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How to insert data into meta box from another plugin?

I have two different plugins. My custom-post-type is on the first plugin and it has some meta boxes. Now in the second plugin, I extracted the email using IMAP and stored it in the post type of the ...
Rohit kc's user avatar
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Multiple header style under meta box

I am a wordpress developer. There is a problem I want add multiple headers through metabox in my theme but there is not working. Code: add_action("admin_init" , "multi_header_meta_box&...
ruby's user avatar
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Adding an option to post editor to show a site disclaimer or message

I was wondering how I would go about adding an option to add a site disclaimer or message for a published post in Word Press. Something like this (Please See Below) Which by checking the box will ...
Nik's user avatar
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Save meta box data from selected dropdown list in bbpress reply form

I hope to customize bbpress reply form area with dropdown selection list. I could not find any previous post reporting similar case in bbpress. Referring to post "Save meta box data from selected ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Adding custom fields to bbpress reply form

Referring to post "adding-custom-fields-bbpress-topic-form" with link, I want to add custom fields to bbpress reply form ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Metabox types list

For example, in below code snippet, there are some types for custom metabox input fields such as text and textarea.So, I want to learn other types.I searched it on google also but I couldnt....
I dont believe you's user avatar
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Adding a drop-down (select tag) option under Menu Settings in WordPress Admin

I looked (surfed) around a lot to get idea of how can I add custom field/drop-down under "Menu Settings" in WordPress Admin. I want a select tag with options from which I can get value based on the ...
divy3993's user avatar
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save meta data of custom post type: WP_Error has no effect, even if insufficient capabilities

The function should give the user a feedback, if the data changes of the meta box of a CPT couldn't be saved. In the following code the function returns a WP_Error if the current_user doesn't have ...
Tom's user avatar
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Change meta-box title- "LearnDash Quiz Settings" to "Quiz Settings"

I want to change a meta-box title on the create question page from- "LearnDash Quiz Settings" to "Quiz Settings" on create question page. I have seen a few posts that explain changing custom posts ...
vayderr's user avatar
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Embedded Options in a Custom Metabox

I am successfully able to create a number of custom metaboxes. There are a number of tutorials online that help with that. My question is how to include embedded options in a custom metabox? So, ...
Greeso's user avatar
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duplicate featured image functionality in custom meta box

I'm trying to figure out how to add a link/button that when clicked will open the set featured image modal and perform the same functions as if you clicked it in the original meta box. I am wanting to ...
lblankenship's user avatar
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custom meta box for page default template

I'm having issues getting some custom meta boxes to display on the page default template. I want these meta boxes to only display on the default template and disappear when the user chooses a ...
lblankenship's user avatar
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Remove Custom metabox from particular page template is used

I have created custom metafields like the following and it was working fine. I want to show the metafield only when an particular page template is used. but it was not working. class ...
J. Shabu's user avatar
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How to add custom Author Info Box to blog posts "only" and NOT custom post templates

I’m not a php developer. I can handle html and css and my goal is to become proficient with php and javascript but right now I dabble with the latter two. In this case, I added some code to functions....
rvc2's user avatar
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Save metabox checkboxes values to custom content type

I'm trying to save checkboxes values to categories for custom content type. I have printed the values of the IDs, the array with checkboxes values and all looks good, but at the end, the values doesn'...
Tiyome's user avatar
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Save input form on custom field

I have an idea but I don't know if it's working on wordpress. I wanna save/stock input values on a custom field or metabox, is that something can work on wordpress? I couldn't find any way to develop ...
Carl Willis's user avatar
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issue with saving custom metaboxes fields

I have a post_type named room_type and a taxonomy room_facility. Between them I want a relationship. Furthermore I would like to add a value for each relationship room_type and room_facility. So the ...
MolteNolte's user avatar
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MetaBox not saving after empty

So I created a few custom metaboxes like this, and they all operate this way. They work perfectly the first time I put anything into them, and any time I edit them after that, but if they are emptied, ...
Trenton Moore's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I create a custom meta box to add an mp4 video to a page?

I've cobbled together code (as I'm a php and jquery newbie) from a couple of different posts to try and get an mp4 video URL input field in the wordpress admin. I've been able to get a media uploader ...
user103741's user avatar
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Add custom meta box on Post page

I want add a new settings box on the Post page. I'd like to be under the category or above, like so:
Orçun Tuna's user avatar
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after checked the checkbox in backend, dont show social link on frontend

I want to do something like if I checked/unchecked a checkbox in admin then all social links in the page footer on fronted hide/show. function add_custom_meta_box() {add_meta_box("demo-meta-box", "...
WP_boss's user avatar
3 votes
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Add comments meta fields to comments metabox on post edit screen

I have few custom fields in comment form. How can I add these fields to comments metabox? I divide my question on 3 parts: 1) How to remove url field and add custom comment fields to comment quick ...
anton's user avatar
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Cannot save CPT meta box

I swear I have tried every tutorial, and looked through every Stack Overflow thread to figure out what I'm doing wrong... I'm creating a custom wordpress backend for a church that includes a place for ...
AJ Fick's user avatar
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What Can I Use To Add A Custom Button Between Publish button and Move To Trash?

I want to insert a custom button between "Publish" button and "Move To Trash" link. What can I use to make this? Here is a screenshot to make this clearer: I know I can use jQuery, but I want to do ...
Ari's user avatar
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Custom Taxonomy to dropdown box on adminside wordpress

Can I create a country- location hierarchy using custom taxonomy on admin side. When selecting a country from select box , an another box should see the list of location comes under that country. And ...
Aparna Mathew's user avatar
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Meta boxes not saving

I have a custom post with two custom meta boxes that I add using this tutorial: When I update the post, it disappears. My code: function ...
Cristina Martín Ruesgas's user avatar
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Change post template the proper way

I'm trying to create an option on edit posts screen (backend) to select different post template based the selection and I need your opinions guys if that is the proper way. Here is what I've tried so ...
LinekereDe's user avatar
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Custom meta box using OOP way doesn't save data

This is the first time I'm building meta box using OOP way, the problem is when I save the post (product) or update it the input text is not saved to the database. Here is my code: <?php /** * *...
Hung PD's user avatar
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1 answer

Let author add field to metabox by pressing a button

I have added a custom metabox for authors where they can fill in a url to a source, which I can then use in my template. In my functions.php <?php /* Add metaboxes (see below) */ function ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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Saving an upload media meta box field

I'm using the answer for this previous question (link below) to generate a custom meta box with media upload functionality: Add "upload media" button in meta box field I've managed to get ...
rikardo85's user avatar
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save metabox with new values _wp_page_template

I created a metabox to display the page templates and select a different one with a radiobutton selection. This is a replacement for the current page attributes metabox. I'm missing something with ...
Interactive's user avatar
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When post is updated, custom metadata in text area field is overwritten

I have set up 2 new post meta fields in order to add functionality to a custom post type. The custom fields generally work as expected, with a couple exceptions. I set up a checkbox (called "...
SweetPWeb's user avatar
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Problem in custom meta boxes

I am trying to create a custom meta box "Set your mood" which will display the mood of user but unfortunately meta box is not saving value. Please help This is my code <?php /** * Adds a box to ...
Raunak Hajela's user avatar
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Meta Tags by Meta Box

I have successfully added custom meta tags to metaboxes on my pages. The issue I am having is when the metabox has no data it is still showing in the html. This is the code I have got, does anyone ...
Chris's user avatar
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Custom metabox value not saving

I have a custom meta box on a custom post-type. I've followed this tutorial but can't get the value I enter to save, I'm guessing I've referenced to something incorrectly. I've looked at the other ...
Brad Adams's user avatar
7 votes
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Check for and enforce unique value in user-entered custom meta field in WP Admin

I am trying to figure out how, on a new or edit post screen, to allow the user to enter a custom meta-item, BUT force it to be unique. Ideally, the process would work like so: Contributor logs into ...
Stephen's user avatar
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The Best Way to always load the newest version of 3rd party code

There is a class for plugins and themes that makes custom meta boxes easier to develop called cmb_Meta_Box from Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress at
Andrew T's user avatar
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Support Multiple featured images

I've created a WordPress theme where in one of my pages I need to use two feature images, I know already how to add support for the featured image and I'm using it. My need is how to add a second ...
Abu Romaïssae's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a meta box that can be added multiple times to a post dynamically?

This shouldn't be that difficult (I wouldn't think) ... I just want to have a section of my theme (directors) that has the name of the director / their bio in the title and post respectively (done). ...
Robert French's user avatar
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Display metabox with date

I'm trying to add metabox with date in WordPress. I used code from this page It works well, but I have a problem displaying the metabox values on page. My loop: <?php query_posts(array('...
blam4nz's user avatar
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Add 'Right Now' widget to custom dashboard

I have created a custom dashboard page to which the user is redirected when logged in. I want to include the 'Right Now' widget to my custom dashboard page. How do I achieve that ? class CustomDash { ...
Navin Nagpal's user avatar
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Custom meta boxes not saving

I am trying to create a custom meta box with 12 fields. There are 3 groups of 4 fields, so I am using a for loop to create them to save on typing etc. For some reason I can't seem to get them to save....
asaunders's user avatar
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Data won't save if metabox within conditional in admin. What am I missing?

What is wrong with this setup? Metaboxes inside this conditional will not get saved. // Only shows for the admin front-page assigned page. $front_page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $post_id = (...
Daniel's user avatar
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CMB select with data from CPT

I'm using the CMB framework for creating metaboxes ( and I want to add a select box which prepopulates with titles from a custom ...
Rizzo's user avatar
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Simple Custom Metabox Not Saving

I'm not quite sure why but I've been playing around with all kinds of different solutions but none seem to work. I've traded update_post_meta with add_post_meta and even broke it up into 3 ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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Set default value for radio button in WP Alchemy custom meta box?

I'm using the WP Alchemy Metabox PHP class ( to add a custom meta box with a radio select to a custom post type. The code below shows the code I'm using for the ...
jasonbradberry's user avatar
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Upload button in metabox not working

The upload button is not working when put inside javascript, but it works when I put it outside the javascript. /* -----------------------upload button------------------ */ function ...
Azad Rana's user avatar
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Problems with a custom meta_box

I got some information on here which I am using for an Events site I am developing. How to add option box in "Edit Post" plugin API? However, I have changed the checkboxes for text inputs ...
Luke Wolfenden's user avatar
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Showing Meta Box via Jquery Checkbox

Ive been fooling around with both Jquery and PHP and Im trying to setup a website for a sports team. I've created a custom post type called "Matches" and in there I've created two Custom Meta Boxes. ...
Phrosty30's user avatar
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remove a single post_meta

I created a plugin that has multiple meta boxes. One meta box saves a single record by using update_post_meta(). Another meta box saves multiple record by using add_post_meta(). I do not have ...
Franz Noel's user avatar