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Questions tagged [automation]

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How to create a build for quickly deploying a server with WP?

I have been looking for automation of a routine task for a long time: deploying a customized WP server with a pre-installed theme and plugins. The server must be on Nginx (optional OpenLightSpeed) + ...
Astraport's user avatar
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Cronjobs at night - but not the rest of the day

I have a cronjob, that at the moment runs hourly - I would probably prefer it to only run hourly between 2am and 5am. Is that possible with some kind of scheduling to tell Wordpress, that it is hourly ...
denlau's user avatar
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Auto Generate Post Title from 2 ACF Taxonomies [closed]

I am looking for a custom function to auto generate a post title/slug for a specific CPT from two taxonomies and one custom field, created with ACF Pro. Auto generation should be done only when the ...
austriadesign's user avatar
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Adding rows when new user is created

How can I have rows automatically added to a table (26 of them) when a new user buys a subscription for my site? I need to be able to have a table already ready for them when they sign in. These 26 ...
Matthew Reppert's user avatar
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How to delete posts with incorrect status

This is a weird one. By mistake, I created some posts using WP Webhooks + Make where the post_status was incorrectly set to "published" instead of "publish". Now, for some reason ...
Chaoscontrol's user avatar
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How to automatically compare date from custom post type with current date and change taxonomy based on a result?

I have a local WordPress website installment. I have custom post type "tours" and a custom taxonomy connected to it called "active-past". This taxonomy has two terms "active1&...
Trombolo's user avatar
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Activate and deactivate two plugins automatically at certain hours

How I can Activate and deactivate two plugins automatically at certain hours? For example, I want the "akismet" plugin to be active only from 10am to 7pm and the other Times deactivated. and ...
user168547's user avatar
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How to use custom fields like Title to show value in content?

I need some automation in my Wordpress Blog. As we type Title and it appears in post. How can we add fields like Title? Then how I can show the value of those fields in my single-post. I want to use ...
Muhammad Imran's user avatar
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How to put post title or keyphrase in content on different places automatically?

I want to repeat my title/keyword in different places in my content. for example, my title is "Dog" I want to replace "Dog" everywhere I have inserted *** or any hint. how this is ...
Muhammad Imran's user avatar
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Can I do in-page changes binding events/triggers to actions in WordPress?

I've been coder for decades but I need to setup some microsites super-fast. I chose WordPress as the platform and I'm complete newbie to WordPress. The behaviour I need I know can do it programming. ...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
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How to automatically create a terms based on each post of a post type

I am working on a music site which has custom post types- artists, and releases. I have about 3,000 artists, and about 19,000 releases in my database. I'd like to create a new taxonomy term for each ...
DJZEEGLER's user avatar
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How to Disable auto id attributes in Heading tag?

I don’t know why but WP is automatically adding id attributes to h2 tags. I am not supplying any id or class attribute and I don’t need it. Also, it’s adding type="1" to <ol> tag that’...
Freya West's user avatar
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Assignt automatically two categories by author

I'm looking for a way to automatically assign two categories each time an author makes a blog post: General category (will always be the same for all authors). Author category, with de same exact ...
Desfilis's user avatar
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Using python to delete specified text from thousands of old blog posts

I'm a web editor that uses WordPress and my site has a bit of an annoying problem. We basically have tens of thousands of articles going back about ten years and we have to delete all of the images we ...
henrikdundarion's user avatar
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Bulk updating a group of WordPress Pages every 10 minutes

I need to bulk update 86 specific WordPress Pages every 10 minutes, with the term updating I mean the same thing as clicking the Blue Update Button on each page, and having them all update at the same ...
jhonny4's user avatar
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2 answers

Automatically import content to wordpress from a json file

I have a scrape that generates content in JSON format and can be obtained by GET to a specific URL, the URL from which to extract information is this:
Nando Merino's user avatar
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PHP variable not regenerating when publishing multiple posts at the same time

Context: I am building an automated system which will grab record from a database and immediately publish them en masse as a CPT. When they are being published, I have a function in the functions.php ...
UgKnu's user avatar
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Setting a default text for excerpts of a particular category

I am extremely new to WordPress Development and PHP in general, and was wondering if there is a way to create a function that would automatically add some pre-determined text to the excerpt of posts ...
Alfred Sant's user avatar
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Realtime database update from 3rd party apps (notion, airtable, sheet, etc)

Can I achieve Realtime database update from spreadsheet? My requirements: I have many posts with custom fields that have certain values. I have all these values stored on a spreadsheet (GoogleSheets, ...
Reza's user avatar
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How can I automatically display the section link on my one-page Elementor website?

My website is using long one-page posts for each issue of our magazine and these are navigated through anchor links. I add the anchor links through Elementor. I want to be able to display the section ...
Aman's user avatar
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Send a review notification email to admin when a post is 12 months old

I'd like to send an automated review email to the site admin whenever a post has been published for more than 12 months. I've tried using the following code but can't seem to get it to work, or ...
Trevor Petrie's user avatar
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Is it possible to populate my wordpress site with many random posts for testing purposes?

I have just deployed the Wordpress application on my Kubernetes cluster following the instructions from Now ...
mark's user avatar
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Wordpress Body Content How to add current page title automatically in different places?

I'm new to wordpress with very limited/low knowledge in coding, I'm trying to build a faq section for different pages, where I need to insert the page title, post date, author etc. in multiple places. ...
Srini M's user avatar
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Adding Tracking Details for Advanced Shipment Tracking Plugin From Order Notes

I have a woocomerce site which is connected to UPS e-fulfillment and when they they ship out an order, the tracking number ends up getting updated to the order notes like in this example: To put ...
Pasie15's user avatar
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How do I automatically generate pages from a database?

I have a spreadsheet of information I'd like to publish online. I'm trying to find the easiest and best-looking way of doing this. The page will be informational and not intended to generate revenue ...
cbrian's user avatar
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Automatically create tags and merge with categories

In the following code I can set tags automatically and add to a pre-existing category: <?php function update_post_terms( $post_id ) { if ( $parent = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ) $...
BobGCA2's user avatar
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Automatically delete post in a single category when a new one is created

Is it possible to delete/move to trash a post in a single category each time that a new post in the same category is created? I mean, I need to always keep just one post (the most recent) visible in ...
andreiabc's user avatar
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How to auto empty comment trash after X days

I know how to programmatically delete comments that are X days old but they then go to the trash. How do I empty the comment trash every X days? function ...
Pete's user avatar
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Activate and deactivate plugin automatically

How I can Activate and deactivate plugin automatically? For example, I want the "Yoast Seo" plugin to be active only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and the other days deactivated. How can I do ...
Donovan's user avatar
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How can I post exact same post but with a few things changed? (with some sort of Automation)

I wanna duplicate some of my posts but want to change a few variables. For example, I would just like to make some variable in my posts that will be changed every time I give inputs. These can be ...
Suhaib Kamran's user avatar
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allow multisite in the installation process

So I want basically to automate wordpress installation for multisite, I looked a bit and found that I can do that using the drop-in plugin wp-content/install.php, It obviously works for normal ...
Brand's user avatar
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Auomated crash recovery?

Is there, or do you know of any in development, a solution that will provide push-button recovery when a plugin update causes a crash??? Many systems now provide push-button rollback to a backup if ...
Chris Burbridge's user avatar
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WP Cli - post add meta in xargs after wp post generate - add multiple fields

This command will generate posts and create a field with key "bar" and value "foo" wp post generate --format=ids --count=10 | xargs -d ' ' -I % wp post meta add % foo bar This does not seem to work: ...
BenB's user avatar
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Checkboxes to automatically create pages when I activate a theme

So, I want to create pages automatically on theme activation. This seems kinda easy with wp_insert_post(). The problem is: I need to select only certain pages to be created. Is there a way to do this?...
brumilk's user avatar
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Automate dir and DB stack creation with WP-CLI

This is how I create a database stack and a directory for WordPress in my Ubuntu environment: cat <<-DBSTACK | mysql -u root -p"${dbrootp}" CREATE USER "${domain}"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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Shortest possible shell script to install WordPress on Nginx server?

The following script is the one I use on Ubuntu-Nginx environments, to get a WordPress webapp up and running. I run it with a domain as an argument: bash ~/ My question is what ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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Automating WP application directory creation (domain name passed as a variable argument)

This is the farthest I've get so far automating Dir creation for WordPress. How I could I further automate this in the Linux command line? #!/bin/sh domain="$1" echo "Please save your DB user ...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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Making sure updates didn't break anything

I am tasked with updating plugins and core on a number of blogs that I am completely unfamiliar with (nothing weird about them, but I haven't worked with them before today). What I need to do is ...
dgo's user avatar
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Scheduled emails to include only posts and calendar events for the upcoming week

Please be kind, I'm new to WordPress and PHP. :) I volunteer with a local animal rescue group (non-profit). We are migrating our web site to be WordPress. On our current site, we can go in and create ...
HPWD's user avatar
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Is there a solution to auto-post data to a WP post from a database

I'm looking to add posts to my WP website from a (self managed) database source - could be form or excel/CSV data, either internally (in WP itself) or external, i.e. from an excel sheet in Dropbox. I ...
Andrew Findlay's user avatar
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Automatically Add Page Links to Nav Menu

I wrote this code in my functions file to automatically add page links to the nav menu if a plugin is activated. It works perfectly on my test server but pages don't load any content below the header ...
Steve's user avatar
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automation of plugin installations

My business is building and establishing websites for all kinds of businesses and companies. So, every time I start a new site for a client of mine, I have to install the same plugins over and over ...
TheCuBeMan's user avatar
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Automatically generator a Wordpress installation on my subdomain

i am currently working on a project which i hope will result in a e-commerce platform as Shopify. The reason im building this project, are so my customers are able to pay monthly for day Wordpress ...
Markus Harrison's user avatar
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Automate configuration after new/hosted installation

Lets say I launch a new WordPress site at a hosted provider such as WPEngine. As I start to configure my site (install a template, install plugins, create layout and content for my pages, etc.), is ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Automating Page Creation

I have a huge website, with thousands of pages. It's a reference site, with a page for every country, each U.S. state, every species of mammal, etc. I've tried WordPress on some smaller sites and ...
WordBear's user avatar
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How to populate a Mailchimp newsletter with latest events from Wordpress plugin EventOn?

Once a month I send a newsletter with upcoming events. I also publish all the event on a wordpress site with EventOn. I was wondering if there is a way to import the latest events in a mailchimp ...
OsCar's user avatar
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Adding a variable to a meta field in the backend?

I have a plugin which lets me create retailers. These retailers all have a meta field called commission - the value of which I might need to change down the road. Most of them are just set to 15 at ...
Kristoffer M's user avatar
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Automatically convert standard posts with custom fields to custom post types

I am just beginning a page, and for my current purposes it seems that the only extra things I need are a couple of extra fields for posts of a certain category. Because I only need to add a little ...
CoderScissorhands's user avatar
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On install, automatically create page and set it as front page

On install, I want a page automatically created and being set as front page. I able to create the page but unable to set it as front page. Below is WP Install Defaults codes which automatically ...
apasajja's user avatar
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Best way to schedule daily change in CSS parameter

I have a few CSS values on my WP site that I would like to change once a day on a daily basis using a random variable and I am trying to determine the most elegant way of doing this. For the sake of ...
CoderScissorhands's user avatar