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Multisite - user email activation links broken

I am maintaining a large WP multisite network, but have to add all new users manually, because the email activation link that is sent out is always wrong. If the domain is ""...
Neil Hillman's user avatar
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Add menu items/actions for multisite users who are registered on the network but do not have a role or capability in any sites

We've built a custom application (Pressbooks) that sits on top of WordPress multisite and transforms the multisite into a CMS for book publishing. A frequent flow for super admins is to invite a new ...
Steel Wagstaff's user avatar
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Four columns in the wp_users table

I am writing custom code to allow users of my site delete their own accounts from the front-end (i.e., they do not have to logon to the WordPress admin area to perform certain actions, but rather I ...
Greeso's user avatar
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Easily adding multiple existing users to a multisite site

I manage a multisite network for a school. The sites are private (password protected), but users within the network should be allowed to access other sites as subscribers. (i.e. all students in a ...
q_andnot_u's user avatar
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Add custom user profile field to default WordPress MultiSite registration form

I trying to add a custom field to WP Multisite registration. I found hooks to display my field but I can’t save its value to user profile, because to do that I need user ID, but user ID, as I assumed ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Automatic registration on main site upon user registration on Multisite

I have a WordPress multisite with a main site on it. From the multisite settings, registration of users is enabled. When a user registers and confirms through email, they are added to the multisite ...
Borislav Zlatanov's user avatar
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WP MU Register User across all blogs

How to register user on WM MU install for all blogs at once, but not to a limited blog which was triggered during registration? Thank you.
Alex's user avatar
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Register a user only to the root blog - WP Multisite

I have code to register a user from one of the blogs in WP Multi site: if($userId = wp_create_user($email, $pass, $email)){ var_dump(get_user_by_email($email)); } The problem is that I want them ...
gdfgdfg's user avatar
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Is the Multi site functionality a viable option for Country and Language targeting?

I am working on an eCommerce website, which only has the TLD Extension .com at present. The website owner is keen on looking to expand the website, as to reach other Countries and Languages. Since ...
Craig's user avatar
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Activate User account for Sub Site broken

When I add a new user to a WP Multisite sub-site, an email is sent out asking the user to click a link to activate. The link looks like this: ...
Dawn's user avatar
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What sites are you registered to when joining a multisite?

I apologise if this sound super n00b of me but whenever I try to Google for this info all I get is "Get my plugin to do this or that" posts or people asking how to restrict or free cross site ...
JansenSensei's user avatar
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Possible to have duplicate usernames on different two multisites

I have a multisite set up with two sites setup: With both sites, they are using the same custom theme which generates a default list of users (publisher01, ...
markb's user avatar
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How to allow mixed case characters in multisite site name?

This rule seems odd since you can name your site whatever you want inside the WP admin area. I am creating a user registration form for multisite and consider this a bad user experience in my form. ...
Drewdavid's user avatar
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Modify new user email notification in network admin screen wp multisite

Can please teach me which function reference should I use to modify new user email notification in network admin screen -> add user. I want to use custom email template for notify user? it will ...
Muhammad Ibrahim's user avatar
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Using the standard WordPress "New User" interface on a multisite

We've set up a WordPress multisite with the intention of adding users manually via the Dashboard. However, it looks like the Multisite "Add User" menu is lacking several features, and this is causing ...
R. Vaughn's user avatar
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Users getting linked unwanted to main mu in WordPress multisite (WPMU)

Sometimes in WPMU a user from one of the networksites gets linked to the main mu as well. It seems to me like it is completely random and very rare so I cannot easily simulate this. It's easy to just ...
Maartje's user avatar
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Prevent user creating new users with specific roles

On a multisite installation I have created some custom roles. Some of them have the capabilities to create new users. I want to allow users to create new users only with allowed roles. One step is ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Can't activate a user on multisite install

So I have a user that I can't activate with the unconfirmed plugin manually. His user was created on all appropriate sites, but his account isn't listed as activated. The link in the activation email ...
Poodimizer's user avatar
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WordPress Multisite Network Subdomain

I want to start something, but before i do it i'm asking for some advice. the scenario is..... i will have listing directories and i want for every category to use a different theme, ...
Kaltersia's user avatar
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How to fix that new users show up again in subsite of a Multisite?

When I add a new user in multisite, the user is successfully displayed in multisite super admin environment. But when I go to the subsite where I want to add this user, the new added user doesn’t ...
jdaniel's user avatar
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Multisite: How to bypass wpmu_signup_user_notification and add my own notification logic?

I'm trying to change the $admin_email used as the "from" address when new people register for my WPMS site. I see from the wpmu_signup_user_notification docblock that you can bypass and override the ...
badcrocodile's user avatar
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Allow users to register on multisite through WooCommerce using the same email address

I'm working on setting up a multisite environment, and have run into the possibility of a user trying to register on the sub-site with the same email address they've used on the main site. I've found ...
mcon's user avatar
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A different role for each site in a multisite

I am currently working on a multisite consisting of two sites and my second site contains custom roles. I would like that when the user registers on one of the two site, then the users are ...
JohnPoole's user avatar
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User registration on two sites in same multisite

I have a multisite with two very different webshops (let's call them SITE1 and SITE2), however now I have a few customers with user accounts on SITE1 who also want to sign up and buy items on SITE2 (...
Tatjana Haddow's user avatar
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Is there a wordpress function to cleanly delete an entry in the signups table?

I manage a user registration process (on a multisite WP). However, some of my users can create new ones in a front page. If you look at this post you will find out the 3 stages for this: Use ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Integrating WordPress to my website, while keeping my own authentication system

I've recently integrated WordPress to my website and I've been trying to find out the correct way to replace Wordpress' authentication system with the one on my website. My website already has a user ...
apatik's user avatar
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Activation of new Registered site fails on multisite

I recently installed multisite to my main site. I put a registration link at the top of my page. I tried registering a new site and user. The steps were straight forward with username, email, and ...
AC Grindl's user avatar
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How to add multiple existing users to a multisite site?

I have a multisite instance of WordPress, and I need to add 50 existing users to each of 20 new sites. One by one is going to take a very long time, and will send each person 20 emails confirming ...
jeph perro's user avatar
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How can you override the is_multisite check in wp-login.php for individual login/registration?

Here is my use case: I would like to create a WP SaaS for restaurant. I will maintain a 'white label' WP Multisite install so I do not need to upgrade WP/Plugins n times. Restaurant owners can sign ...
rschmitty20's user avatar
5 votes
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Remove Site Name from register form - Multisite

How do you remove the 'Site name' field in the register form for a multisite? When users sign up, I just would like them to enter the 'user name', 'email' and 'domain name'. I tried removing it with ...
user3438958's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't add user to blog on registration (Multisite)

I'm trying to add a users to a specific blog with a role chosen by the user at registration. I'm able to add the desired role to meta with this: add_filter( 'add_signup_meta', 'add_register_meta' );...
coopersita's user avatar
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User registration problem on multisites web

I'm using a multisite setting in my website. Where I had install WP on where I have some content, menu, plugins atd. I set network admin with Domain Mapping and I have second domain ...
Mardzis's user avatar
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Multisite "Skip Confirmation Email" Log Out Problem

I have a multisite setup where I would like site Administrators to be able to add New Users with the Skip Notification Email option. By default, Wordpress only allows Super Administrators this ...
Laurence Stanley's user avatar
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Multisite - User creation for second site from first site?

I have two different WP sites set up in my multisite network. The website #1 should act as the frontend of the multisite and website #2 is the members section. If a user fills out the form on ...
Torben's user avatar
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How to Create WPMu New User?

Here is my problem: I had install WpMU(Wordpress Multisite) in my own server. I had install WPMU . At the time of WPMU installation, I had only 1 user for access all sites ...
Sudipta Banerjee's user avatar
13 votes
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How can I un-reserve a pending username registration?

I am setting up a new WordPress Multisite instance, and am still working out some kinks in the stack. Most significantly at the moment, user registration emails are not being delivered for some reason....
Kaelin Colclasure's user avatar
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Get first_name and last_name on user_register hook

I have multisite running with 4 sites. One of them has woocommerce. Customers have option to create account while checkout. I have custom analytics where registered customers are labeled with ...
hackal's user avatar
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Add a user to a specific blog when they register?

I've setup a WP MU site and I need to know how to sign up a user to a specific blog when they register. As it is now, if a visitor is visiting a specific site and they click the register button they ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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How to change a user role after registering in multisite?

New users who create their own blog in WP Multisite get administrator privilages after registration. However, I don't want them to have so many privilages. I know there is a way to change their role ...
ChrisPlaneta's user avatar
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Possible to set new user's site time zone at user creation using Gravity Forms?

Let's say I have a multisite network running with Buddypress and has Gravity Forms installed with the GF User Registration addon. During new user/site registration, is there ANY way I can have the ...
Denis Lam's user avatar
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User registration is currently not allowed

I'm running into issues on my localhost where when I navigate to my registration page I get the following error message User registration is currently not allowed. What I've tried so far: I've ...
neanderslob's user avatar
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How to use same email for multiple users? [duplicate]

This is a newbie follow-up question on the solution for how to use the same email address for multiple users presented here: How to use same email for multiple users My question: where do I add ...
Mike Smith's user avatar
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multisite registration: check existing subdomains while typing

I wish to ask how to build a real time control while a user attempt to register his website in a wordpress multisite installation. The control should check if the subdomain already exists while the ...
Virgo's user avatar
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Disable domain redirect

Desired behavior: should stay at, no registration required. Currently wordpress is automatically redirecting to the Amazon hostname ec2-107-22-241-...
jaxtrx's user avatar
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WPMU - new users are automatically subscribed to the main blog - how to prevent that?

New users added via wpmu_signup_blog($domain, $path, $title, $user_name, $user_email); are automatically subscribed to the main blog. Can this be prevented? I only want them to be administrators of ...
Atadj's user avatar
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Displaying a message upon user registration

I have a question that I hope will be pretty simple for some of the WordPress Gurus out there. I have a WordPress network and whenever a users signs up, I would like to show (on signup confirmation ...
Keenan Payne's user avatar
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Plugin De/Activation Not Firing On MultiSite install

I have a very rudimentary plugin in development, but at the point of needing to enable the register_activation_hook() and register_deactivation_hook() I have stalled. I am getting zero output from ...
Erik's user avatar
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User registration on sub site

I have configured multi-site wordpress. I have some sub-sites as like and Now i just want to enable the user registration on my sub-sites. When a user clicks ...
siddiq's user avatar
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Multisite 404 on pages - rewrite error breaks database

After updating my reading settings on my multisites, I get 404 errors on all my pages. The only way to fix the issue is by reverting the database to previous version, that is the only way it can be ...
Joshc's user avatar
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Users are being redirected to main site when trying to register on subsite of my Multisite network

I want to allow my clients on my network to have visitors register on their site. Currently, there is no link or button to allow visitors to access the signup page. This looks like default ...
SFox's user avatar
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