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Questions tagged [theme-review]

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Where to use Post class in a real theme, title, content or parent div or article tag?

I am extending discussion from one another article posted on the same website → Where should I use post_class()?. This is the portion from content-single.php → Where should I put the post-class? in ...
WordCent's user avatar
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How to escape html generate by a loop

I have the following code which is flagging a warning that I've been asked to fix by my theme reviewer. WARNING All output should be run through an escaping function (see the Security sections in the ...
Steven Gardner's user avatar
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Theme Check reporting an incorrect theme slug and text domain

I was running my theme through Theme Check to check for compliance and it is giving me a warning that the theme is in the wrong directory. The specific warning is below: WARNING: Your theme ...
Jason G.'s user avatar
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MCAPI.class.php showing some error

Theme Check Plugin is throwing some errors → WARNING: fsockopen was found in the file inc/widgets/MCAPI.class.php possible file operations. Line 2862: $sock = fsockopen('ssl://'.$host, 443, $errno, $...
WordCent's user avatar
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How to apply excerpt length only on front end?

I have a theme on WordPress theme review queue and I'm using the below code to change excerpt length. function theme_slug_excerpt_length( $length ) { return 50; } add_filter( 'excerpt_length', '...
Ponvendhan's user avatar
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can you make changes to a theme in trac while it is waiting for review?

I am wondering if there is a way to make changes to a theme that has been submitted for review and is waiting in trac. I see in this ticket, that it may be possible, but I'm not sure how: http://...
monkeymays's user avatar
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Do I need to include a textdomain if my theme doesn't support translation?

According to the codex Themes are required to use theme-slug (or a reasonable facsimile) as textdomain for translation Does this mean that my theme needs to include a textdomain even if my theme ...
byronyasgur's user avatar
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What is the general cut-off date for reviewed themes in the repository?

I know that the theme review team has been active for about one year now. Thanks to their hard work and diligence, the themes in the repo are much better now than ever before. However, I have noticed ...
joshfeck's user avatar
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what's meaning of it when submit a theme?

REQUIRED: Comments are displayed as "Off" while they aren't in wp-admin. Comment form is not displayed in these cases, while it is when a unit test post already has comments. i have installed the ...
runeveryday's user avatar
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Theme Review: post thumbnail, header image, content width

A followup to my previous question about my theme that was rejected for the theme directory: RECOMMENDED: No reference to the_post_thumbnail() was found in the theme. It is ...
enjoylife's user avatar
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Questions about theme review

I have created one theme. The theme was denied today for the following reasons: Theme Review: Themes should be reviewed using define('WP_DEBUG', true); in wp-config.php Themes should be ...
enjoylife's user avatar
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