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Adding Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook to WordPress, Problem with Rest Route?

I'm not completely sure if this is the problem, but note that update_option() returns a false if the the old and new option values are the same, so you should not simply do a if ( update_option( self::...
Sally CJ's user avatar
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Options on how to Display member specific data from a MS SQL database

You can create a new wpdb object and connect to an external MySQL database, though there will be a performance cost to making a remote connection, don't expect it to be fast. But, you mentioned it's ...
Tom J Nowell's user avatar
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How do I configure WordPress to talk to a Microsoft SQL Server database?

I think there is a new approach to it: You can also use a 3rd party version of WordPress (not my cup of tea, ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar

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