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Questions tagged [scale]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Memory usage for scalable usermeta queries

Problem Some time ago I posted a question about the scalability of wp_usermeta architecture: my concern, as my client's database of users is growing fast, is now the memory usage of querying the ...
Sunyatasattva's user avatar
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Make this Fast and Queryable

I have 100,000+ registered users on my WooCommerce site. I have a subscription billing that people earn 5 entries each billing with. All users have the ability to earn entries for every $5.00 spent. ...
Nicholas Koskowski's user avatar
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Scaling images for mobile

I'm feeding a mobile app from WP. I want the images uploaded to be rescaled like x0.5, x0.3 . add-image-size doesn't give me scaling functionality, only resizing by pixel. Any Idea? thx.
Martin's user avatar
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fastest replacement DB

What's the best database setup for WordPress for speed and lots of posts (hundred thousands of rows in posts and post_meta tables)? While I can cache as much as I can and optimize my queries/PHP as ...
forlogos's user avatar
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Change wordpress wp-content/uploads/ paths to load from 2 different hard disk in the same server

Change wordpress wp-content/uploads/ paths to load from 2 different hard disk in the same server So basically there only 1 machine with 2 hard drives Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted ...
Wed's user avatar
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Database structure for thousands of posts

I need to make a large custom customer database and was how to structure it in WP. It will run without woocommerce or anything. The client will not have access to the dashboard. There will be ...
Emil Østervig's user avatar