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Twenty Twenty-Four Theme, where to put the personalized CSS style rules?

With this new theme there seem to be no way to write CSS style rules that work. CSS style files aren't loaded. and I find no space to modify CSS directly when editing the pages. But the "blocks&...
DavidTaubmann's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

opening and closing elementor-widget-container

I want the following and hope you can help, I have created a container in Elementor and within this container I have added element and direction row. I want to the container to toggle with a button ...
Brango's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How can I make the wordpress editor apply the selected template?

I wrote a WordPress theme for a non-profit where I use templates to style individual pages. I select the template for an individual page in the editor on the right: For styling of a template page, I ...
Mathias Bader's user avatar
1 vote
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show content of a page built using yootheme builder on different page/template

I have a WordPress page built using Yootheme builder. I want to show the content of that page on woocommerce Category page. namespace YOOtheme; global $post; $post = get_post(2434); setup_postdata( $...
Div's user avatar
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why won't my custom css load with the enqueue method or any other method?

<?php function load_stylesheets(){ wp_register_style('sj', get_template_directory_uri() . "/sj.css", array(), 1.0, 'all'); wp_enqueue_style('sj'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', '...
JCSMOOTH345's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Adding css and js to a blank page created with custom template

I am new to wp, fair warning :) I have added a new blank page by adding a php file in the twentytwenty theme folder with: <?php /* Template Name: charles */ ?> Then, I have created a new ...
ADM's user avatar
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Is it possible to link an external stylesheet, exclusively within a specific single post template?

SOLUTION Big shoutout to the wonderful SallyM, who answered this very succinctly in the comments of this post. If it helps anybody, here's the code that I used. Note: Replace the //CONTENT// with ...
Peter Matthews's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WooCommerce: The model of e-mail is displaying only the html, not css [closed]

I'm using the version 3.4.7 of WooCommerce and configuring the e-mails, I stare with a strange thing: the templates didn't appear the css. I experienced this in all of my sites, this is a test site ...
Lucas Vendramini's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I delete the word `Category:` from page titles? [duplicate]

If I installed a new WordPress with twentysixteen theme and went to uncategorized page, I will see at the title something like Category: Uncategorized how can I remove the category: word from pages ...
iLinux85's user avatar
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1 answer

Edit css for search results page

I have a search results page with a template call content-search.php. Basically what this file does is to display the results after a person searches something on the search bar, and i would like to ...
desh's user avatar
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How to make an WordPress element sticky? [closed]

I'm trying to make an element sticky on my article. This is the element- Name: WP-Review <div Class=sticky-review> <?php echo do_shortcode("[wp-review]"); ?> </div> I tried CSS- ...
Bikram's user avatar
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1 answer

CSS style button For WP Login Function in page template

I am using Avada theme. I have a page template created where I placed the WP Login function: <?php wp_login_form(); ?> Here is a live page:
Marek Ojciec Dyrektor Malinows's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem alignment issue with echo knowledge base

Im currently using a plugin called echo knowledge base. But apparently i want to show it like this on the single post. But apparently i only achieved this To achieve on what i wanted, i need to ...
Taneshima's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I target this page specifically?

I have created a Wordpress site, and am looking to hack the template so that I can have a background image at the top of my page (with the menu on top), and for the content of the page to directly ...
mediainfocus's user avatar
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1 answer

Post repeated when opening in overlay, how do I solve this? [closed]

I created a code following the link example: The problem that opens only the first post on all buttons. How do I solve this? ...
J.Z's user avatar
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Style sidebar for a custom page template exclusively

Please assist. I have followed a tutorial to create a custom template with a sidebar. The sidebar has been implemented successfully and the page template is called "Custom page Template Wizard". The ...
Bradley's user avatar
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2 answers

Video header on mobile, disappears behind header and content

On I have input a video header using advanced custom fields and a new page template. Page template: <?php /* Template Name: Video Banner */ ?> <?...
Grant Smith's user avatar
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1 answer

Text Not Wrapping Around Right Floated Image [closed]

I created a page where I have text wrapping around a right floated image using shape-outside polygon (yes, I will be using the cross-browser polyfill). Outside of Wordpress it works fine: https://...
user1356871's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

An unwanted inline style is added to my body tag

I have made my theme and installed it on my host, but there is a problem with my body tag. it gets an automatic inline style which looks like below in Google Chrome: <body style="">&#65279;&...
Naser.Sadeghi's user avatar
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1 answer

Templates & CSS - Proper Programming Practice?

I've worked with WP/html/css casually for a long while but never dug deep before, I have a few questions about good practices. My Background - totally skip this if uninterested I've been left ...
Murkantilism's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use the featured image of a page as a css background without inlining?

So, I'm totally new to WordPress and trying to "convert" a static site to a WP theme. I have a page where I'd like to use the featured image as a background for a div. I was wondering what is the ...
lastnoob's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating custom post-listing templates in twentyseventeen child theme

I'm using a child theme based on 'Twenty Seventeen' and have created a custom post type ('review'). I want to make two Pages, one which lists 'reviews' and the other which lists a mixture of 'posts' ...
Phil Gyford's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to Handle CSS for Multiple Header header.php Files?

So, I'm building a new theme based on Underscores. So far, I've managed to get ACF Pro to call different header files from a dropdwon selction in the Options page but, now I am faced with the task of ...
AlonsoF1's user avatar
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Add stylesheet per layout

Could anyone tell me what is the best and most efficient way to add separate style sheet only to one template? Do I have to have separate header and call it there or there is some Wordpress trick?
Rafal's user avatar
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Add class or ID to any Wordpress function

I often find the need to add class or ID's to Wordpress functions. Preferably I would like to do this in the a template (not in functions.php). Example: <?php the_excerpt(); ?> Will output the ...
Arete's user avatar
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How to properly Remove certain CSS / JS files from template

I need to create an optimised version of my header and footer and remove a lot of the CSS and JS which is being included. How would I go about doing this? For example, I want to remove all ...
LeeTee's user avatar
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Change Theme from Plugin based on query_vars

I'm working from about 4 months on developing a Plugin. This plugin make in a page an entire app, using the powerful of Wordpress. So, I've decided to create a serires of rewrite rules using command ...
Klode's user avatar
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-2 votes
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<head> files disappearing from template

I have a site (link below), that every now and again, a bunch of the CSS of JS links in the head, simply disappear from the template (when i view source, they are not there). this of course means that ...
kneidels's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add new CSS file to new PHP file

I've made a new template file for Wordpress constructing the elements of the page via PHP and Wordpress recognizes the template as such. Then I wanted to include a CSS file for said template (same ...
theHubi's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot edit style.css from admin panel, because the template is looking for style.min.css

I am trying to edit the style.css file for a Wordpress theme, however the changes I make (via admin or ftp) are not reflected on the site because that is using style.min.css. It is very cumbersome ...
Crocodile's user avatar
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Stylesheet comment header: Which header names are mandatory? [duplicate]

I've always used the same comment header names in my style.css document. Theme Name, Theme URI, Author etc. For example: /* Theme Name: Example Theme URI: Author: John Doe Author ...
henrywright's user avatar
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How can I fix the even/odd child classes comments so that the comments are unaffected by the top-level even/odd?

Sorry if the title was confusing, I'm having a bit of trouble explaining here. I'm working on a theme for my site, and I'm using a slightly modified version of a custom comments template found here. ...
Aaa's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Hide Front-End Admin Bar Including 32 px Spacing

I have a custom template and I inserted the following snippet to get rid of the admin bar for the page: function hide_admin_bar(){ return false; } add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', 'hide_admin_bar' ); ...
Adam's user avatar
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MailPress plugin: table inline style tag removed when sending the newsletter

I have coded my own MailPress theme for my newsletter using tables and inline styling for good look and feel of my newsletter. I have in the files header.php and footer.php html table code with inline ...
elvismdev's user avatar
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How to create a WP theme that use BootStrap? [closed]

I am pretty new in WordPress and totally new in BootStrap development (I have beginning to study BootStrap yesterday) and I have the following doubt about how create a custom WP template that use ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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Broken theme, template is missing

I'm beginning to learn theme creation, so I have created a simple theme: my_theme css style.css images logo.png index.php Why does it appear as a broken theme ("missing ...
Matthieu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make different custom post layouts?

I am new to wordpress, and have encountered some difficulty in making my own custom layouts. I'm using _S framework ( as well as Custom Post Templates plugin. I'm using custom fields ...
idekman's user avatar
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Highlight wp_nav_menu when category is selected

Using the wp_nav_menu() function to display my menu I noticed the highlighting in the menu was working well for the pages I created (like archives.php) but not anymore when a date (date.php), category ...
Slyvain's user avatar
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Highlight comments made by registered users of the site

How can I highlight comments that have been made by registered users of my blog?
Imran's user avatar
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Extending body classes in front- and backend

I want to extend both body classes for the front-end as well as for the admin area. I have seen some snippets floating around, which led me to the following add_filter('body_class','...
SunnyRed's user avatar
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Creating new templates in child themes breaks layout

I am learning how to create new templates in WP. I am using a child theme of Twenty Eleven. My problem is that whenever I create a new template the layout breaks. For debugging I stopped using any ...
hyperknot's user avatar
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Remove WordPress scripts

I am working on a custom page template in my theme and I want to remove all other styles and scripts which are loaded, like default theme style, jQuery & other scripts. I want to remove all for ...
Milan Aditya's user avatar
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3 answers

Best approach for loading a sidebar Only if the screen max-width is >900px?

I have been playing around with media queries quite a bit lately and I love the concept. It is so easy to display images or change div floats depending upon what the users screen max-width is. I'm ...
shawn's user avatar
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2 answers

Add a preview to a Wordpress Control Panel

I'm trying to create a new wordpress template and inside it I added a Control Panel, inside this control panel there is an option that allows user to choose where he want's to place a on a map, I try ...
Downloadtaky's user avatar
-2 votes
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How customizable is a self-hosted WordPress blog compared to a Blogger blog?

I currently have a Blogspot blog and I'm thinking of making the leap to a self-hosted WordPress one instead. Everything I've seems to suggest this is the best way to go for the best possible ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
3 votes
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Modify CSS via Theme Control Panel

Hi to all I'm trying to create an advanced control panel for my first Wordpress template but I'm not able to add a function that I will need. The function that I'm trying to add is the possibility to ...
Downloadtaky's user avatar
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3 answers

Removing Wordpress Footer -without access to PHP code?

I want to remove the "powered by wordpress" and theme name in the footer, but all the tutorials refer to clicking on the "Appearance" tab, clicking on an edit button, and then going to the php ...
user avatar
5 votes
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How to customize the default HTML for Wordpress Attachments

I'm using Wordpress 3.0.1 (most recent as of now) and working around the Whiteboard theme. It seems that for attachments (images, specifically), Wordpress generates the HTML automatically and it ...
jeffkee's user avatar
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