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Questions tagged [syntax-highlighting]

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1 answer

What VSCode extensions are there for working with block themes? [closed]

I recently took another dive into Wordpress block themes by looking at the TwentyTwentyTwo theme. I'm noticing that all templating seems to take place either in PHP strings or HTML files chalked full ...
James0r's user avatar
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Wordpress 5.1 and Syntax highlighter, problem with HTML encoded special characters

I'm using Wordpress 5.1 and Gutenberg block editor. I'm trying to show some Java code with the plugin SyntaxHighlighter Evolved. When editing a post I use the block 'Custom HTML' then add the code [...
Robb Hoff's user avatar
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1 answer

Highlight inner post menu current item

WordPress has a built in feature that assigns the class “current-menu-item” to the current navigation item. Nevertheless, that feature only works for contextual menus; and not for the ones inside the ...
Pablo Molina's user avatar
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Multi Language Code Snippet in Wordpress

I write Programming articles in my Wordpress website. My articles contain content for different languages with code samples. I want to allow user to choose which programming language he prefer. ...
malhobayyeb's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Getting &lt; and &gt; instead of < > while posting code

hi everyone I am getting this &lt and &gt instead of < and > while posting my code, I am using enlighter plugin, I was using syntax highlighter before there also I was facing the same ...
sdvadsa's user avatar
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Visual Editor not working properly

I have facing this issue since last one month. I would like to display my source code using the Syntax Highlighter so i have changed my editor mode from visual to text. I put my code in [html] &...
Hari Inukollu's user avatar
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My Syntax Highlighter Died, What Now?

On my wordpress install (hosted by 1&1) a few years back I installed "Syntax Highlighter for WordPress" (I'm currently at Everything was going great until yesterday when something got ...
Alan Wolfe's user avatar
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Embedding code snippets in posts with indentation

I have a privately hosted blog using WordPress, and I am using the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin for displaying highlighted code snippets nicely. I use the built-in editor in WordPress for writing ...
lysergic-acid's user avatar
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Content instead Excerpt on term

Is it possible to show limitation (dynamically) of the contents near the search term value. I knew how how to using excerpt, but what I am talking about is, search result content limitation character ...
da_root's user avatar
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1 answer

Source code get entity escaped after migrating

I have a lot of posts with source code on it. After migrating my blog from to self-hosting, the source code all have HTML entity escaping, for example: [code] printf(&quot;hello&...
gerrytan's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Code Highlighting in BlockQuote

Many of my Wordpress Blog( posts have code snippets which is wrapped in blockquote elements. I need to highlight these code snippets. I tried using GeSHi, Prettify Code Syntax, ...
Subin's user avatar
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How can I do syntax highlighting for files included with a custom shortcode?

I'm writing a tutorial on using the R language to do some applied statistics. An example post is: This answer taught me how to develop a custom shortcode ...
Nathan VanHoudnos's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I highlight syntax like it appears on stackoverflow?

Suppose I am writing a post and want to highlight only a couple of characters: like this. How can I achieve this?
kpeyton's user avatar
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How to filter PHP opener?

I've been searching the web and in this great forum but I didn't find anything. I got some issue with a code higlighter plugin. Everything is fine except that some php tags do not work properly : &...
JMau's user avatar
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Strange problems when I try to insert HTML\XML code snippet in my posts

I am experiencing some problems while trying to insert XML code snippet into my WordPress articles. I have just read this tutorial: I am using ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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3 answers

replace html entities in posts between pre tags

I run a wordpress blog with a syntax highlighter plugin (Crayon). The plugin highlights code between pre tags, example: <pre class="lang:languageid" title="example"> some code </pre> ...
Remko's user avatar
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No line breaks in syntax highlighted code

I've installed Sunburst Code Prettify on my new blog. The prettifier uses Highlight.js to prettify code. I've placed the following Python code in a post: [prettify class="python"] >>> s=set([...
Adam Matan's user avatar
0 votes
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WP-Syntax plugin not working [closed]

I am new to wordpress (installed yesterday for first time). In order to add syntax highlighting i installed the WP-Syntax plugin and i copied pasted the following snippet in the edit post window. Its ...
noi.m's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying syntax highlighted code [closed]

I have a blog that I write up entries for that sometimes has programming code as part of the text within my writing's. Normally I use the quote function to give it a bit of highlighting, but was ...
canadiancreed's user avatar
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code highiglight not working comment

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin installed on my blog. Code highlight working on post,but no comments.. I am showing the comment form with the different codes : <form method="post" name="...
cudjex's user avatar
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3 answers

highlight parent page menu item when in custom post type

in a website that I am building I have a portfolio custom post types (called: "project") to show my portfolio items. The page that holds the loop of the custom post type is a custom page called "...
gil hamer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to have syntax highlighting in blogs?

Is there a way I could install some plugin or have syntax highlighting for my blog or do I need to install WP on my own server to be able to install a plugin to do that?
rFactor's user avatar
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When I re-save a post with [code] sections, the entities are double-escaped (> becomes &gt; etc)

I've a hard time googling for this issue. On my blog, whenever I update an existing page, code sections are doubly escaped. I.e., on a recent page I have find /V "QWERTYUIOPPO" < calc.exe:yourads....
Abel's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to stop wordpress mangling R syntax '<-'?

I have a self-hosted WP install, and have been using codecolorer (and have tried a few others along the way) to highlight R syntax. Looks nice, too. The problem is that R uses a <- symbol instead ...
Simbamangu's user avatar
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4 answers

Page/post editor with syntax highlighting [closed]

is there a plugin that replaces/enhances the built-in Page/Post HTML editor so that HTML is syntax-highlighted? What I'm looking for is something like "Power Code Editor" but for editing Pages/Posts. ...
Sergio's user avatar
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2 answers

Syntax Highlighter XML striping

I am really frustrated with availible Syntax Highlighter's on the market it seems that no matter which one I use, after pressing "Save Draft" or "Publish" and after I change from Visual to Html or ...
Jim's user avatar
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syntax Highlighting on blog

I want to write code in my wordpress blog. which is hosted in I need a Syntax Highlighter to show code. Can I configure/add Plugin in config panel ? or I do need a self ...
Neel Basu's user avatar
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Getting selected (highlighted) html from the Visual Editor on Edit Post page?

So I understand that the visual editor uses something called TinyMCE. How do I retrieve the html that the user selects from the visual editor? I am basically trying to create a button that gets the ...
Shaan's user avatar
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Customizing WP-syntax to get custom colors

I downloaded the WP-syntax plugin and want to customize it to show a black terminal-style background. I edited the file wp-syntax/wp-syntax.css to .wp_syntax { color: #100; background-color: ...
yayu's user avatar
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Which plugin gives me pretty html syntax in the editor/dashboard? [closed]

I'm looking for a plugin that gives me some on-the-fly syntax highlighting in the HTML editor of posts and pages. I swear I've seen it somewhere, but I can't find it, all the ones I find are for ...
joon's user avatar
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2 answers

Color java code the way it is colored in eclipse [closed]

There are a lot of plugins that color code. But most java developers work with Eclipse and Eclipse has a very specific way of coloring code. Is there a plugin that colors code exactly the same way ...
mist's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Syntax highlighting for post/page editor [closed]

Anyone know of a plugin that adds syntax highlighting to the post/page HTML editor? Thanks-
Yarin's user avatar
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6 answers

Best Practise on embedding code on Wordpress?

I have two blog sites. One hosted with, one self-hosted with We are a technical company, and a number of our blog posts will be about HTML, Javascript, .NET, etc. and we ...
jakc's user avatar
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2 answers

syntax highlighting and <?php rewriting

I am using this plugin: Which appears to work ok, minus a few glitches here and there. My problem, is that I think WordPress is rewriting <?php with <...
Dave's user avatar
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4 answers

Tools for styling code snippet in a web page

I'm a software developer and I've started my first blog on Information Technology. Since I'm using wordpress (hosted free plan) as blogging platform, I'm wondering if there's a fast and useful way for ...
user avatar
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Highlight Syntax Inline

I'm looking for a plugin that is compatible up to the current version of WordPress (3.1.1 as of writing of this question) and that supports some kind of inline highlighting of programming language ...
Alan Turing's user avatar
5 votes
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How to work with Syntax Highlighter Evolved?

I have installed Syntax Highlighter Evolved to simplify code snippets writing and highlighting. I know that it is quite popular and used by many bloggers, so I must be doing something wrong because it ...
Ladislav Mrnka's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Proper implementation/use of code/syntax highlighting

I've already read what I can on a couple of sites and installed this plug-in: I'm missing how ...
NealWalters's user avatar
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syntax highlighting for theme-editor.php?

Is there any syntax highlighter for wordpress. This is not to post code snippets on posts but for the backend/theme editor of wordpress. If not do you think it will be implemented in sometime future?
andrewk's user avatar
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5 answers

What theme is good for posting code? [closed]

I have my blog hosted at and I guess it's good enough. But problems arise when the lines of code get longer than 30 characters. The lines just wrap and get icky or something they even ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Best Live Writer plugins to post code snippets on WordPress?

I have a blog about programming hosted on To post code snippets I use the SyntaxHighlighter plugin that is installed on that platform, and I'm very happy with it. Now, I'd like to use ...
Thomas Levesque's user avatar