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Questions tagged [scale]

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35 votes
3 answers

How well does WordPress scale?

With the new WordPress and it's new features, it seems like WordPress is capable of much more than a simple blog engine. But how well does WordPress scale being used by say 10k -> 100k users per day? ...
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31 votes
3 answers

What are the best practices for using a caching plugin on a shared host?

I've launched quite a big site the other day and I'd like to incorporate a caching plugin. The setup is single-site with some Buddypress features mixed in (for user registration, maps with gpress, ...
Amit's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to increase media image scale limit?

I'd like to insert a large infographics image into a post. The problem is that WordPress scales the image and applies a limit of 393px in my case. When I try to manually increase it, a red exclamation ...
haxpanel's user avatar
  • 157
6 votes
2 answers

WordPress database scalability from the code perspective

I have read through multiple questions here on StackExchange that concern WordPress scaling and the common opinion is that WordPress is indeed highly scalable provided you have the infrastructure to ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Performance tips for a large user base [closed]

I’m preparing a site with many users (100.000+). Since the output depends on the current user’s relation to some custom post types and taxonomies a static cache won’t help much. Besides using a ...
fuxia's user avatar
  • 107k
0 votes
1 answer

How to scale up image into thumbnail without distorting it?

I have a section in my single post page that contains the post thumbnail. When using a smaller image as featured image (smaller than the thumbnail size, in width or height) it gets distorted to fill ...
Otavio Vidal's user avatar