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Removing user removes user meta?

Sorry for the basic question, but I couldn't find an answer by reading the docs. When we delete user in the WP admin area, will WP delete the associated user_meta too?
Life after Guest's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Default Usermeta Entries for every newly created user?

we have a Buddyboss page running with 30k users. Our usermeta Table is growing fast because of a few plugins we use which all seem to write a lot of settings to it. I try to remove as many obsolete or ...
tim's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Add Additional Column in "Users" Dashboard Area - BP Extended Profiles (WordPress)

I have a site with extended profile fields. I can't find the particular way of adding an additional column as: Username | Name | Email | Site Role | Discord (this is the additional column) The ...
Shoaib Qazi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to use 2 different databases but share the same user in wordpress

I have 2 wordpress websites on the same server, one is and the other is each site has its own database, they have their own wp_content, each has its own file separately, but I ...
Mike's user avatar
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1 answer

Group users by meta field, with name of meta field as group title

I'm creating a employee photo directory based off users from my site. I'm trying to add front end filtering for this query and I have it mostly working. What I'm trying to accomplish is to sort the ...
NW Tech's user avatar
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2 answers

Transform user name before displaying

Users are created whith name in upper case on my site, but some admin want to display it in lower case. I had a custom field in user profile to identified those admin, but I don't know what hook I can ...
Jean-Christophe Barrez's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How to filter users on admin users page by custom meta field?

The Problem WP appears to remove the value of my query variable before it gets used to filter the list of users. My Code This function adds a custom column to my Users table on /wp-admin/users.php: ...
morphatic's user avatar
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16 votes
10 answers

Adding fields to the "Add New User" screen in the dashboard

I'd like to add the field "Company Name" to the add new user page in the admin panel. I've done quite a bit of searching and have been unable to find details on how to do this. I can easily add info ...
Zach Shallbetter's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

user_login vs. user_nicename

When you call the get_users() functions, a list of user objects are returned. Each of those users has a number of properties. What is the difference between user_login and user_nicename in those ...
Greeso's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Users table missing from Database [closed]

I have a functioning WordPress site, with two users (an Administrator and an Editor). I can log in to the WP back-end fine with either user. I can create pages, etc. But when I look at phpMyAdmin, ...
SunnyOz's user avatar
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1 answer

Buddypress: "Auto load" specific usermeta in WP?

I have a Buddypress membership page, and for specific customizations I need a few usermeta fields being loaded all the time, for the currently logged user as well as (in case any) the displayed user-...
tim's user avatar
  • 164
10 votes
3 answers

Check if user is admin by user ID

Any ideas how to check if user (by user ID) is administrator? I don't mean currently logged in user.
jmeinlschmidt's user avatar
2 votes
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Rest API code to get ID of current user not working: get_current_user_id() gives 0

Background I am trying to write Rest API code to get the ID of the user who triggers the function in question. I found a fantastic answer to this exact question, that was very kindly provided by user ...
Appguy1's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to change the value of a variable using input field?

I have created a wordpress website. I want to extract each user's data using php through his/her id. I have created this code; <?php $userid = /* help me get the below input field's value */ $...
Axmed nuur's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Extend user search in the Wp backend area on the users.php page to allow for searching by email domain and role from the "users search" input box

I have been looking to extend the ability to search users in the backend for some time and have tried variations of several functions recommended in these articles and posts along with others not ...
Johnathan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL query to list users who never signed in

What MySQL query can I use to get a list of users who have never logged in to WP? Some background... My WordPress website has been running since 2015 and initially, I had a newsletter form that would ...
Lazhar's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

get_user_meta() doesn't include user email?

I simply wonder why <?php var_dump(get_user_meta(4)); ?> doesn't contain an email address of the user. Instead I have to use get_userdata(4)->user_email; to query the email of the user. ...
mathiregister's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

WP User Query fails when searching meta queries and search columns

I'm building an advanced User search using WP_User_Query but experiencing some unusual behaviour. I'm trying to search with a term that I know exists in the user_nicename and user_email fields but ...
estin92's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Display current user metadata on Wordpress page

So I have a Wordpress website, and I want to be able to display the current logged in user's data on a page. Previously, I had been able to find a snippet of code that would go go in functions.php and ...
FAQ Tutoring's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to Access wp_usermeta Data Immediately After a New User is Created

I am trying to find a WordPress action hook that will allow me to access a new user's wp_usermeta information, immediately after the user has been created. In our registration process, custom fields ...
LeonardShelby's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

check for duplicate user meta data before updating

I have added the ability for a social security number to be added for users. This field can be edited on the individual users screen but the data is saved to the usermeta table. When editing a new ...
user10980228's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

delete_user_meta from a foreach results page

I have a real estate site. On property pages users can save homes as a favorite. The property gets added to the user meta data. I can successfully add and delete entries from the single property ...
Jayce's user avatar
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1 answer

Updating custom user meta

I have created a new custom meta for my wordpress users. These are just 2 radio buttons (either 'Yes' or 'No'). I have created a button on the front end and want it so that if the button is clicked, ...
Will's user avatar
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0 answers

Extend user search in the users.php page to allow for searching by role and excluding specified email domains from the "users search" input box

Update: A solution for this question was provided byt @t31os_ here Extend user search in the Wp backend area on the users.php page to allow for searching by email domain and role from the "users ...
Johnathan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

ACF: How to get users with a ACF flexible content subfield with a specific value AND layout?

I am looking for a way to query users based on a user meta entry for an advanced custom field which has a given value and itself is from a given layout type. For example, let's say I have the ...
David Wolf's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Uncheck the box "Send User Notification" by default on new-user.php

I'm looking for a way to uncheck the box by default when we create a new user on WordPress. Right now it is checked when we access wp-admin/user-new.php like you can see on the screenshot below: ...
Samuel's user avatar
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1 vote
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Create Unique and Customized User ID for Website Members in WordPress

I want a Feature which can allow Custom User ID creation at Registration on WordPress. This will be different from the User ID that WordPress creates at Registration. This one is something that is ...
Gamicord's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How can I sort get_users() by any value (last_name, user defined fields and more)

I want to sort the result of get_users() by last name, first name, user defined fields or whatever. How can I achieve this while still using get_users()?
flomei's user avatar
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How to keep users unique id stored in session in addition to IP in Wordpress plugin?

I want to get likes from two computers with the same IP in the post like plugin I developed for wordpress. Currently my plugin is working but when I like a post from a device with the same IP, the ...
Başar Ballıöz's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Display the line breaks in user bio without using html

User fills their user bio using Formidable forms. It saves correctly and displays with line breaks in Worpdress admin on the user overview page. It displays without line breaks on the site. The only ...
Adrian Nutiu's user avatar
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2 answers

User list order by user meta

i have created user vote that can vote users or author of posts. so for example have 4 users which looks: user --- ID=1 --- META KEY='_thumbs_rating_up' --- META VALUE='13' user --- ID=2 --- META KEY=...
Toni Ojsteršek's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to pull all the contributer users records and order by Designation (which is users meta data)?

I want to show all the contributors by the Designation. Following code is only pull the records and order by ID But I need to data order by Designation: function contributors() { global $wpdb; $...
Manoj Maurya's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add custom user meta data

I want to add a custom meta data for all the users with a default false value. I have researched about adding a meta data i.e, add_user_meta( int $user_id, string $meta_key, mixed $meta_value, bool $...
Subham's user avatar
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2 answers

Shortcode to update user meta

I want to create a button on the front end and when user click, the value "user-meta" change 'validate' function func_change_validate() { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user ...
Olivier's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Searchable meta value in user.php

I have created a new column in the user table list (admin page) and would like the column to be searchable in the search query, How do i add the meta to the search users query ? /** * Create user ...
Zoric's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Modify Database in Multi-Site wp_usermeta table

My name is Antonio and i'm from Ecuador, my english is not good but here we go. I already have my Multi-site installation working, but the "wp_2_" site have some error in the functionality, because i ...
Antonio Reinoso Jaya's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Front-End User Profile

I have a front end user profile template I am working on, and everything is working fine except for upload a profile picture. I have a custom user field created and I am trying to use the button file ...
730wavy's user avatar
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1 answer

Update a user profile via frontend

I'm very new to WordPress so I have a simple beginner question. I've added some custom user fields on the admin form with the action show_user_profile, edit_user_profile, personal_options_update, and ...
Markus's user avatar
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Delete user meta but only if found in array

I created a SAVE button that saves a page's URL to the user meta in an array. I'm trying to now create a REMOVE button but I'm finding that when delete_user_meta is used it deletes all entries in the ...
Jayce's user avatar
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1 answer

Update user role for expired membership

Is it possible to use a function in functions.php that would automatically change user role when a membership goes from status "active" to "expired" ? For example : if an active ...
nevax's user avatar
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ACF Upload Image in front-end with custom form

I created extra fields for my subscribers, one of them is an image field, so they can upload an image to their profile. I created the fields with ACF (Advanced Custom Fields). I have a custom ...
Marcelo Henriques Cortez's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does wp_delete_user() remove all user content?

I'm deleting WP users with wp_delete_user(). It works well. I noticed when I manually delete a user in the WP Admin it asks first to "Delete all content" or "Attribute all content to: ". I want ...
Ken Williams's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to add custom detail page for a Subscriber at Admin Panel

I have created a custom page which shows the list of Users(Role = 'Subscriber'). I named this page "Reporting" & It is based on wp_list_table. Now I want to show the user details (having custom ...
mohsinrafique's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Difference between update_user_meta and update_user_option

Can anyone explain what is the difference between update_user_meta and update_user_option and in which scenarios the both can be used?
mpsbhat's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Extend the wp_users table

I'd like to to extend the wp_users table in my WordPress' database. Why? I want people to add more information about themselves when they sing up at my website. I know how to extend it, but I'm ...
Ronny Rook's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Display sortable User meta column in admin panel user's page

I have defined login levels for users registered on my site as Level 1 and Level 2. I have added a column for same in admin panel users page (users.php), I'm trying to add sorting option but on click ...
Akshat's user avatar
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how to set default update_user_meta values wordpress

so i installed a theme which gives a default value to a meta the code the theme uses is update_user_meta($uid, '_sb_pkg_type', 'free'); i would like to add this code to wordpress core ...
Yahya Lutf's user avatar
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How to get image path from id using SQL

I want to use a SQL query to get some random users and display an advanced custom fields profile image. Currently with this query I get the image ID back but I somehow from that need to get the url ...
Waterfall's user avatar
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How can i add user display name drop down menu in frontend?

How can i add user display name drop down menu in frontend? then user can choose preferred display name? In fact, I used this code answered here: How to edit a user profile on the front end? submit ...
Navid M's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to get a list of all possible values of a specific user meta key?

I have set up my posts with bookmarks where the user's meta will be updated with the post ID of the post they are bookmarking. They are stored in user meta key my-bookmarks as an array. Now I am ...
Michael's user avatar
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