counters on WAMP

I work on an WordPress site for a business. I'm using WAMP: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, sp 1, 64-bit. Apache version 2.4 MySql version 5.6.9 PHP version 5.4.13 8 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU 2.93GHz (4 ...
Dwayne Driskill's user avatar
5 votes
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Permissions to wp-content folder in Windows Server 2012

I've made some tests to solve this problem: trying to update some plugins via Wordpress backend I always receive a "Unable to create folder" error. So I've initially added IIS_IUSRS with Read/Write/...
Pepozzo's user avatar
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1 answer

Connect to MySQL using Windows Authentication

Is it possible to have Wordpress/PHP connect to my MySQL database using Windows Authentication on IIS? I can connect just fine using the normal MySQL command line utilities. I get the following error ...
DigitalD's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress on XAMPP over my home network [closed]

I've installed WordPress on XAMPP on a Windows 7 machine ( on my home network. I can see the XAMPP Welcome page from my other Win7 machine ( but cannot access Wordpress from it?...
Mike's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How can I diagnose a slow Wordpress admin?

Over the past few months the admin pages on my wordpress multisite site (around 80 sites) have been taking around 20 seconds to load. I am running the latest version of wordpress (version 4.1). ...
Steve French's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

All links in my site start with localhost?

This is my website The home page shows, but all links start with localhost/wordpress, rather than the current address, which is The server is windows and runs ...
Gqqnbig's user avatar
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All pages lead to home

I've recently moved from linux to windows hosting, and now all of my permalinks just redirect to the homepage. I've selected the correct structure in Settings->Permalinks and have the following in my ...
Echilon's user avatar
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Remove index.php from WP 8.0 install migrated to IIS from Apache (still detecting Apache server)?

I was developing this WP site using WAMP at work, and now suddenly we're switching it up and putting it on a Windows server (2003). I can tell from the Permalinks Settings page in wp-admin that it ...
user163831's user avatar
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Problems with 'require (./xxx)' on IIS7.5

I'm not sure if this is best suited to the Wordpress SE site or if it should be on Server Fault or SO... Either way: I'm having problems running Wordpress on a brand new 2008R2 server running IIS7.5....
Gary's user avatar
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Can't connect to my Wordpress website using Windows 8 app?

Im trying to connect to my Wordpress site (self hosted) through the Windows 8 app. First, after giving the account details, it show my site and ask me to Authorize. after authorizing, it ...
THpubs's user avatar
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One blog inside another

I have a question about having two blogs at the same host simultaneously. Here is my scenario: The first blog is hosted in the root directory, and the second is hosted in a ...
Artem's user avatar
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4 votes
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Upload Image Not accessible

I'm getting a 500 error when trying to access the full version of any image. As soon as it's uploaded to the server, it becomes 'unavailable', and each file cannot be accessed/deleted/anything - like ...
David Archer's user avatar
9 votes
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Multisite on Windows with wildcard subdomains

I want to create a local network on a Windows machine using subdomains. I do not want to edit the hosts file for each new subdomain. But Windows does not support wildcard subdomains, and the Codex ...
fuxia's user avatar
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Why doesn't WP_PLUGIN_DIR definition use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR?

Whilst writing some code that backs-up a plugin, I hit a problem with 'the wrong kind of directory slash' on my windows dev environment. Tracking it through I find in default-constants.php:91 define(...
Dave Amphlett's user avatar
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Upload media error: unable to create directory (windows hosting)

Trying to upload any kind of media on a new WP install is failing due to a messed up media folder path: Unable to create directory D:\webs\bucmio\wp/wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory ...
Evan Mattson's user avatar
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moving server can not login

I design my site in win7 system, and today before a server rent, I moving my blog from win7 to my another computer witch is installed CentOS 5.5 for a last test, I have reference the article http://...
cj333's user avatar
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Different development environments (Mac & Windows)

I am trying to synchronize development between a Windows user (WAMP) and a Mac user (Regular Apache). Windows User (me) Since I use IIS I need my port 80 so I have changed the ports on WAMP to :666. ...
Viktor Sarström's user avatar
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Windows 7 download WordPress and load into LAMP stack and configure

What's the quickest way to create a Windows instance of an existing WordPress site assuming I've got the backup of the code and DB from the server? I have played around with various LAMP stacks but ...
Caveatrob's user avatar
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