I have write a code on functions.php so when customers click a button on order detail page, redirected to product page and review tab of the product they bought. But as a novice coder, I can't get the full link to the product page and the review tab. The code below if clicked is only going to http://mywebsite.com/shop/
add_action('woocommerce_order_details_after_order_table', 'tl_review_for_order');
function tl_review_for_order() { ?>
<a class="button-3" href="<?php echo get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) ; ?>"><?php _e( 'REVIEW', 'woocommerce' ) ?></a>
So what I need is when the button clicked should go to the full link of the product page + review like http://mywebsite.com/shop/product-name/#tab-reviews
any one could solve this? Thanks