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Questions tagged [theme-roots]

The Roots Theme is based on HTML5 Boilerplate & Bootstrap from Twitter.

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Roots Sage Symfony error when using override from template

Currenty I’m building a website with Roots Sage as my template. The template works like a charm. But for the import of vehicles we use a plugin. The override in the /resources/ is working. For example ...
Wouter's user avatar
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Sage WordPress - Plugin Namespace: Not Found

I originally posted in the Sage forum here. I'm trying to get a plugin to work but it's not, and I feel like it's a very general Namespace problem, and not something with the actual plugin, so I ...
Kenny's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom Post type with ACF in REST API, how do I get those values?

I use to register my custom post types and ACF to add custom fields to my custom post and I want to include in my wp-json response all registered fields per ...
fefe's user avatar
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`post_type` => `any` not giving me my custom post

I'm using Roots Bedrock + Sage 9 Beta 3. I've created a custom post of type lp that I want to set as my homepage. Here is the code I'm using: function cptui_register_my_cpts_lp() { /** * ...
xyhhx's user avatar
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Failure to establish connection when provisioning via ansible-playbook server.yml

I'm using's Trellis workflow. I've encountered an error wherein I couldn't establish a connection via ansible-playbook. When I run ansible-playbook server.yml -e env=staging it throws me ...
JohnnyQ's user avatar
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Get posts in same category not working

I have a custom post type with custom category taxonomy. On the CPT single templae I want to list out other posts in same categories, but I can't get it to work. My current code: <?php foreach ( ...
rebellion's user avatar
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Getting Permalink within the loop

I have a (Roots/Sage-based) theme with a home.php template override and on that page am displaying excerpts and featured image for each post. <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <...
MikeiLL's user avatar
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Load Gallery Images with Title on Homepage BX Slider

I need to display all thumbnails of a gallery on the homepage using the Roots theme with links to one page with a shortcode. The gallery has to be loaded as list items using BX Slider's jQuery to ...
rhand's user avatar
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1 answer

How To Run Multiple Multi-Site Networks On Same Box [closed]

I'm building a multi-site project locally using the VVV Vagrant VM. I setup a sub-domain multisite install with domain mapping and two sub-sites. Everything works fine. This was my sandbox that I ...
Ken Prince's user avatar
3 votes
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What to do when theme and WordPress coding standards conflict?

I am considering different starter themes such as _s and roots. Roots looks very good, especially its sass fork. Anyway, there's one thing that concerns me. It seems like Roots doesn't follow the ...
user54383's user avatar
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Pagination not working for cpt [duplicate]

I'm using this script to catch posts from a custom post type $paged = ( get_query_var('paged') ) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; $args = array( 'post_status' => array('publish', 'future'), ...
marcelo2605's user avatar
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Warning after create Custom post type with Roots theme

I've created e Custom post type with Roots theme, adding the custom script inside functions.php like require_once locate_template('/lib/custom-post-types.php'); // Custom post types After ...
albertopriore's user avatar
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Roots: Custom Post Type 404 Not Found [duplicate]

So I'm trying to create a custom post type for my theme. I've written the function to register the post type and I can add a post from the admin panel, but when I try to view the new post's permalink, ...
Connor Black's user avatar
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Internal 500 error: Activating rootio theme and deploying with capistrano

When I deploy my wordpress site using Mark Jaquith's capistrano recipes, I get a 500 internal error when trying to activate my theme. All other default themes work. Here are my server logs: ...
Connor Black's user avatar
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3 answers

WordPress Ignoring My Custom Post Type Templates?

WordPress is 404ing all of my Custom Post Type posts. Have I missed a step here? I’m using the following to set up my CPT: function custom_post_types() { register_post_type( 'creativework', ...
Hugh Guiney's user avatar
-1 votes
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wp_enqueue_script does not work

I am developing a child theme based on the roots theme. I created a front-page.php and added the following. I test that the page is loaded because I see the I am loaded text. However, the scripts are ...
noway's user avatar
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How to rename theme's root directory? [duplicate]

I want to rename the theme's root folder for security purpose. I put these in wp-config.php file: But I want to rename the theme's root directory also: define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', $_SERVER['...
Nisha_at_Behance's user avatar
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How to create a theme specific translation of buddypress? [closed]

Originally asked on the BuddyPress forums: For distribution purposes I would like to include my customized buddypress language files in my theme alongside my other language files. No matter what I ...
Justin S's user avatar
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wp_enqueue_style will not let me enforce screen only

I am using Roots as the starter for a theme I have been working on. I then generated a print.css file, but in Chrome's case, it still is using the bootstrap-responsive.css queries, and messing things ...
jmlumpkin's user avatar
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No access to global variables?

In main.js, I have a script, which is sending an ajax request to script.php. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "wp-content/themes/roots/script.php", data: registerdata, success: function(...
user2260090's user avatar
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get_stylesheet_uri returns wrong path

I am using the roots theme. Inside scripts.php, the stylesheets are loaded using the wp_enqueue_style-function. wp_enqueue_style('roots_bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/...
Sebastian Starke's user avatar
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Why do the Roots theme CSS files not load (404)?

I've set up my new shiny 3.5.1 WordPress using Git, following these instructions: (stopping after step 2; I've not ...
Antony Hutchison's user avatar
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Incorrect 404 for pages when using permalink, a static front page, and posts page

I am having an issue with my permalink setup, which I think has to do with my setup, rewrite rules, and more. Under Settings->Reading, we have a static Front Page set as well as a Posts page (Home ...
jmlumpkin's user avatar
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roots child theme can't override header.php

I made a child theme for roots and it worked as expected. I can override everything, including footer.php, but not header.php. My header.php looks exactly like the one from roots at the moment, except ...
Sebastian Starke's user avatar
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Two exact templates, sidebar showing in one but not the other

I'm using the Roots WP Theme and for some reason when copy pasting the page-custom.php to create a home page template. The new homepage template is showing the sidebar but not the original page-custom ...
dalanmiller's user avatar
-1 votes
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Beginner Resources for Roots Theme Framework [closed]

I'm building a WordPress theme, using Roots as a starter theme. Are there any tutorials telling me how to build a theme off of Roots? I've worked with starter themes before, but this one is a whole ...
user16935's user avatar
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Change the name of the root name of an already built Wordpress theme

If I have built a site using an existing theme (i.e. "Twenty-Ten"), but then modified it considerably and want to re-name it entirely, how would I go about doing this without breaking all the links? I ...
mcranston18's user avatar
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the_permalink() not working in a root installation

I hope someone can help me. I have a root installation of WP, but not as index.php (it's actually news.php). Consequently the_permalink() doesn't work, as the root of the website is a different page. ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
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.htaccess on multisite and roots theme?

i install the Roots Theme and then convert my installation to multisite... so that wordpress add some code into the previous .htaccess with root settings. My .htaccess now looks like this and i'm ...
3logy's user avatar
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How to know which order Wordpress places CSS files?

I've installed the Roots theme (version 4 so I can use the 1140px Grid) on Wordpress 3.3.1, and want to edit the CSS. Initially I only get the style.css file in the editor and can't see the others. ...
Jason's user avatar
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3 Level Deep Navigation Menu Not Showing All Levels

I have a 3 level deep navigation menu which will show beside all pages on the site except the homepage. The issue is only 2 of my 3 levels are showing in the menu when displaying it using the ...
Dwayne Charrington's user avatar