I recently migrated a WordPress install from a subdirectory to the root. After the migration everything worked great, except that I can no longer set a featured thumbnail or add a picture in the WYSIWYG. On a possibly related note, I can only set post tags from the Quick Edit screen and not the post edit screen.
When I click set featured image on the post edit screen it opens the screen to add media, but it opens in a new page, not like in a box before. When I click to the media library and click show next to an image, it does not show and so I can't select "use as featured image." I can still upload the photo, but I can't attach it to the post.
I'm not sure if the tags issue is related, but whenever I enter a tag in the Post Tag box it will not save. But if I go out to the All Posts listing, I can enter them via Quick Edit.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.