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Dequeue theme stylesheets but keep widget styling on custom page template

Bit of an unusual one. I have created a plugin that will only display content on a custom page template. For this reason, I have dequeued all the theme styles via $wp_styles and loaded in the plugin ...
scopeak's user avatar
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CSS not affecting widget output

so I am still quite new to wordpress development so don't rage and I am sorry if I did something really stupid. So I am having trouble with my CSS, for some reason it's not affecting the widget ...
Dev john's user avatar
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Plugin CSS not enqueing

My apologies if there is an answer to this already making this a duplicate question, I have spend the last 3 days trying to get the CSS styling to be applied in a way that WordPress would allow, it is ...
Development SideShow Media's user avatar
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Custom Plugin - CSS works, JS doesn't

In the plugin I'm making, I use separate js and css files (____.js, ____.css). This is the first time that I've included an external .js file in anything. I'm registering and enqueueing both in the ...
Mike's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Is it ever okay to include inline CSS in plugins?

Normally in a plugin I would add styles using wp_enqueue_style. However, I am currently creating a plugin that only needs a few lines of CSS and I am wondering if it might be better to serve the ...
Dustin's user avatar
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CSS not being applied using wp_enqueue_style

I am trying to load my style sheets in my plugin but they are not being called, the javascript files however, are being loaded. <?php /** Plugin Name: Plugin URI: Description: Version: Author: ...
Todd's user avatar
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