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WordPress REST API call generates nonce twice on every call

I'm trying to login a user via the REST API, and then retrieve the current user on subsequent requests. As per the documentation, in my plugin, I am creating and retrieving a nonce after a successful ...
kvnam's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Give to site admin the option to "skip confirmation email" when adding new user

in wordpress multisite when we give to site admin the option to add new users, site admin dont have the "checkbox" to add the new user without sending the user email with link activation (see the ...
need-help's user avatar
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6 votes
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Remove email verification when new user register

Please note I'm not posting this question without doing google search, but the problem is every single result I found is either about BuddyPress or WP Multisite, but I have a WP Single installation ...
iSaumya's user avatar
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Why does is_user_logged_in() return false after redirect from another site?

I am developing a WordPress site that redirects to an external payment gateway after a user registers for the site. After the user makes a payment the user is redirected to a page to complete their ...
frank Collins's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Do not allow users to create new posts and pages

I'm defining a new user role called Proofreader and as the name says, users of this group should be able to read and also edit the posts and pages. But I do not want them to create new ones. With my ...
Sam's user avatar
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Wp_User_Query not sorting by meta key

I'm trying to list users sorted by a meta value. I store a score for each user in their user meta which is just a number but the loop isn't sorting. I include the score in the loop so that I can see ...
Pollux Khafra's user avatar
3 votes
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Searchable meta value in user.php

I have created a new column in the user table list (admin page) and would like the column to be searchable in the search query, How do i add the meta to the search users query ? /** * Create user ...
Zoric's user avatar
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How to add quick edit and bulk edit fields to users admin section

Salutations, is there a way to add quick edit and bulk edit fields for the users section in wordpress. I have found a lot about post types and custom post types but i'm specifically looking to add ...
Digamber's user avatar
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How to customize wp_signon()

I am trying to get a customized sign on process. The features that are absent in WordPress by default are the following: Allow user to choose a password at the time of registration. Allow user to ...
Srihari's user avatar
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2 answers

Extra filed under "About the user" user profile

I use the following to add Phone number,linked id etc Under the "Contact Info" in user profile. Now I have to add a filed under the "About the user". How can i do that? function my_new_contactmethods(...
MidhuN's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Find out who created a certain user?

How can I find out who created / edited / deleted a certain user? I got a notification email that a new user has been created but I dont have any idea who made it.
user20493's user avatar
3 votes
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How to track a users progress through pages by inserting data into Wordpress Database?

My website users can learn British Sign Language through Video Tuts, Quizzes and games etc. I would like to track the users progress through the pages of the course and add that data to a Wordpress ...
samfrommadesimple's user avatar
2 votes
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Rest API code to get ID of current user not working: get_current_user_id() gives 0

Background I am trying to write Rest API code to get the ID of the user who triggers the function in question. I found a fantastic answer to this exact question, that was very kindly provided by user ...
Appguy1's user avatar
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Clone wp-admin/users.php (Users Admin Page)

I have created a new page in admin. I need to show all the users in this page(like Users admin page). The reason for this is because i want to show certain custom user roles only on this page. I tried ...
Thowzif Abdullah's user avatar
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Why i getting blank user_activation_key in get_user_by( 'login', $login ) function?

I am facing strange issue, I have implemetned custom password reset template, Where I am checking key using $user = check_password_reset_key($_REQUEST['key'], $_REQUEST['login']); When i check in ...
Jaysukh Maghodiya's user avatar
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`rest_user_query` can't access post author in post edit screen

I'm trying to modify the user dropdown in the post edit screen to show only (a) the current user and (b) the current author of the post. I can't do this using wp_dropdown_users_args because the meta ...
Jay's user avatar
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How wordpress retrieves user info?

The WordPress function wp_get_current_user() uses the global variable $current_user to get the get current logged-in user info. What I would like to know is, how does WordPress retrieve the data ...
Jonie Jacob's user avatar
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how do i get a greeting for logged in uses by the time of day

hi i am looking to combing to pieces of code into 1 both work but not together keep no matter what i try it keeps crashing the site <?php $t=date("H"); if ($t<"12") { echo " Have a good ...
dsg's user avatar
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In MultiSite, can some users automatically have Site Admin rights on all sites, without granting them Network Admin access?

We have some "content specialists" that we'd like to effectively grant Site Admin access to every site on our network automatically, but still don't want them to be able to access the network admin ...
MadtownLems's user avatar
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Wordpress admin deleted user details not removed in database. How to delete WordPress Users from Database

When we delete a user from the WordPress admin panel it's removed, but the user values not deleted in the database. Anyone let me know how to fix the issue. ? What is the reason for this issue.?
Kanewilliam's user avatar
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How to delete all customer user account that haven't placed a single order?

Recently I've had an influx of spam users registering on my Wordpress website and I am trying to delete them all if: they have a "Customer" role haven't placed at least one order before As I could ...
ignite-me's user avatar
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How can I find users that didn't set a password?

Is it possible to find (and bulk delete) users that registered on my WordPress site but never set a password over their confirmation email?
Florian Walther's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Redirect after users complete profile form

I have a user registration form implemented and working correctly on the front end of a website. My main issue is that I would like to redirect a user after completing the profile form. My idea ...
laluk's user avatar
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password protected post policy

I'm looking for a way to add policy about POST password. Password specifications : 12 characters in length, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character. Is ...
Samuel's user avatar
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WordPress plugin Write User/staff ID as the same as the WordPress User ID

I have a question in regards to a WordPress plugin (Bookly) that creates a Staff ID for an already created WordPress user, and hopefully, somebody may be able to help me with. Currently Bookly adds ...
Ryan Mc Gonagle's user avatar
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Unique User Account Number + Displayed Via Shortcode

I've seen a couple articles on creating unique account numbers for users: ...
Brandon Lucius's user avatar
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How to show popup to a group of users?

I'm wondering if that's possible and how : I would like to show a popup only to a certain group of users. I've looked into the plugin directory but didn't find anything that fits my needs. Can ...
ferdi_'s user avatar
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Add custom fields to the user profile

I want that users can define a headline which will be displayed as a title to their user description. So I looked around and found a way to include new custom fields to the profile page. ...
Sam's user avatar
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Export Specific User data without plugin

I need to export a list of site users to a csv/xlsx file. I am creating an admin page with a download button which should run the export function. I need to export the following data from wp_users: ...
Ben H's user avatar
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Users Unable to Access Dashboard/Posts/Pages

I'm trying to set user roles in order for my users to access the wp-admin Dashboard section and post. I was able to create roles and give multiple users Shop Manager/ Editor roles. But when they login ...
gshustle's user avatar
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Authenticate with a Rails app?

There seems to be lots of posts where another app / website uses a WP website to authenticate against. I am looking for the opposite. I have a Rails app that uses Devise for authentication. I have a ...
Dan Tappin's user avatar
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Undeleting a deleted user

I have deleted a subscriber and now everything is gone that I had on my website! How do I 'undelete' him?
Sky's user avatar
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How to get profile user id when uploading image via media uploader on profile page

I have a PlugIn which lets a user upload an image to a user profile in the backend. Now I want to access the user id in the uploader to change the filename of the uploaded image. On the user profile ...
benutzerfreund's user avatar
2 votes
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WP-Admin edit.php & post.php slowdown after import of 10k users

Situation: Clean wordpress install No plugins VPS server 5.2ghz / 4gb RAM (Default Directadmin) Import of 10k users Problem: WP-Admin edit.php and post.php take >4sec to load. A custom post type ...
MeProtozoan's user avatar
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Multiple authors with different "author roles"

I´m using Co-Authors Plus plugin to manage multiple authors in a e-magazine, but I´m trying to go further and credit "text authors", "photography authors" and "video authors", so I´m adding a new ...
Rob's user avatar
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Share user table from WP with Drupal

I'm developing a sister website to a well-established private site that is already built in Wordpress. I can't use Wordpress to create what I need and I am therefore using Drupal. The owners of the ...
N.C.'s user avatar
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Memory usage for scalable usermeta queries

Problem Some time ago I posted a question about the scalability of wp_usermeta architecture: my concern, as my client's database of users is growing fast, is now the memory usage of querying the ...
Sunyatasattva's user avatar
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Locate authors on Google map version 3

<script type="text/javascript"> var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); var pinkmarker = new google.maps.MarkerImage('/wp-content/themes/mapdemo/pink_Marker.png', new google.maps.Size(20, ...
cmsdeployed's user avatar
1 vote
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Removing user removes user meta?

Sorry for the basic question, but I couldn't find an answer by reading the docs. When we delete user in the WP admin area, will WP delete the associated user_meta too?
Life after Guest's user avatar
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redirect to my login page if not logged in

When a customer wants to leave a review on the product page, they are prompted to log in if not. Do you have a proposal to send the customer to the a specific login page and then return once logged in?...
Yves's user avatar
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How to "attribute all content to" specific user once delete user in wordpress

I have a question about how to attribute all content to specific user once delete any user in Wordpress. Is there any idea how could I disable "Delete all content" option and set as default ...
lampros stasinos's user avatar
1 vote
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Users as team members through a loop in elementor

I am trying to create a loop in Elementor's theme builder that will display each user with the role of the Contributor or Author. I.E. When the admin of the website will add a new user with the above ...
Andrei Dombrov's user avatar
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How to create a User Role and give permission to only use Web Stories plugin?

I want to create a new user role "Story Maker" with only the "Google Web Stories" plugin shown in the dashboard for the user to create and publish stories. I don't want the user to ...
Frankie's user avatar
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Create Unique and Customized User ID for Website Members in WordPress

I want a Feature which can allow Custom User ID creation at Registration on WordPress. This will be different from the User ID that WordPress creates at Registration. This one is something that is ...
Gamicord's user avatar
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Increase by one the user counter on specific role

Hi i work on this code to increase by one the total users at users.php (fake counter) function my_fake_views($args) { $users_counts = count_users(); $total_users = $users_counts['...
George Ch's user avatar
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WP query with variables gives no result for specific user

I'm trying to fetch one custom post with two values: the logged in user ID and a known string, both as variables. The query works out fine when testing on an admin account where the user ID is 1 and ...
Astra Martha's user avatar
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Show all posts by author

I used to have a page on my site where it would show all posts by a user and it worked. This was the code it was using: <?php //$wp_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_per_page' => 12 )); ...
David Jones's user avatar
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Remove Capabilities from WP admin for specific user role

I am trying to remove some menu-links capabilities from the wp-admin for a user role called wsm. I have tried many ways and when i just add the code below it will remove those links from the menu for ...
Marc Tzjacker's user avatar
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Including users in insert link internal link search in Gutenberg

When I select text and insert a link in WordPress admin using Gutenberg, WordPress searches for internal pages based on the link text. It returns posts, custom posts etc., but not users. I found some ...
Mike_Hartley's user avatar
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Bulk create clean user_nicename from user_email with SQL function

All user_nicenames were replaced with a domain name in botched import. I'm trying to recreate them from the user_email filed but need them cleaned of all special characters ("@" and ".&...
Kurtis Amundson's user avatar

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