This is driving me up the wall! I'm using the "Migrate DB" plugin to export the DB for the new server. I have a double change as in we are moving server, and also domain.

http://thebodywisegym.co.uk -> https://bodywisegym.co.uk

So I've told it to replace:

enter image description here

When I put that on the new server's DB, the site does work for the most part - but some images are missing:

enter image description here

I can see the media in question in the "Media" part of the admin panel, so I know the image is fine. However, if I look at the source code on the site I get:

<img  class="alignleft" src="" alt="Testimonial" title="Ryan Anderson"/>

I'm sure I'm doing everything right! Have I missed something? I always seem to have fun and games moving sites from http to https and a new path :/

UPDATE: As requested, I've tried to follow the code - its a bit of a hole!

This is the code in the template that is outputting the image:

                                    <?php mo_thumbnail(array(
                                        'before_html' => '<p>',
                                        'after_html' => '</p>',
                                        'image_size' => 'square',
                                        'image_class' => 'alignleft',
                                        'wrapper' => false,
                                        'image_alt' => 'Testimonial',
                                        'size' => 'full'
                                    )); ?>

That function then leads onto:

function mo_thumbnail($args) {

        $thumbnail_element = mo_get_thumbnail($args);

        if (!empty($thumbnail_element)) {
            echo $thumbnail_element;
            return true;

        return false;

...and that follows into this function:

function mo_get_thumbnail($args) {
    global $mo_theme;

    $context = $mo_theme->get_context('loop');

    $defaults = array(
        'format' => 'array',
        'size' => 'full',
        'image_scan' => false,
        'youtube_scan' => false,
        'wrapper' => true,
        'show_image_info' => false,
        'before_html' => '',
        'after_html' => '',
        'image_class' => 'thumbnail',
        'image_alt' => '',
        'image_title' => '',
        'meta_key' => array(),
        'style_size' => false,
        'the_post_thumbnail' => true,
        // Keep this true to enable featured posts
        'force_aqua_resizer' => true,
        'taxonomy' => 'category',
        'cache' => false,
        // WordPress handles image caching for you.
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);

    /* Extract the array to allow easy use of variables. */

    $output = '';

    if (empty($image_size)) {
        $thumbnail_urls = mo_get_original_image_urls($args);
    else {
        //image_size can be an array with height and width key value pairs or a string
        if (is_string($image_size)) {
            $image_size = mo_get_image_size_array($image_size);
            $args['force_aqua_resizer'] = false; // we have the wp sizes taken care of
        $args['height'] = $image_size['height'];
        $args['width'] = $image_size['width'];
        $thumbnail_urls = mo_get_thumbnail_urls($args);

    //create the thumbnail
    if (!empty($thumbnail_urls)) {

        $thumbnail_src = $thumbnail_urls[0];
        $thumbnail_element = $thumbnail_urls[1];

        if (empty($post_id))
            $post_id = get_the_ID();

        $post_title = get_the_title($post_id);
        $post_link = get_permalink($post_id);
        $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);
        $rel_attribute = 'rel="prettyPhoto[' . $context . ']" ';

        if ($post_type === 'gallery_item') {
            // Make the anchor to gallery thumbnail point to the image directly
            $before_html = '<a title="' . $post_title . '" href="' . $thumbnail_src . ' ">';
            $after_html = '</a>' . $after_html;
            if ($wrapper) {
                $wrapper_html = '<div class="image-area">';
                $before_html = $wrapper_html . $before_html;
                if (mo_show_image_info($context) || $show_image_info) {
                    $image_info = '<div class="image-overlay"></div>';
                    $image_info .= '<div class="image-info">';
                    $image_info .= '<div class="post-title">' . $post_title . '</div>'; // do not link to post for gallery
                    $image_info .= mo_get_taxonomy_info($taxonomy);
                    $image_info .= '<div class="image-info-buttons">'; // Make this part of the link itself
                    $image_info .= '<a class="lightbox-link button transparent"' . $rel_attribute . 'title="' . $post_title . '" href="' . $thumbnail_src . ' ">' . __('Expand', 'mo_theme') . '</a>';
                    $image_info .= '</div>';
                    $image_info .= '</div>';

                    $after_html .= $image_info;
                $after_html .= '</div>'; // end of image-area
        else {
            if (empty($before_html)) {
                $before_html = '<a title="' . $post_title . '" href="' . $post_link . ' ">';
                $after_html = '</a>' . $after_html;

            if ($wrapper) {
                $wrapper_html = '<div class="image-area">';
                $before_html = $wrapper_html . $before_html;
                if (mo_show_image_info($context) || $show_image_info) {
                    $image_info = '<div class="image-overlay"></div>';
                    $image_info .= '<div class="image-info">';
                    $image_info .= '<div class="post-title"><a title="' . $post_title . '" href="' . $post_link . ' ">' . $post_title . '</a></div>';
                    $image_info .= mo_get_taxonomy_info($taxonomy);
                    $image_info .= '<div class="image-info-buttons">';
                    // point me to the source of the image for lightbox preview
                    $image_info .= '<a class="lightbox-link button transparent"' . $rel_attribute . 'title="' . $post_title . '" href="' . $thumbnail_src . ' ">' . __('Expand', 'mo_theme') . '</a>';
                    $image_info .= '<a class="post-link button transparent" href="' . $post_link . '" title="' . $post_title . '">' . __('Details', 'mo_theme') . '</a>';
                    $image_info .= '</div>';
                    $image_info .= '</div>';

                    $after_html .= $image_info;
                $after_html .= '</div>'; // end of image-area

        $output = $before_html;
        $output .= $thumbnail_element;
        $output .= $after_html;
    return $output;
  • show us the php code where you call the image url
    – Vishwa
    Commented Apr 26, 2019 at 7:37
  • @Vishwa - it seems to be a bit long-winded! I'll update my post in a second Commented Apr 26, 2019 at 7:52
  • 1
    im not sure this is the right code. are you sure this is the php code for your homepage?
    – Vishwa
    Commented Apr 26, 2019 at 10:05
  • 1
    I'm sure it's fixable, anyway I'm not sure that I can tellmore without actually seeing the code myself, sorry about that. outdated doesnt mean that you should abandon it, but yoy may have to take some additional steps yourself to ensure smooth delivery. thats all
    – Vishwa
    Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 7:36
  • 1
    glad to be a help anytime..
    – Vishwa
    Commented Apr 29, 2019 at 5:50

1 Answer 1


Why don't you use Duplicator – WordPress Migration Plugin for migration?. I have also used same plugin used by you for migration but Duplicator is far better then other migration plugins. I think this problem can be resolve by using above plugin.

  • thanks, but I can't see how that plugin even works? It seems to want to create a whole bundle , but I can't see any way to change URLs and paths? Commented Apr 26, 2019 at 7:47

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