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Unanswered Questions

614 questions with no answers
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change default post archive page link

I can't figure how to change the default post archive link. I've got few custom post types (for instance video_news, slug video), if I type I get the archive.php. And every ...
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Permalink settings not saving

I just started a new WP installation and my permalink settings are not saving. I have chosen the 'Month and name' option (/2014/06/sample-post/), but when I create a new post, the text shows up as /...
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Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy Permalinks

I'm currently working with a client's Wordpress blog that has a permalink structure set in the admin settings as "/speaks/%postname%/". This is so that all actual blog posts (post_type=>posts) have ...
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Permalink /%category%/%postname%/ returns 404 on OSX

I'm on OSX 10.8.4 with a pretty standard installation of Wordpress 3.6.1 under the local OSX Apache/MySQL. If my permalinks are set to /%category%/%postname%/ I get a 404... This is working on the ...
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0 answers

Custom Post Type with two hierarchical Custom Taxonomies: strategy to generate best permalink structure

this is my situation: I have a Custom Post Type named struttura (like accommodation): function custom_post_struttura() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x( 'Strutture', '...
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0 answers

Incorrect 404 for pages when using permalink, a static front page, and posts page

I am having an issue with my permalink setup, which I think has to do with my setup, rewrite rules, and more. Under Settings->Reading, we have a static Front Page set as well as a Posts page (Home ...
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Page Attachment Permalink Structure based on Menu Order?

I've been on a quest for the past couple of days reading up on Rewrite in WordPress but still can't seem to figure out how to accomplish this. When using pretty links in WordPress, media attached to ...
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0 answers

WordPress Version 6.6 facing "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed." which edit text on page with link

Today, when I edit a page with text that has link attached to it getting this error "This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.". Same issue when I try to attach new URL/...
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0 answers

After moving content to a new site, gallery thumbnails are not pointing to media files

I am moving content from an old site based on Wordpress 4.9 to a new website based on the current release and PHP 8. I have moved all the content - meaning posts, pages, media, and so forth - using ...
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0 answers

Help Needed: Issue with Change Permalink on DirectoryPress Listing Pages

I'm encountering a problem with a WordPress plugin I'm developing for DirectoryPress listing pages. The plugin aims to replace the default permalink with a new link specified by users in a custom ...
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0 answers

Custom permalink for post of one category

I want to customize the permalinks structure for posts in WordPress based on their categories but only posts of one category, The permalinks of the "android" posts category become like these:...
1 vote
0 answers

Introducing sub categories into the URL

I have inherited a pretty dated project, and it contains a lot of legacy code, which I am still fumbling around in. Currently I have a custom post type with the URL: /something/faqs/{topic}/{faq-post},...
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0 answers

Date-based archive URLs to match my /2023/Jun/13 permalink structure?

So, I have a custom function that adds a %monthname% variable to use in permalink settings instead of the native %monthnum%, so that I can have the three-letter month abbreviation in post URLs because ...
1 vote
0 answers

Wordpress add parameters with friendly url structure

I build a Wordpress website with a page called 'Nieuwsberichten'. The url looks like This page is dynamic and I need an extra parameter called 'news_page' https:...
1 vote
0 answers

Make all internal links relative, or otherwise make a website accessible from multiple domains

I'd like to make a WordPress website self-contained. That is, all its internal resources (images, pages, etc.) should be cross-linked independently of the site location. If I decide to move the ...

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