
I currently have a Blogspot blog and I'm thinking of making the leap to a self-hosted WordPress one instead. Everything I've seems to suggest this is the best way to go for the best possible experience, but main concern is customizability.

I've messed around with a few Blogspot blogs and I know that you're given pretty much full access in terms of changing the look of your blog. I can get in there pretty "deep" and do whatever I like.

When I've read about WordPress, though, a lot of people complain about the lack of customization. Is this true? Are they getting confused with the non-self-hosted version? Just how much visual customization will I get in a self-hosted WP blog? I'd really like to know that I have full control over how things look before I take the plunge!

Thanks a for any help.


2 Answers 2


The front-end customization options in self-hosted WordPress are absolute. You can edit whatever you want in PHP/HTML templates and CSS style sheets.

While WordPress comes with single theme ("Twenty Ten" at moment) the availability of third party free and paid themes for it is huge.



"a lot of people seem to say that you only get access to the CSS once you've paid."

I think you're confusing WordPress.com with self-hosted WordPress. WordPress.com is a blog service similar in concept to Blogger. Self-hosted WordPress is a different beast entirely, and you have full access to the code running your blog.

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