Here are the steps I took in downloading and setting up WordPress on a WAMP (Windows, Apache2, MySQL, PHP):
1.) Download WAMP Server, here: WAMP Server Installation
2.) Download WordPress on
3.) Using PHP MyAdmin, click on Databases, and 'create new database' (choose a name)
4.) Extract the downloaded zip Wordpress file and copy it to C:/WAMP/www/ and paste WordPress folder there
http://localhost/wordpress and it works!
5.) Create a confif.php file and add the database name that you created above
6.) Follow the instructions on screen to install WordPress and then login
That's it! Everything looks great and I can customize my Wordpress Site on localhost/wordpress - The name of my wordpress folder
Now, I am done with my first site and I would like to create another site. My quesiton is:
Do I have to go through this process again? Do I use the same database created to create another site which will have different content? If so, how can I do this? What steps do I follow?