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Completely isolate a plugin view so it doesn't load the theme

We're making a WordPress plugin that generates an iframe with a shortcode, and that iframe that should work and display the same no matter what site, page or theme it's used on. The view is located at ...
Ariane's user avatar
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Unable to load stylesheets and scripts to plugin settings page

I have the following code in my main plugin file: <?php /* Plugin Name: Awesome Slide Show */ add_action('admin_head', 'wp_ss_plugin_include'); add_action('admin_menu', '...
Vijay Chavda's user avatar
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Correct check for any admin page with editor

I have read the codex, but found it a bit incomplete. I like to load stuff only on pages where the post editor is visible. This should include custom post types and everything. I am a bit insure ...
NextGenThemes's user avatar