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WooCommerce Webhook Action When a New Product Review was Submitted/Created

I'm looking for a WooCommerce action hook, whenever someone submits a product review via the review/comment form. Can't find anything about this in the documentation or web. I like to trigger a ...
Bert Kößler's user avatar
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How to allow Contributors to edit their own posts, whilst still needing to be reviewed by an admin?

Im using the User Role Editor plugin to try to acheive this, but I've also tried PublishPress Capabilities and had the exact same problem. I'd like it so that my contributor users work like so: Their ...
user303096's user avatar
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Add "reviewedby" in Wordpress posts

Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to add "reviewedby" + name (potentially with a blue checkmark) under the author as displayed in the attached example. ​Also, I would like users to ...
User3591's user avatar
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Woocommerce Reviews tab not showing on single product page

On the website, the Woocommerce Reviews tab is not visible on individual product pages. The website is currently using the Shoptimizer theme. To address this issue, the website owner ...
Aadii Mughal's user avatar
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What's wrong in the WordPress Meta Box Generator code?

I am very new to WordPress development. When I submitted my plugin for review, it was rejected because ## Generic function/class/define/namespace names. I don't understand how to fix it. The review ...
Sumanta Dhank's user avatar
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Separate blog and reviews categories

I created a review website recently where I write website and product reviews.I intend to write blog posts too on my website. I don't want to create subdomain or separate blog page.Both review posts ...
Hamza Jameel's user avatar
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Send a review notification email to admin when a post is 12 months old

I'd like to send an automated review email to the site admin whenever a post has been published for more than 12 months. I've tried using the following code but can't seem to get it to work, or ...
Trevor Petrie's user avatar
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Every change made by "Author" role is going to "pending review"

I don't know if this is an issue with the module, or this is an internal behavior of WordPress, but for some reason, every time a user with "Author&...
Rogério Dec's user avatar
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Limit review by e-mail

I have a site with reviews. I am reviewing companies and not products. So instead of products, I have companies create in Woocommerce. The problem is my users can review a company unlimited times. ...
Flemming Wacher Danielsen's user avatar
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WooCommerce Review Author Hook on Review Submission

By default posting a review in WooCommerce Product will add 'comment' record to Database with poster as author name. I'd like to hook Review Author Name because some customers don't want to login and ...
Jeaf Gilbert's user avatar
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WordPress product review

Can someone suggest how can I make a top specsheet and benchmarks for a product like laptops and mobiles in WordPress as done in top review sites. What are the relevant tools, plugins, resources and ...
jhaesque's user avatar
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Add button linked to single product page on order detail page

I have write a code on functions.php so when customers click a button on order detail page, redirected to product page and review tab of the product they bought. But as a novice coder, I can't get the ...
jasaweb's user avatar
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How to force authors to 'submit for review'?

So currently when authors add a post they can publish it straight away. How can i change it so that all their posts need to be reviewed first? I've seen a few codes that can solve that but when it ...
BuzzinBilly's user avatar
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How to implement a rating and review system for WordPress custom posts?

I want to have a rating and review system for custom post type. This is the method i am thinking of ->Create a custom post type ->Create meta fields ->Create a form to post reviews front end. But ...
user avatar
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Customized role that allows users to "Submit for Review" instead of "Publish"

The functionality I'm trying to achieve is a user role that allows the user to submit drafts of edits but not publish edits. Their edits must be published by an Editor or higher role user. I've ...
PersonNinja's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get the rating value of each comment

I want to get the rating value for a single review comment to create a custom reviews display, for example if a user rates a product with 4 stars, i want to get just the number 4, without any html. I ...
Gabriel Souza's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

WooCommerce showing star rating review instead of text review string

On my WooCommerce site I am trying to output the star rating for a product that is reviewed. Instead, it outputs this: Rated 3.38 out of 5 based on 8 customer ratings What am I missing with the ...
Zach Smith's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Force "Submit to review" when a post is updated

I think that everything is in the title. I would like to find a way to change the status of a post to "pending" when the post is updated when the user is an "author". I already tried with differents ...
S.Ardant's user avatar
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How to apply excerpt length only on front end?

I have a theme on WordPress theme review queue and I'm using the below code to change excerpt length. function theme_slug_excerpt_length( $length ) { return 50; } add_filter( 'excerpt_length', '...
Ponvendhan's user avatar
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Use contact form for reviews

I have a page on a woocommerce site, which I drive users to, to ask for a review...The area for them to leave a review is actually a contact form. I have done it this way, so that they are ...
Ben Ellis-Gowland's user avatar
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Woocommerce reviews xss issue [closed]

I enabled reviews on my woocommerce website and I see that I can insert html / js code in the review comments. How can I solve that problem?
Markus's user avatar
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Plugin Repository commit doesn't show up in activity

I've just published the first update for one of my WordPress plugins but I'm not sure if it was successful. I had a few errors in previous attempts to commit to the SVN repository, so I tried it with ...
Roemer's user avatar
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Woocommerce: custom loop in product tabs breaks reviews tab

I came across a weird issue, not sure whether it's a bug or something is wrong with my code. Woocommerce allows to show cross-sale products only in the cart by default, so I had to make a custom loop ...
Dmitry Gamolin's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Let private posts stay in status "private" after edit through "editors"

I'm using some private posts for intern purposes. When an editor changes something on these posts, its status turns to pending "review" and I have to publish it again as a private post. When an ...
B4rT's user avatar
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Testimonials/Reviews for Products

I have my brand website that has 250+ same products, but all have different designs. Basically they all are phone cases, and have designs. I wanted to centralise my system of testimonials/reviews that ...
aneeshjajodia's user avatar
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Create reviews and star-rating for user accounts in wp-admin [closed]

I would like each and every user to have the rating in stars and a review along with it so that any user can rate them using JavaScript 5 stars. The various reviews along with stars rating should be ...
Shahrukh Khan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to query posts by meta keys AND under specific category?

The scenary: I'm working in a review system for WordPress, a game review website. It uses default posts, that when under "review" category, shows the review's meta fields (from ACF plugin). ...
Daniel Lemes's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sort Reviews/Ratings by date on Woocommerce

I would like to change the order the reviews are being displayed on the single product page, currently it's in Ascending order and we need it in Descending order.(Most recent to oldest) I've looked at ...
C Sanchez's user avatar
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Send email to user that his post has been rejected

I am searching for a solution for the following problem: I am using WP User Frontend, so that users can create posts in the frontend. After saving, the admin needs to review the post, and the ...
Asped's user avatar
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Average Score of all ratings in comments

i have a rating system in comments, for each comment user can rate 1-5 Stars. Now , i want the average of all ratings in comments of that post to show. How can i do that. Here is the link to the ...
luckyrajiv's user avatar
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How long does plugin review usually take?

WordPress says that plugins are manually reviewed within a "vaguely defined amount of time". What's the experience? How long does this take, on average?
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Preview page/post revisions without overwriting current content

Is it possible to add or update a Post/Page without it overwriting the current content that it on there? I need to make some edits to a page, but I need to have someone review it before I can publish ...
ultraloveninja's user avatar
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2 answers

WP Customer Reviews - shortcodes

WP Customer Reviews Plugin Looking for some shortcodes for displaying the review form only / reviews only. On the plugin page there is an info about shortcode (Shortcodes available for inserting ...
Iladarsda's user avatar
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Organizing and grouping an array by year

looking for some code review. I had an issue where I had to list events by their year. This was sorted by a meta_key ( "show_date" ). It works as intended, though I'm interested to see if there is ...
Squadrons's user avatar
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Can I use wordpress comments system to build a user review system within my website?

I am creating a part of my site where a user can enter a comment (review) and rate my web application. When a user enters a comment and rates my site out of 5, their comment will be available to the ...
JamesG's user avatar
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Advice for a voting / multiple rating plugin for post types other than GD Star Rating [closed]

I would like to let users of one of my WP projects to cast votes on certain post types; the type of votes cast should differ slightly according to post type. For example for one post type they might ...
unfulvio's user avatar
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4 answers

submit for review issue

I have installed WordPress on my linode vps and it was running without a problem till today. Today I realized I dont have admin rights to post a page in wp-admin. It doesn't show me submit button, ...
boranb's user avatar
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A plugin for software reviews site like this one?

I want to create a software reviews site based on categories. I really like what Gizmo did (see link below) there is an Intro text ...
Bialy's user avatar
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Users moderate own comments

Im putting together a portfolio site and have come across something that i would like to implement, but im unsure of how i can set around doing it. Basically as the site stands now (in development) ...
MartinJJ's user avatar
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4 answers

Author page: Comments and Ratings?

I have a mult-author site where the author page gets high traffic. People want to know more about them. I have modified the author page to show more info, some custom fields, etc. but what I'd ...
RodeoRamsey's user avatar
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