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10 votes
4 answers

Update post counts (published, draft, unattached) in admin interface

I am working on a multi-user WordPress setup and have made it so a particular type of user can only see and interact with posts, images, pages etc that they have authored. The code to make this happen ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 421
8 votes
3 answers

How to Display a List of Users Who Have Made at Least 1 Post?

What I would like to do is have a list of users who have contributed at least one post. I need to show the following: [User photo] | [User Name] | [User post count] e.g. [photo] Joe Bloggs(8) I ...
steakpi's user avatar
  • 207
8 votes
4 answers

Find out who deleted a page or post?

Someone moved a very important page on my website into the trash, and I do not know who did it! It was not deleted permanently so I don't need to worry, in that sense. The revisions, when I restored ...
Jacob Raccuia's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

User-Specific Timezones? Hack? Plugin?

Is there any way, whether it be a hack, a plugin, etc., to give users their own timezone? I am using a purchased SMS plugin. Users (my clients) login and are able to send out text messages when they ...
spinblade's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Wordpress: How to get the current logged in author page URL?

Is there a way to display, via a PHP function, the author posts link ( of the current logged in user ? In fact, I would like to display, for every logged in user, a "My ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

disable column on post and user list

I'm looking for the way to disable user column (posts and role) from users list. like you see in the picture I'm also search how to disable column author on page list (in red on the picture)
Samuel's user avatar
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1 answer

disable password protected page for logged users

Is it possible to add hooks on function.php for disable password protected page for back-end users (logged users)? I use beaver builder and when i modify page or post I need always to put the ...
Samuel's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Force "Submit to review" when a post is updated

I think that everything is in the title. I would like to find a way to change the status of a post to "pending" when the post is updated when the user is an "author". I already tried with differents ...
S.Ardant's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Hide comments awaiting moderation from user who submitted the comments

This is a strange one. I host a website that is primarily for children. All posts are moderated. Users are required to enter a user name and location (State), but are not required to be registered ...
VWTom's user avatar
  • 33
2 votes
2 answers

Get how many days since last post of the current user

How do I get how long since current user's last published post? For example: It has been <?php echo $days_since_last_post; ?> days since your last post I need to use that number in a variable ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 43
2 votes
2 answers

Query All users that has post

I have this query so far : $user_args = array( 'role' => 'frontend_vendor', 'orderby' => 'display_name', 'order' => 'ASC', ...
Marlon Buendia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Limit number of posts a user can make per minute?

So I found the solution to limiting a number of posts a user can make per day but not per minute. Here's an excerpt from the code I found on
user1114968's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I allow users to follow a post and then allow admins to email all users who have followed that post?

I'm looking to build out the following functionality, but I'm having trouble finding any help on it: user follows a post > user's email is pulled into an admin page and associated with said post > ...
Erica Decker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

wp_insert_post let users post to without login...broke

this question has been answered on stackoverflow. here is a link i'm trying to let users post to my site by ...
andrewk's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Get user's most published categories

I am working on listing all users similar to the Users page here on SE. When listing each user, I want to add their 2 categories they have published most into. All categories are within Posts. ...
Christine Cooper's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Allow anonymous users to post to my site for moderation

I'm in need of the ability to allow anyone (they don't have to login) to fill out a form with email and a textarea and submit it to my site. This form would be treated as a post and appear somewhere ...
benhowdle89's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

how to find user ids of all commenters in a post

Is there a function in wordpress that grabs all the users(user ids) who have commented on a post? I have the post id available.
Poulomi Nag's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to list users and their post amount?

I want to list all the users of my site and the amount of posts each user has. So far I have the function below, but I don't know how to pull in each user's ID to use in the count_user_posts... <...
user1893's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Is there any way to allow users to access content before it's published?

I have a blog and I make posts daily, and I would like for users to be able to access posts one day before they are published. How can I do that?
user8292439's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

UberMenu list current user's posts as menu items

I'm attempting to turn users' posts into menu items, without luck. Here's what I have so far, but not working. I would like to use the Advanced custom content by adding a shortcode. add_shortcode( '...
Fid's user avatar
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Create post for every user?

I was wondering is there a way to create a post for every user. Sort of like a mass update that would associate certain user meta to the post created. I would prefer running a loop script that goes ...
user1893's user avatar
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How to use WP default post list tables in a plugin?

I'm developping a plugin to manage a base of users and I'd like to show them in the same type of table used in other parts of the WP admin (post lists, user lists, etc.), I'd like to have the same ...
mike23's user avatar
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1 answer

count the total number of comments the user has received for his published posts

I want to count the total number of comments the user has received for his published posts. for example show: total comments of your all posts : 47 Is there a way to do this? Can you help me?
mostafa ajdadi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Restrict users post for himself

I am trying to build a system that lists users posts only (that I have managed to code) but also restricts users from seeing eachothers posts. If user A has his post under: ...
Mastafu's user avatar
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1 answer

How to allow logged in users to post anonymously

I've been searching and searching for a while now to see if there's a way to allow people who are logged into my site to make a post as "anonymous" or as their screen name, an ideal additional option ...
Chef Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Allow public to post on blog

I need public users to be able to submit posts, then have them be approved by a moderator or admin on the dashboard. Is this possible to do? I would like it to function very similarly to comments. ...
Ethan's user avatar
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1 answer

current post with current author

how can i check if the current post belongs to the current author? this is my basic code; ` if($curpost) { wpuf_edit_show_form($curpost); } else { $error = ...
boranb's user avatar
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0 answers

Hiding posts by other users and non-logged in

I've been looking for a plugin that works like a private journal and had no luck. The closest I found so far was this guide from buddyforms. In terms of functionality, this is pretty close to what I ...
Excelle's user avatar
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0 answers

How to verify wp user password by sql query in wp? [closed]

I want to verify the user password without function only by the SQL query.
IT Guy appnweb's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

WordPress Delete Users from backend doesn't work

When I delete user & that user content from backend, user was deleted successfully but wordpress doesn't delete that user posts & comments even I select "Delete all content" radio button. Does ...
Por's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i delay reading posing in 3days for not logined user?

if( ! is_user_logged_in() && ( in_category( 'test2' ) || in_category( 'test1' ) ) && ( current_time( 'Y-m-d' ) <= get_the_date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime('+3 days') ) ) ){ echo 'sorry'...
donald's user avatar
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Encountering "Wrong nonce. Action prohibitied." when trying to alter User Role and unable to Post via WP Admin

The plugin in question that I believe is displaying this message is the User Role Editor, although I do not believe it is causing the issue as users who should have permissions to make posts on the ...
Karl Brown's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Users problem (multi-author plus multisite)

all. I am having a users-related problem on a multi-author site (actually two sites on a multi-site, both of which have the same users). Here are some details: 1) In the backend users' list, the ...
Tim Gallant's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I manage my users post before publish?

In my website , I allow to the new user to write posts. but the problem is when the user write post. the state of post is publish. it is appear in front page. I want to read it before the publish , ...
AboSami's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I retrieve a users' last 5 posts?

How do I retrieve a particular users last 5 blog posts? Currently, I am trying the following approach, but it seems that it is retrieving the actual post titles and permalinks: <?php $...
Moose's user avatar
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2 answers

Gather posts into a cart/lightbox and share with another user

Ok I've almost completed a Wordpress site that is a multi-user Image Library. This is a private site, where users must be logged-in to view it. The average user cannot get to the backend (wp-admin) ...
Monkey Puzzle's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Add field to user meta table in database when link is clicked

I am working on function that enables registered users on my site to bookmark posts. I have searched for plugins but none seemed to do the job properly. I have a page where users can see their info ...
TietjeDK's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get all posts belongs to a user between a certain date

I am writing a plugin for my company so I need to get all posts belongs to a user between a certain date which is given by another user. Then I want to count words for each post and finally add them ...
MMTDesigner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Assign published posts to another user automatically

Usually, I write posts as admin, as this is more comfortable from the blog administration point of view. But I want the posts to be assigned automatically to another existing user with editor ...
Yuri's user avatar
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Hide comments and posts posted by other user

I've created a user with role Contributor, when i logged in as Contributor all the posts and comments are listed in the dashboard. How to disable this? I just want to see the post made by me/...
Nikhil's user avatar
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Automatically create a default set of posts for each new registered user

Is there a plugin, or a way to automatically create a set of default posts for a new user when they register? I suspect that the answer might be to hook into the existing wordpress events - can ...
mojones's user avatar
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2 answers

Summary of Posts by an User

i have a buddypress blog at . When I click on a user his buddypress profile opens up. Can there be a summary of his posts in his buddy profile or directly that opening up when user ...
Abhishek Gupta's user avatar
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How to allow Contributors to edit their own posts, whilst still needing to be reviewed by an admin?

Im using the User Role Editor plugin to try to acheive this, but I've also tried PublishPress Capabilities and had the exact same problem. I'd like it so that my contributor users work like so: Their ...
user303096's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Query within a foreach within a query (queryception)

I'm achieving this list in a really roundabout way at the moment and I feel like I should be able to do it with a foreach instead of separate queries for each "House" (House is a CPT and is ...
Lorn Waterfield's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Display a list of users who have viewed the post you are viewing

How would I display a list of users who have viewed the post you are viewing?
Pete's user avatar
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Check if current user has a post and that post has any term/s from a specific custom taxonomy outside the loop

I'm looking for a way to check if (whilst outside the loop) the current user.. 1. is logged in 2. has a post published 3. their post has any term/terms from a custom taxonomy I have this so far... &...
Pete's user avatar
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Echo Text If User Is Logged in But NOT the Author of post

i am coding a plugin, where user can subscribe to a indvidual author of post (like we do on YouTube). I want to display the subscribe link to all logged in users, but not the author of post. my ...
user avatar
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Deleted a user with administrator rights. Now all the data/content/images are lost. how to recover them back

I have Deleted a user with administrator rights. Now all the data/content/images are lost. how to recover the lost content and images back
robin's user avatar
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create front-end users post list by specific category

I am trying to create a post list that will show current users posts by specific category and show the post id inside the title. So, I wrote the code below, but it isn't working work. Any suggestions ...
Utpal Sarkar's user avatar
0 votes
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Show number of posts by logged in user

How to display the number of posts written by the logged in user. Here is what i got from the codex so far <?php echo 'Number of posts published by user: ' . count_user_posts( 5 ); ?>
Demilio's user avatar
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