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Problem with inline style CSS properties issue on DIV

I am building a custom dragable interface where user can build form and drag elements. I am facing issue with inline style properties. The example html is given below $content = <div style= "...
iZeshan's user avatar
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how to add contact form 7 shortcode in javascript variable [closed]

In Contact Form 7 I have created a dropdown with 3 options under it "Dallas" "Houston" "Austin" . I wrote this js code so that if I select Dallas then "Houston" ...
MD. RABIUL ISLAM's user avatar
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How to create a "Most Popular" & "Latest" TAB in Wordpress

On my gaming website, I upload videos to the website, which is on the homepage of the website. The problem is, that I need to add a "Most Popular" tab & "Latest Videos" tab, ...
CandyShop's user avatar
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How to add some basic inline CSS using existing plugin or theme?

Sometimes you have a theme or a very lightweight WordPress plugin (like a single PHP file) and you want to add some CSS easily without having to load more files or folders, etc. How can you add some ...
Jesse Nickles's user avatar
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Themes conflicts and overrides my WordPress Support widget Plugin styles

The front end of the widget plugin has the widget launcher and once opened, it shows the actual widget with its elements. it has lots of styling issues which are 100% from whichever theme is currently ...
Michael's user avatar
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Two plugins using the same CSS id

I have two plugins that use the same CSS id, in this case id="TB_ajaxContent" which I guess means that those two plugins use the ThickBox widget to display things in a popup blackbox. One of ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why my theme's css not working on another site

I work on my on theme based on Neve theme. First I had problem with scripts, because not working but i had to change their location from footer.php to header.php to everything was good. New some ...
kamil danilski's user avatar
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WordPress plugin development theme issue

Developed the WordPress plugin using framework , Once plugin activated it will automatically create 4 pages in WordPress. Here I'm facing one issue with WordPress multiple ...
Prasanna Kumar's user avatar
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How can I avoid conflicts between plugin and theme?

I'm developing a widget for wp elementor as a plugin. Now my widget front view css and the theme front view css are in conflict. Right now as a developer how can I avoid wp plugin front view css and ...
FERDAUSSK 01's user avatar
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Images under 1MB are not being compressed

Images that are above 1MB get automatically compressed on upload. Images that are smaller than 1MB are added to the database in their raw form. So, if someone uploaded a 900 KB image, the post will ...
Danish Riaz's user avatar
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plugin dev - minimum base css specificity?

I'm developing my first really major wordpress plugin and I'm not sure how to approach specificity. I want to avoid inline styling completely yet I want to ensure my css declarations aren't interfered ...
AutoBaker's user avatar
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Why does theme's reset CSS have higher precedence of plugin's CSS?

In the style.css of the theme Twenty Twenty-One, there is a piece of reset CSS: /** * Reset specific elements to make them easier to style in other contexts. */ html, body, p, ol, ul, li, dl, dt, dd,...
Ooker's user avatar
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How to Change CSS Colors from Custom Plugin Settings Page

I have a custom WordPress plugin with a variety of settings that I use across multiple websites. I also use a few of the same 3rd party plugins across all of those pages. I would like to be able to ...
Michael's user avatar
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Twenty-seventy theme remove additional CSS from head

Is it possible that additional CSS that we add in customizer section, display somewhere else instead of head? I am using twenty-seventy theme. I know its fetch and rendering code is available in wp-...
fzaman's user avatar
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Drop down question

I am new to wordpress. Please pardon this question as it may seem mundane. How do I make a drop down menu for Information to the end-user in wordpress? similar to this... Thanks in advance...
Developer's user avatar
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SASS not showing in customized preloader plugin

I am new to WordPress and webdev in general so my skills are moderate. I am using a plugin called WP Smart Preloader to build my sites preloader. It allows for the use of custom HTML and CSS. The HTML ...
wuh's user avatar
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Styles don't load correctly. Insecure content

I'm a newby developing plugins for Wordpress. When I try to enqueue a style, Wordpress shows the following error: Insecure Content. The code I use to 'attach' the css files is the following one: ...
VicentGN's user avatar
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register dependency css and js inside a plugin class

I have this code: public function __construct() { add_action('wp_enqueue_script' , array( $this, 'initBootstrap' )); add_action('wp_enqueue_style' , array( $this, 'initBootstrap' )); ...
userone2's user avatar
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Completely isolate a plugin view so it doesn't load the theme

We're making a WordPress plugin that generates an iframe with a shortcode, and that iframe that should work and display the same no matter what site, page or theme it's used on. The view is located at ...
Ariane's user avatar
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How to display a value from a radio button in the options menu in wordpress

I'm a little stumped on this one. I'm not very experienced when it comes to PHP, but I have figured out how to display a value inputted from a text box. I'm now trying to do the same with a radio ...
Anduin Mooney's user avatar
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Unable to load stylesheets and scripts to plugin settings page

I have the following code in my main plugin file: <?php /* Plugin Name: Awesome Slide Show */ add_action('admin_head', 'wp_ss_plugin_include'); add_action('admin_menu', '...
Vijay Chavda's user avatar
2 votes
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Dequeue theme stylesheets but keep widget styling on custom page template

Bit of an unusual one. I have created a plugin that will only display content on a custom page template. For this reason, I have dequeued all the theme styles via $wp_styles and loaded in the plugin ...
scopeak's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS not affecting widget output

so I am still quite new to wordpress development so don't rage and I am sorry if I did something really stupid. So I am having trouble with my CSS, for some reason it's not affecting the widget ...
Dev john's user avatar
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Is there no admin ui guide for 4.x?

I'm starting a plugin project, and I want to keep the admin pages consistent with the rest of the admin in regard to styles and elements. However, I can't seem to find any resource that lists default ...
Chris's user avatar
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WP Plugin CSS not being applied to page

I am making a shortcode plugin that sends a variable to a JS script. The CSS is not being applied to the page with the shortcode or any other page. Any idea to fix this, please? The CSS link does ...
Gary Carlyle Cook's user avatar
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How to customize the size of Featured Images or Post Thumbnails in WordPress?

I have added custom image as featured image but I have add a bigger size image but when I see the post I got the small image in the post. My question is how to set or customize the figure size of ...
Sangrai's user avatar
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What would I need to write into a custom plugin in order to add a switch for a custom string of CSS to the edit page?

I have created a page on one of our sites which has a few snippets of custom CSS to make it display in a very modern, 100% width style like this, as opposed to the standard, more constrained style of ...
McOwen's user avatar
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Does WordPress default CSS have Grids?

WordPress 'out of the box' comes with some javascript to allow you to send AJAX requests, show the image select dialog, etc. Does WordPress 'out of the box' come with any default CSS? Especially for ...
sazr's user avatar
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how to add custom css at top above all css file for specific url

i want to add my css file bootstrap.min.css on top of all css file. I used below code wp_enqueue_style( 'bootstrap_css', 'bootstrap.min.css' ); but it add css below theme css file . Issue is that ...
user1799722's user avatar
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Can't change the style of a submit input type? [closed]

I have a membership plugin which makes a custom login page. I want to change the hover style for the submit button. I tried to inspect the element to know which style i should change but i can't find ...
Mohamed Omar's user avatar
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Plugin CSS not enqueing

My apologies if there is an answer to this already making this a duplicate question, I have spend the last 3 days trying to get the CSS styling to be applied in a way that WordPress would allow, it is ...
Development SideShow Media's user avatar
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Publish, Save Draft and Preview buttons do not work after being moved with jQuery

I'm trying to change the layout of the post-new.php page and as part of this I would like the publish, save draft and preview buttons below the form rather than to the right. So in my plugin js file ...
poncho's user avatar
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Unable to link CSS file

I use this to link to my CSS file: $css_file = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'MapStyle.css'; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="', $css_file, '" >'; Which (correctly) resolves as (echo $...
Borniet's user avatar
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How to add a dvi tag to a shortcode then change a generated text using jQuery

I have a plugin that generates tables based on mysql queries. The plugin generated a shortcode that I put in posts to show the tables. Above the table there is a button that has a span. the span text ...
Atef Wagih's user avatar
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change or add css to theme from plugin

I want to add/change the CSS of my current theme from my plugin. I've tried add_action and wp_enqueue_style and doesn't work My code: function register_plugin_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( '...
Karim Mamdouh's user avatar
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Distributing Frontend Assets with Plugins

I'd like to distribute some custom style sheets (.css) and javascript files (.js) with my plugin. Is there a right way to do this in Wordpress? I can think of a number of different ways to do this, ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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How can I add the Post ID to Class Name in Jquery?

In the custom Wordpress theme archive page, I will have Sharing icons for all the posts. Below is the HTML for showing Sharing icon: <span id="post-share-<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="post-...
theKing's user avatar
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My stylesheets are not enqueuing

I'm in Wordpress 4.5.2 on Windows 10 and I'm trying to register and enqueue my stylesheet in Wordpress, but it just isn't working. I'm having the same problem with jQuery. I have this code in a ...
Dan Luba's user avatar
3 votes
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What is better way to use Bootstrap inside admin panel?

I need to use Bootstrap CSS for better UI in wp-admin but if I enqueue the bootstrap.css, it's affecting the admin default UI by changing background colors, etc. How can I use bootstrap.css inside wp-...
Bhavesh Nariya's user avatar
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How to include JavaScript script only on specific page [duplicate]

I am creating my own widget. I need to use custom css and js files. I have used wp_register_style`wp_enqueue_styleandwp_register_script\wp_enqueue_script` functions in order to register custom styles ...
CROSP's user avatar
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Make a plugin page out of influence of the theme's style

I have to make several change to my style to be with what i want, when i export a project to a wordpress plugins : Based on this : When including it into a plugin, i finally got this : This output ...
Nicolas Frbezar's user avatar
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Stop Plugin from Getting Styles from Other Plugin

My WordPress plugin uses Chosen Select and is supposed to use the css file at my-plugin/assets/resources/chosen.min.css. Unfortunately, when another plugin also uses Chosen Select, my plugin has a ...
j8d's user avatar
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Add CSS animation as Preloader to WordPress

I found a CSS animation snippet on Codepen, and would like to add it in my WordPress site for preloader animation, but I couldn't find any related help or plugin that would allow me to add a Preloader ...
Snazzy Sanoj's user avatar
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widget: input the px value from user and use it as inline style in widget function

I am trying to dynamically add margin-bottom property to my widget. For example, I am inputting the value "50px" from my widget and want to use this value to adjust margin-bottom property for the ...
Beans's user avatar
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Let user override plugin CSS

I'm writing a plugin, which has a certain style. However, that style won't suit every site. therefore, I would like to let the site admin override the plugin CSS if they want. How would I go about ...
Lea Cohen's user avatar
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Backslashes being stripped from CSS

The title explains my problem. Upon saving CSS stylesheet in the "Appearance > Editor", single backslashes are being stripped out of the stylesheet. For example: content="\foo" becomes: content=...
Rob Myrick's user avatar
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How to insert HTML/CSS/JS into my iframe plugin?

I currently have an iframe plugin that displays on a WordPress page by shortcode. Currently I have been displaying websites in my iframes "src" but I recently came across an issue to display my very ...
LinDan ChongWei's user avatar
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Custom Plugin - CSS works, JS doesn't

In the plugin I'm making, I use separate js and css files (____.js, ____.css). This is the first time that I've included an external .js file in anything. I'm registering and enqueueing both in the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Custom CSS not being added by plugin

I am attempting to add custom css through my plugin. I do have wp_head() called in my header. My code is - /** * Enqueue plugin style-file */ function prefix_add_my_stylesheet() { ...
ILikeTurtles's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to prevent loading of all plugin's resources?

Wordpress is loading all client resources of all plugins, not just the plugin of interest. It may make sense to load jqery globally but it makes no sense to load all other plugin's Javascript in a ...
stackoverclan's user avatar