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Randomise upload filenames (or another solution to hide the original image URL from theft?)

Our users upload high resolution artwork that we need to protect from theft. The images are resized and watermarked, but it's still trivial for somebody to guess the original URL and gain access to ...
obinice's user avatar
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1 answer

Change wordpress wp-content/uploads/ paths to load from 2 different hard disk in the same server

Change wordpress wp-content/uploads/ paths to load from 2 different hard disk in the same server So basically there only 1 machine with 2 hard drives Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted ...
Wed's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to increase media image scale limit?

I'd like to insert a large infographics image into a post. The problem is that WordPress scales the image and applies a limit of 393px in my case. When I try to manually increase it, a red exclamation ...
haxpanel's user avatar
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How many post WordPress can handle?

I am maintaining a multiuser blog site in wordpress cms. I got 30/40 post per day, its mean around 10k post at the end of year. Every post contains a featured image at around 140kb file size. The site ...
Kabir's user avatar
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Make this Fast and Queryable

I have 100,000+ registered users on my WooCommerce site. I have a subscription billing that people earn 5 entries each billing with. All users have the ability to earn entries for every $5.00 spent. ...
Nicholas Koskowski's user avatar
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Database structure for thousands of posts

I need to make a large custom customer database and was how to structure it in WP. It will run without woocommerce or anything. The client will not have access to the dashboard. There will be ...
Emil Østervig's user avatar
1 vote
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Scaling images for mobile

I'm feeding a mobile app from WP. I want the images uploaded to be rescaled like x0.5, x0.3 . add-image-size doesn't give me scaling functionality, only resizing by pixel. Any Idea? thx.
Martin's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Amazon EC2 and static page Caching (Multisite): How to enable Caching with multiple instances?

Depending on the current load, Amazon EC2 may spawn multiple server instances of a well visited WordPress website (files are duplicated, while database is the same for all). For this WordPress website ...
Blackbam's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to run WordPress across 2 VMs for high availability

Microsoft Azure requires that applications utilize two instances across multiple data centers in order to achieve their "high availability" SLA and ensure your sites don't go down for routine ...
Yaron's user avatar
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1 answer

fastest replacement DB

What's the best database setup for WordPress for speed and lots of posts (hundred thousands of rows in posts and post_meta tables)? While I can cache as much as I can and optimize my queries/PHP as ...
forlogos's user avatar
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1 answer

How to scale up image into thumbnail without distorting it?

I have a section in my single post page that contains the post thumbnail. When using a smaller image as featured image (smaller than the thumbnail size, in width or height) it gets distorted to fill ...
Otavio Vidal's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there an upper limit for users in WP?

Right now I use a single WP table to feed several sites. We have about 72K users and I have started noticing that to see the "Users" page it takes about 30 seconds on our otherwise pretty fast server....
STing's user avatar
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When is it OK to create a custom table for a plugin? [duplicate]

A while ago I wrote a question asking about storing easily queryable data associated with a given attachment. The recommendation that I received at the time was that I should avoid using the WP ...
Dan's user avatar
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Backend of the [closed]

It has been known that PHP is under an impression that its a web low performer. However, the size of says otherwise. Does anyone knows why blogs scale so well even though ...
Adam's user avatar
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Does WordPress Need BuddyPress to Handle Large Amounts of Users?

I understand that technically there can be 18446744073709551615 users (db limitations). But I heard at a talk that the vanilla install of WP in actuality can't handle many users that well due to ...
r00tAcc3ss's user avatar
2 votes
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Memory usage for scalable usermeta queries

Problem Some time ago I posted a question about the scalability of wp_usermeta architecture: my concern, as my client's database of users is growing fast, is now the memory usage of querying the ...
Sunyatasattva's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

WordPress database scalability from the code perspective

I have read through multiple questions here on StackExchange that concern WordPress scaling and the common opinion is that WordPress is indeed highly scalable provided you have the infrastructure to ...
John's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is WordPress MultiSite secure & how much can it scale? [closed]

Great info on How to Scale Wordpress and more info on Wordpress Web Hosting. Still, I am left with questions. Creating a project that for the sake of argument we will call a blog network. A user ...
csi's user avatar
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2 answers

Using catch_the_image to get the thumbnail size

I use front end posting on my site so I don't get a chance to set a featured image for alot of my posts. So I use catch_the_image to get thumbs but it gets the original size and then scales it which ...
Pollux Khafra's user avatar
12 votes
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How to configure WordPress to handle 75,000 pages?

I have a large site that's using WordPress. We have 75,000 pages in the site so far, and it's performing well on the front-end. The issue is that if anyone on our team touches the page editor (wp-...
Alex Cook's user avatar
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1 vote
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Using Fullscreenr with a wordpress blog - weird bug

I'm wondering if anyone here has used the jquery plugin 'fullscreenr' with a wordpress theme before. I've noticed a weird bug that I'm sure anyone who has used this before for a wordpress build would ...
timshutes's user avatar
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2 answers

How to resize images in wordpress without adding any compression or changing the color profile of the images, possible?

As you can guess from the title, Im looking for a solution that allows me to alter the way Wordpress processes/saves its newly created images according to the media settings in the dashboard. This is ...
Mr.Brown's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Performance tips for a large user base [closed]

I’m preparing a site with many users (100.000+). Since the output depends on the current user’s relation to some custom post types and taxonomies a static cache won’t help much. Besides using a ...
fuxia's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

What are the best practices for using a caching plugin on a shared host?

I've launched quite a big site the other day and I'd like to incorporate a caching plugin. The setup is single-site with some Buddypress features mixed in (for user registration, maps with gpress, ...
Amit's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

How well does WordPress scale?

With the new WordPress and it's new features, it seems like WordPress is capable of much more than a simple blog engine. But how well does WordPress scale being used by say 10k -> 100k users per day? ...
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