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Limit total tags in the_content

I am using the_content to display content in a custom theme, but I am running into an issue. Right now, I have some JS code that removes the <br> tags and replaces them with </p><p> ...
Josh Rodgers's user avatar
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How to limit post (Exception pages) for current user in each role in front end?

Thank you for reading this question I need an option or code for each user in each role to see only their posts at the front end, and other users' posts to be completely hidden from them, even in ...
booklover's user avatar
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Limit the number of external API calls per second

I would like to use wp_remote_post to retrieve data from an external API. The matter is that the external API only accepts a maximum of 5 requests per second. However, depending on how many users are ...
Peter S.'s user avatar
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Allow a specific user role I have created to only upload one image to his media library

Hello guys I was following this article but the code doesn't seem to do anything. The last one by Maruti Mohanty is doing something , it doesn't allow any files to upload with an error. Set a maximum ...
Johnda's user avatar
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Limit amout of sessions on user-by-user basis?

I've searched and searched, but to no avail - hope you can help! I'm building a subscription based online training site for a client. The service caters to companies, who will buy access for their ...
Nikolaj's user avatar
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How to limit posts by category

I was wondering if there is a way to make this code limit by category. In other words, if user A has already published 10 posts in category A then he can keep the new ones as drafts in category A or ...
ACE's user avatar
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WordPress hit memory limit but not from the server

I have struggled with this for hours and days. I need good ideas for a fix now. When I do a certain action in WordPress, I sometimes get a Fatal memory error. The error comes after I hit "Update&...
pstidsen's user avatar
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How do I shorten the title lenghs with Elementor theme? [closed]

Hi guys I've searched this for too long and I am getting tired now. I need to set a limit on my post titles but I don't know how to do it. On google there are snippets of 300000000 codes to do the ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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how to split and upload a theme on wordpress?

I have created an account on googiehost and unfortunately the hosting company has limited the file upload size to 2MB. Since the hosting is free on googiehost the hosting provider may not agree to ...
Ravikiran's user avatar
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Set different max upload size limits based on file type/extension

When uploading with video files to the Media Library, it's apparent that you need to increase the Max upload file size value. But this will be applied to all media types, including images and ...
Jaafar Abazid's user avatar
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How to increase media image scale limit?

I'd like to insert a large infographics image into a post. The problem is that WordPress scales the image and applies a limit of 393px in my case. When I try to manually increase it, a red exclamation ...
haxpanel's user avatar
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Limit front-end submitted posts by role

Right, I know this question has been asked, but, none have provided me with a workable solution, hoping someone can help. I created a property listing site using the plugin Essential Real Estate. The ...
labworxsa's user avatar
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1 answer

How to limit the number of custom posts certain users can publish in Wordpress using php script?

Background: I tried both and, but they didn't work for some reason with my custom posts. So I ...
Simon Templar's user avatar
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2 answers

Limiting Wordpress Search function : Custom build

The website I am busy working on was built by another company that no longer supports Wordpress so I am looking for help. Below is the PHP for the search function. From the research Ive done it seems ...
Brad Montgomery's user avatar
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How can i limit the number of posts to the most recent 6 in my query?

I have a crashing jQuery slider that i have been asked to fix. Currently it is loading 128 slides (causing crashed of course), but we only want to see 6. I tried using jQuery to remove() 7th and ...
Ben Blue's user avatar
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WPAdverts - How to limit form submission 10 per month

I currently use wpadverts plugin and wants to limit the submission to 10 submit / month. How can I do that? I think I need to make a new row like "form_submissions" in "wp_usermeta" and store every ...
gezuka's user avatar
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How to limit post of custom post status?

I have a custom post type 'Commercials' and custom post status 'Featured'. Now I want only one featured post. What I mean is right now I can make all posts as Featured, but I want only one to be ...
Muhammad Russell's user avatar
2 votes
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How to only show posts assigned to current user, only in certain post types

im trying to get this code to work. in admin id like to only show posts assigned to current user, only in certain post types like: shop_order, pages, posts. But show all posts in other post types ...
Richard SD's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't upload files 1MB+ [closed]

I can't upload files with more than 1MB, but i haven't change any configuration. I have a lot of files with more than 5MB uploaded before, but i don't know why now i can't... The error is "Failed to ...
Matheus Ribeiro's user avatar
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Limit wp_nav_menu_objects() only to first-level menu items

I need to alter my menu URLs and add "/" to the beginning on every page except homepage. It works well using this piece of code: function change_menu($items){ if(!is_front_page()){ ...
Kristián Filo's user avatar
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Pages views limit [closed]

Is there a option or plugin that can limit a number of pages user can view per month? Im trying to make a site with video and text toturials and I need to limit user to view only 10 lessons (pages ...
Adrian Ropelewski's user avatar
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Limit post top level categories to one

My website have many posts, ~9 main categories and "unlimited" subcategories. I'd like to force in WordPress panel that you can't choose more than 1 top level category but you can choose unlimited ...
HazeHybrid's user avatar
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If user has 1 post then dont let him create new one [closed]

I have tryied all plugins.I need a php code not a plugin cause im running a front end post creator.I need a function or a php code which only allows a user to have 1 post only but if that post is ...
ANdy's user avatar
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Limit post creation by role

Hi I want to limit post count a role can create. I am currently using Bainternet Posts Creation Limits. It works from dashboard but not for rest api.
Sinan Baymammadli's user avatar
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Defined Wordpress Memory Limit to Unlimited

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '-1' ); define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '-1' ); So have a quite big server, I wish any of the websites to use maximum available ram. Will these settings work or will I ...
Ashish Dung Dung's user avatar
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Excerpt being limited too early

I grabbed the code from here I have this in my post right now: "Test sentence for excerpt purposes. Link:" ...
Darren's user avatar
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2 answers

How would I change the 10 MB limit to 5 GB in this script?

Found this and it works, but want to change the 10 MB limit to 5 GB. $upload_bytes_limit_reached = ( ( $filesize + $upload_bytes ) > ( 1024 * 1024 * 10 ) ); add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload', '...
Darren Cain's user avatar
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Search Replace Database ONLY for posts of certain category?

I need to search/replace my database but limit the action to posts of certain categories. Is this possible? I usually use, but there is no way to ...
website walrus's user avatar
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2 answers

return only the first two terms of custom post

hey im trying to figure out how i can display only two terms that are associated with a custom post type. I tried using $wpdb but that doesn't work for me since i need the term links as well. any ...
jordan's user avatar
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WP website won't accept any new content - need dedicated hosting?

I can't add any more content to the website. Theme devs said to increase limits on the server (memory_limit, max_input_vars, max_execution_time). We upgraded a package with the host, and tried to ...
Diane's user avatar
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1 answer

Balance Tags to the_content Words Length

I have a category page that I need to show some of the content of a the posts with HTML tags such as images. Site - I have found this code ...
Gina DiSanto's user avatar
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Limit Number of Taxonomy Terms (Images) Displayed

Getting some issues with taxonomy images plugin.I am trying to limit the number of taxonomy terms displayed on a page to 6. The following code is what I'm working with. It shows the term name and ...
streetfire's user avatar
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How can i limit the number of posts created per category?

How can I limit the number of posts created per category? And then delete the oldest post and save that one? I would like to do something like this: add_action("load-post-new.php","...
user1619177's user avatar
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How to restrict type/size of file uploads in any plugin?

I have a plugin, in this case it's Woocommerce Product Add-on which has an ability to allow folks to upload a file for the item being purchased. However, there is no restriction and I'm looking for a ...
Humble Val's user avatar
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Is there a maximum limit of the number of users returns by WP_User_Query?

I’m working on a search form which filters the users . Everything works but the result is always limited to 299 users. Here is my code which is vers basic : $args = array( 'orderby' => '...
Sébastien Gicquel's user avatar
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Single Time Login HELP

I am developing a software on wordpress. i want restriction on Login. if a user login for 1st time, he should not be allowed to login 2nd time. i am working on a software where user should not be ...
Vishank Parikh's user avatar
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Custom Post Limit for homepage only without plugin?

I have a wordpress site where my most recent post is displayed on the home page larger than my other posts. Starting at post number 2, the posts are displayed in a grid. I have pagination for 6 posts ...
user102927's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is my max_upload_filesize being limited to 2M? [duplicate]

I have had to reinstall my wordpress install. In order to add the content back I need to get my max_upload_filesize increased to at least 500M. I have went to every php.ini I can find and increased ...
Macmike Hughes's user avatar
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Limit tag selection to predefined list

It can get really messy when I'm entering tags. Sometimes I enter tag 1 sometimes Tag1 or tag01, this is very messy and I can get a lot of duplicated tags that should be the same thing. Is it ...
Reygoch's user avatar
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6 answers

Increase 10 post limit per page

I am new to wordpress and coding. I created this website: I have six archive pages, and I am posting different posts under each category. I just realized ...
Singh H's user avatar
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Video limit about wordpress

Good morning, actually i'm going to start with a new entrepreneur project and I'm thinking about build the website in Wordpress but I'll need to upload many GB of video everyday. There's some limit ...
Daniele Mogavero's user avatar
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Adding character count and limit in comments, modifying labels and fields - jetpack

I am trying to configure Jetpack comments as following: I want to change the labels on the comment fields, but I have no idea where to find the code and edit the tags (they are also translated so I ...
Mpampirina's user avatar
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Limit 1 global comment per minute

I need a function to limit the same user to leave max 1 comment every minute on my wordpress website (all posts).
Suphannee's user avatar
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Problem with the Loop - want to limit the access to three free articles

What I'm trying to do: If anyone who is not logged in, reads an article, I will increase a session var by one. Save that article ID via global $post and save the $post->ID to an array. After 3 ...
sibbih's user avatar
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How to limit page pagination... again

I'm digging out on old question as no solution came out. How to limit page pagination I'm looking for a way to limit pages on homepage and categories (archive.php). I have around 200k posts spread ...
Antony Gibbs's user avatar
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Is there a way to limit multi upload in media upload box?

What I'm trying to learn is to remove multiple upload (and drag&drop). I want a user (vendor) should be able to upload only one file when clicks on upload button. Instead of completely removing ...
grasycho's user avatar
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Limit attachment caption characters

I want to limit the characters a user is able to enter for the image/attachment caption. There are already long captions in the system and I don't wont to touch them. Any ideas on how to do this? I ...
Dude's user avatar
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Limit access to a page

I try to limit access to a page only for registered users before a specific date. For the others, a message must be display. Here is my code <?php if( strtotime( $user->user_registered ) &...
Guenfood's user avatar
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How to get max upload size and accepted file types on multisite?

I'm switching a single WordPress site to a WordPress Multisite. I'm maintaining some post meta boxes with custom fields, and some front-end forms, where I maintained some features like maximum upload ...
Mayeenul Islam's user avatar
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HTTP Error after finishing uploading a video that is bigger than 64 MB -> After raising the upload limit manually in the wp-config file

I use Dreamhost as my web host. Previously my WordPress upload limit was 64 MB. I asked the tech from Dreamhost to boost it to 400MB. He told me I had to change a setting in my wp-config.php. That's ...
gab's user avatar
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