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Questions tagged [radio]

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1 answer

Gutenberg RadioControl saving data but not not selecting radio

The RadioControl attribute below saves data but the selected radio isn’t checked. I think the state isn’t being updated, or I’m using the wrong value in the selected attribute. I reviewed the ...
user1861582's user avatar
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Setting a menu link to open a pop-up

I want to set an menu item to work exact like the following link <a onclick="'/projects/aio-radio/demo/', 'aio_radio_player', 'width=720, height=355'); return false;" href="#" class="...
Willian Theodorovicz's user avatar
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1 answer

Desktop is class List and Mobile is class Grid

<input type="radio" class="list" checked> <!-- checked, desktop --> <input type="radio" class="grid"> <!-- checked, mobile --> Here class list is desktop and mobile. I know it ...
Dani's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to display a value from a radio button in the options menu in wordpress

I'm a little stumped on this one. I'm not very experienced when it comes to PHP, but I have figured out how to display a value inputted from a text box. I'm now trying to do the same with a radio ...
Anduin Mooney's user avatar
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1 answer

Colour of selected radio button seems backwards in Twenty Seventeen + Woocommerce

Help for a novice? I want to use the dark colour choice of Twenty Seventeen with Woocommerce. When I do so, the radio buttons on the "Checkout" page used to choose a payment method seem to be the ...
PDS's user avatar
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1 answer

Add input radio menu to post

Is there any function to add radio buttons to post and how can I call it? (exampe on img). Thank you for suggestion
x-magix's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Check radio get value to array

i have input radio as: <input type="radio" name="payvalue" value="126500000"><br> <input type="radio" name="payvalue" value="252000000"><br> <input type="radio" name="...
DinhTv's user avatar
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1 answer

Foreach loop not working as expected - custom tables and references while submitting a form

I have two custom tables and i would like to have a form submission with the name of the redskabs tables to make an reference to my registreringer table. But im confused to how foreach is working in ...
Mg10's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Get value of contact form 7 radio button [closed]

I have following radio buttons in contact form 7 and a few text fields and hidden fields. [radio radio id:radio label_first "3" "6" "9" "12"] Following are a few example lines of code in functions....
Nelson's user avatar
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1 answer

Required radio button does not validate in form, when clicked through Javascript/jQuery

I have a radio button that selects a dealer in my checkout. I need this button to automatically be checked for the user - however, no matter what I do, the radio button still needs to be clicked to ...
Kristoffer M's user avatar
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1 answer

theme customizer - can a single option pass multiple values?

In my customizer panel I have a radio button for hiding or showing a feature on my WordPress site. However I need to pass multiple values when a single option is selected. e.g. the related sections ...
esd's user avatar
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4 answers

radio button is checked but display not check

im trying to save different value of radio buttons on same name, it works and was able to make checked appear if the correct value is saved. As you can see on the screenshot ABOVE (which is taken on ...
Archangel17's user avatar
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Click a radio button must set textfield value

I have these radio-buttons in my checkout page: <input id="95292" type="radio" name="GLSShop" value="95292" onclick="SaveShopID('95292')"> <input id="95064" type="radio" name="GLSShop" value=...
MrCalvin's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

show/hide div with simple jQuery script [closed]

I want to show/hide contents by using radio buttons on a WordPress page. When a user clicks on the radio button with label "red", the corresponding div with the class "red" needs to show up. Here's ...
sven.v's user avatar
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3 answers

What's the proper way to sanitize checkbox value sent to the database

I have tried using sanitize_text_field() and esc_attr() to filter checkbox data when saving their values to the database, but it is causing the data not being saved. What is causing it and what's the ...
Ari's user avatar
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Change default "Apply Changes To" radio option when editing images

I have a theme where when the user edits images, I want the changes to apply to "all sizes except for thumbnails". She remembers to check this box most of the time, but not always, and it is very ...
dgo's user avatar
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1 answer

Add get_option to jquery

I have created a settings page that contains various radio button options for a custom plugin. A radio button I've created is to 'display dots' with the values yes or no. I can get use the value any ...
rikardo85's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom meta box not saving values of radio buttons in Wordpress

I dont know where i am going wrong.I want to save the values of my radio buttons in custom meta box.Here is my code. <?php if (!function_exists('custom_meta_box')) { function ...
user3443160's user avatar
2 votes
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Using radio button meta data from a custom meta box

Very new to attempting PHP and am hacking together my first plugin using tutorials.. I have a custom meta box with a Yes/No radio button on all WordPress pages (in the editor). EDIT- I removed the ...
user57393's user avatar
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Radio button problem using subtitles and mandatory field check

I have a problem with a WordPress website using radio buttons. At the moment, there are 6 radio buttons, divided in 3 groups: group of 3, group of 2 and group of 1. The groups have been made like ...
user57108's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

WordPress taxonomy radio buttons

I am trying to change the checkboxes for the terms on the backend to radiobuttons. I found this topic: Altering the appearance of custom taxonomy inputs however wich helped me doing this. However, ...
Maartje's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use radio buttons in WordPress plugin options using register settings?

How do I get this to save the radio buttons? It saves the checkboxes but I've tried a lot of methods and can't get it to save the radial buttons. Any help will be appreciated. Working Plugin ...
Mark Finch's user avatar
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Set default value for radio button in WP Alchemy custom meta box?

I'm using the WP Alchemy Metabox PHP class ( to add a custom meta box with a radio select to a custom post type. The code below shows the code I'm using for the ...
jasonbradberry's user avatar
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Use radio buttons & checkboxes for post categories

For my users, I need them to be able to have both radio buttons and checkboxes in the categories when posting. I have seen a solution to make the checkboxes when selecting a category radio buttons, ...
Ian Applegate's user avatar
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1 answer

The conditional logic only works to show or hide?

I am using the Advanced Custom Fields for custom fields in the User Profile. I use conditional logic to display one of between four fields, each field will be displayed according to a radio field ...
Enoque's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to add checkbox and radio button in Profile Page

I liked to customize my profile page by adding new fields to get more info from the user like "Gender" or "Speaking Languages". I managed to get the text input form to work, the problem I having now ...
dev-jim's user avatar
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How to Implement SAM Broadcaster with Wordpress? [closed]

I want to implement SAM Broadcaster software in wordpress. This is radio automation software. my client wants to implement with wordpress because he want to add some articles and videos regularly with ...
Ramkumar M's user avatar