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5 answers

WordPress SEO by Yoast: Hide Meta Boxes in Posts for Non-admins

I have multi-author website and I am not very comfortable for allowing all members to enter SEO details in the posts they are publishing. I would like this would be visible only to Administrator of ...
Audrius's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How To Remove The "+ Add New Category" Link From A Category Metabox

Inside of a Wordpress category metabox or any custom taxonomy box for that matter there is a link with the text "+ Add New Category" is there a way this link can be removed preferably without ...
Dwayne Charrington's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Make Custom Metaboxes Collapse by Default

I've created some custom metaboxes for my post write screen. Is there any way to make some of them display collapsed by default? Just in case I'm not using the correct terms or not being clear in ...
matt's user avatar
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3 answers

How to force one column layout on custom post type edit page?

I've created a plugin using custom post types and I need to force the default two column post page to a single column. At the same time, the Publish metabox must move to the bottom. I need to do this ...
Armand's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Removing Metabox for "Slug" without removing functionality

Here is an interesting question. I have recently noticed that if you utilize the code remove_meta_box('slugdiv', 'post', 'normal'); you are actually unable to modify the slug when you click on the ...'s user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Check for and enforce unique value in user-entered custom meta field in WP Admin

I am trying to figure out how, on a new or edit post screen, to allow the user to enter a custom meta-item, BUT force it to be unique. Ideally, the process would work like so: Contributor logs into ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Adding another state (spam, reject, approve) to wordpress comments?

i know this might sound a bit weird, but what I'm trying to do is rather simple in mind but may be technically difficult. I'm running small contests on my wordpress site where I ask users to leave a ...
mathiregister's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What Can I Use To Add A Custom Button Between Publish button and Move To Trash?

I want to insert a custom button between "Publish" button and "Move To Trash" link. What can I use to make this? Here is a screenshot to make this clearer: I know I can use jQuery, but I want to do ...
Ari's user avatar
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1 answer

Add comments meta fields to comments metabox on post edit screen

I have few custom fields in comment form. How can I add these fields to comments metabox? I divide my question on 3 parts: 1) How to remove url field and add custom comment fields to comment quick ...
anton's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I create a custom meta box to add an mp4 video to a page?

I've cobbled together code (as I'm a php and jquery newbie) from a couple of different posts to try and get an mp4 video URL input field in the wordpress admin. I've been able to get a media uploader ...
user103741's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Add custom meta box on Post page

I want add a new settings box on the Post page. I'd like to be under the category or above, like so:
Orçun Tuna's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Add 'Right Now' widget to custom dashboard

I have created a custom dashboard page to which the user is redirected when logged in. I want to include the 'Right Now' widget to my custom dashboard page. How do I achieve that ? class CustomDash { ...
Navin Nagpal's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Custom Posts with Metaboxes and Drop-downs

When using Custom Posts and adding a Metabox, I was wondering how I could add a drop-down menu that would populate data that was added by the user. For example I want to be able to select a 'source' ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

Dynamically add / duplicate custom meta in custom post types

I am using Custom post types in one of my themes I have one custom post type called "accommodation" with meta boxes to add details such as type of rooms (single, twin, double...); each room has a ...
unfulvio's user avatar
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How to add a select menu to this metabox code?

I'm using a metabox script that works great for having absolute control over the design and placement of the metabox fields. There is one problem: I can't remember where I found the script and need to ...
MTT's user avatar
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Custom Taxonomy to dropdown box on adminside wordpress

Can I create a country- location hierarchy using custom taxonomy on admin side. When selecting a country from select box , an another box should see the list of location comes under that country. And ...
Aparna Mathew's user avatar
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1 answer

The Best Way to always load the newest version of 3rd party code

There is a class for plugins and themes that makes custom meta boxes easier to develop called cmb_Meta_Box from Custom-Metaboxes-and-Fields-for-WordPress at
Andrew T's user avatar
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Get a different size of Image thumbnail while working with custom metabox

I am using custom metabox for a page in my new project, I am using it for uploading image, and attaching it to the page. It's working fine, I can select image or upload the image using WordPress' ...
Salih K's user avatar
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Better Method for Multiple Meta Boxes

I'm learning about meta boxes and have gotten them to appear on my local dev, but I can't figure out how to avoid creating new functions for saving multiple meta boxes. I assume that I could call an ...
tigre's user avatar
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Problem with meta box in Links

I have troubles saving the data of the meta box in the link part of the admin. My code is working, because when I try it in the post or page part, it saves the data, but in Links it just won't. Here ...
matoma16's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to modify Publish metabox?

I'm trying to remove "Pending Review" (Status) and "Password protected" (Visibility) options from Publish metabox. Any ideas how can I do it?
Kovas's user avatar
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1 answer

Automatically exclude categories from metabox based on title

I am designing a website which will be used as a school PA system. Users will be posting entries into categories named for specific dates that correspond to school assemblies. We have two assemblies a ...
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I'm using add_meta_box() but want to include TinyMCE editor *and* Media Uploads for each box

I'm using a very lightweight plugin called WPAlchemy that lets me rapidly create meta-boxes for posts and pages. I've ben able to convert <textarea>'s into rich, TinyMCE's editors just fine. ...
Mike B.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to create relational metabox values in a custom post?

I have a custom post type ('Model') for a sports modelling agency, and it requires the model to enter sports they are competent at, and also rank their ability from 1 to 5. For example, given the ...
gillespieza's user avatar
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Adding custom fields to bbpress reply form

Referring to post "adding-custom-fields-bbpress-topic-form" with link, I want to add custom fields to bbpress reply form ...
Daniel's user avatar
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custom meta box for page default template

I'm having issues getting some custom meta boxes to display on the page default template. I want these meta boxes to only display on the default template and disappear when the user chooses a ...
lblankenship's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot save CPT meta box

I swear I have tried every tutorial, and looked through every Stack Overflow thread to figure out what I'm doing wrong... I'm creating a custom wordpress backend for a church that includes a place for ...
AJ Fick's user avatar
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0 answers

Set default value for radio button in WP Alchemy custom meta box?

I'm using the WP Alchemy Metabox PHP class ( to add a custom meta box with a radio select to a custom post type. The code below shows the code I'm using for the ...
jasonbradberry's user avatar
1 vote
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My custom write panels won't save data. What am I missing?

So far I've been reading some tutorials about ways to create Custom Write Panels. It seems that none of them will really work without some bug. I'd like to discuss one of those tuts here: http://www....
Circuit Circus's user avatar
1 vote
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I need a "Choose from existing content" popin

I'd like to create a field that allows the admin to select from other existing post types. Specifically, I want to create an options box to choose which events display on the homepage. For now, I've ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to create a meta box that can be added multiple times to a post dynamically?

This shouldn't be that difficult (I wouldn't think) ... I just want to have a section of my theme (directors) that has the name of the director / their bio in the title and post respectively (done). ...
Robert French's user avatar
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Data won't save if metabox within conditional in admin. What am I missing?

What is wrong with this setup? Metaboxes inside this conditional will not get saved. // Only shows for the admin front-page assigned page. $front_page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $post_id = (...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I hide custom field from users used for caching response from external api?

I have a custom meta box created using Rilwis meta box script( inside my theme functions.php. It has 2 text fields, one field is required to fetch results from ...
Chetan Chauhan's user avatar
0 votes
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Use a shortcode to display custom meta box contents

Is this possible? If so, can someone point me towards a clear tutorial? I have a column of content I want to float right of the_content, so I'd like to be able to use a shortcode to put that content ...
Justice Is Cheap's user avatar
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Let's Create Custom Field Template Documentation

I've been using the Custom Field Template plugin for a while now, and I really like it. It's fantastic for adding quick custom field meta boxes in the wordpress back end. It handles TinyMCE, file ...
dwenaus's user avatar
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How to insert data into meta box from another plugin?

I have two different plugins. My custom-post-type is on the first plugin and it has some meta boxes. Now in the second plugin, I extracted the email using IMAP and stored it in the post type of the ...
Rohit kc's user avatar
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MetaBox not saving after empty

So I created a few custom metaboxes like this, and they all operate this way. They work perfectly the first time I put anything into them, and any time I edit them after that, but if they are emptied, ...
Trenton Moore's user avatar
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Let author add field to metabox by pressing a button

I have added a custom metabox for authors where they can fill in a url to a source, which I can then use in my template. In my functions.php <?php /* Add metaboxes (see below) */ function ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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save metabox with new values _wp_page_template

I created a metabox to display the page templates and select a different one with a radiobutton selection. This is a replacement for the current page attributes metabox. I'm missing something with ...
Interactive's user avatar
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Meta Tags by Meta Box

I have successfully added custom meta tags to metaboxes on my pages. The issue I am having is when the metabox has no data it is still showing in the html. This is the code I have got, does anyone ...
Chris's user avatar
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Custom meta boxes not saving

I am trying to create a custom meta box with 12 fields. There are 3 groups of 4 fields, so I am using a for loop to create them to save on typing etc. For some reason I can't seem to get them to save....
asaunders's user avatar
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2 answers

CMB select with data from CPT

I'm using the CMB framework for creating metaboxes ( and I want to add a select box which prepopulates with titles from a custom ...
Rizzo's user avatar
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Simple Custom Metabox Not Saving

I'm not quite sure why but I've been playing around with all kinds of different solutions but none seem to work. I've traded update_post_meta with add_post_meta and even broke it up into 3 ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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Showing Meta Box via Jquery Checkbox

Ive been fooling around with both Jquery and PHP and Im trying to setup a website for a sports team. I've created a custom post type called "Matches" and in there I've created two Custom Meta Boxes. ...
Phrosty30's user avatar
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remove a single post_meta

I created a plugin that has multiple meta boxes. One meta box saves a single record by using update_post_meta(). Another meta box saves multiple record by using add_post_meta(). I do not have ...
Franz Noel's user avatar
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problem saving/ retrieving custom meta with wp alchemy metabox

I am using WPalchemy metabox class to add a extra meta field to the pages editor which will allow me to attach galleries to pages. I use the class: $gallery_metabox = new WPAlchemy_MetaBox(array( ...
Chris's user avatar
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Meta Box Plugin Cloned Fields - Multiple Foreach values

I have the following code that I can't get working. I have two cloneable fields that are being output as one entity (URL and thumbnail image). These are cloned fields using the Meta Box Plugin by ...
Justice Is Cheap's user avatar
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Make separate text boxes for separate WordPress Custom Fields

I am trying to make usability of WordPress custom fields admin easier in my theme. I saw it in ElegantThemes' eStore theme. Only I couldn't figure out how to do it in my custom theme because I couldn'...
Aayush's user avatar
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Wordpress 3.1.2 Bug: add_theme_support() and video post format registering twice

Ive been experiencing a problem with the new WordPress 3.1.2 update. When i use add_theme_support(); and register an array of post formats, it registers all of them fine, but when it comes to the ...
VicePrez's user avatar
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Add a custom field when adding / editing a page / post in admin panel

I create a new theme and I the page / post is divided to: Title Slogan Content I want to add a slogan field in the admin panel, where the user adds or edits a post or page. After I will use in ...
Luis's user avatar
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