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3 answers

Create new user from phpMyAdmin

I'm trying to copy site that I have created in free web hosting server to my windows pc that runs WP on WAMP. I copied all files, but took wp-config.php from sample site I run on my PC and have done ...
vico's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to get users by a custom field / by user meta data?

I've added a custom field to users profile using the following code: /*** Adding extra field to get the the user who creates the another user during ADD NEW USER ***/ <?php function ...
Riffaz Starr's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Extending WP_User class and using this sub-class during the whole lifecycle

What I am trying to achieve is the following: for every user on our website, I want to do an API request to a service (local REST API interacting with another database) once and then cache the result ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

List users by meta_key and meta_value

The following function will display a list of users based on their meta data: <?php function get_users_by_meta_data( $meta_key, $meta_value ) { $user_query = new WP_User_Query( array( ...
LBF's user avatar
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How to add an attribute to a user?

I have looked for an answer, and couldn't find a clear and relevant answer yet. I want to add more attribute to the users not to display, but only store information about them. The information will ...
blueseal's user avatar
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2 answers

User list order by user meta

i have created user vote that can vote users or author of posts. so for example have 4 users which looks: user --- ID=1 --- META KEY='_thumbs_rating_up' --- META VALUE='13' user --- ID=2 --- META KEY=...
Toni Ojsteršek's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

get_users with Serialized Custom Meta Value

I'm attempting to use get_users to select users with only a certain meta value. In this case the meta key is extraInfo but the the values are in a serialized array. Can I pull users out like this? ...
WordPress Mike's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Get all user meta by meta key instead of ID

I'm trying to compare user meta values to find highest and lowest values. I have a user meta value set up called "hourly_rate". I want to get the hourly rate for all users and then run PHP's min() and ...
Thought Space Designs's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Automatically delete inactive users after 2 months

I am trying to modify this function: // automatically delete users after 7 days in wordpress function wcs_auto_delete_users() { global $wpdb; $query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->...
pereyra's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to add country drop down menu to the user profile?

I've added this code snippet to my functions.php function my_new_contactmethods( $contactmethods ) { $contactmethods['country'] = 'country'; return $contactmethods; } add_filter('...
Riffaz Starr's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is this code true or not

I am a beginner in coding but i have just wrote this code , The concept of code is : The code adds a form with a button to each user profile. The button is captioned as Follow/ Unfollow. It updates ...
Sufyan Hassan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can i create an array user meta?

I want to create a new user meta that contains array content How can i do this ? Another question : is it true using this code to check if the array user meta exists before creating it ? <?php $...
Sufyan Hassan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to add follow functionality to multi-author wordpress site?

is there any way to add "follow" functionality to Wordpress ? so that every logged-in user can follow his favorite author and only can see post from authors that he followed them .. A possible ...
Sufyan Hassan's user avatar
0 votes
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Adding fields to the “Add New User” but the form data not saved into DB

i have add new fields when we create new user in user-new.php the new field appears in the form, but the form data not saved into DB. after i created new user, i go to "edit user" and see the field ...
need-help's user avatar
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WPML Default Language User Meta [closed]

I'm having a super hard time finding the names of the default user meta that's included with WPML. WPML has a setting for "Default Admin Language" under every user's profile. I'd like to access this ...
Thought Space Designs's user avatar
3 votes
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WP_User_Query with combined meta query - not working?

I'm trying to use WP_User_Query class to list all users basing on their specific meta fields. When I use simple single-meta query, it works fine: $q = new WP_User_Query( array( 'role' => ...
Gacek's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Query wp_usermeta alongside wp_users

I want to use the WordPress query functions and no external plugins for the task. Here is what I have so far: add_filter('user_search_columns', 'user_search_columns_bd' , 10, 3); function ...
Wold's user avatar
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1 answer

How to query authors by custom taxonomy?

I have a custom taxonomy for users which is country. Is there a way to query all admins by term_id or should I get all users and check each one with a for loop? I tried this: $user_query = new ...
Meschiany's user avatar
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2 answers

Storing user submitted forms [closed]

I was wondering what's the best way to create a form which can only be seen by registered users. The main idea I'd like to achieve here is for users to log in and gain access to a page where there's ...
SNpn's user avatar
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2 answers

Select Multiple meta_value from WP DB; Single Query

I am trying to retrieve each user's first and last name, phone, email, and address from the usermeta table. I'm having trouble selecting multiple meta_values, each with its own meta_key, using a ...
brandon-estrella-dev's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

New User Save Filter

I'm using the new(ish) filter add_action( 'user_new_form', 'funcy', 9 ); to add custom fields to Create A New User page. I'm then using add_action( 'personal_options_update', 'save_user_meta' ); ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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2 answers

Is a user_meta research case-sensitive or not

I am using the Wordpress get_users() function to search for users with a specific meta_key value. $wordpress_user = get_users( array('meta_key' => 'unique_id', '...
user54952's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

User description only displayed for logged user

In my "About" page I list all WP users of the site. Then in author.php I display the description of the selected user with this code: <?php the_author_meta( 'description' );?>. Problem: this ...
drake035's user avatar
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Store subscription details for users in Wordpress

I want to store subscription details of several category for users. how to store this to wp database. i am beginner to wordpress. whether i want to create new table or can i use meta ,taxonomy or ...
Nisham Mahsin's user avatar
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User management missing after migration to new host

I just moved my WordPress 3.9 site to a different host by making a mysql dump and restoring it on the new server and uploading the files over. Pretty standard. However, now I've lost the ability to ...
Jeff's user avatar
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1 answer

Can user meta be shown or hidden depending on user logged in status?

Can is_user_logged_in be combined with jquery somehow to add/remove fields wrapped in a certain class? More specifically: I want to wrap the users' phone and email in class "private". Then if the ...
Phantasmix's user avatar
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SELECT from wp_users, get Displayname too

SELECT post_author, count(ID) as amount FROM dbold_posts WHERE WEEKOFYEAR( post_date ) = WEEKOFYEAR( NOW() ) AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' GROUP BY post_author I ...
Frederik Spang's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Delete user from frontend

Hi I am working on a frontend admin where a user must be able to delete his account. current_user() is a custom made function of me that retrieves the user meta data. Does anyone know how I can make ...
Robbert's user avatar
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1 answer

Assign random (and unique) user meta upon registration

When a user registers, I need to assign a random but unique, 4-digit number as user meta data. The number will be static and not change: Not by the user himself or any user with a higher capability. ...
Conner's user avatar
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1 answer

Get author meta of all writers

We know from the docs that you can get an author's meta like so: <?php get_the_author_meta( $field, $userID ); ?> But I would like to have a custom "About us" page which displays all the ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to create a template for a custom URI associated with the user

I am working on a site where I am using a plugin called Favorite Posts so logged-in users can add a post (a custom post type) to their favorites. I created a page called my-favorites which allows the ...
thedigitalmonk's user avatar
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1 answer

User meta and public function security

I am using stripe to setup a system of buying credits, which can be used on my wordpress site. I save credits using wordpress user meta, and I increment those credits after a successful transaction ...
livinzlife's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

user_login vs. user_nicename

When you call the get_users() functions, a list of user objects are returned. Each of those users has a number of properties. What is the difference between user_login and user_nicename in those ...
Greeso's user avatar
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Display and Allow users to edit their own profiles

I'm working on a site that would have different categories of users, and each user will have his own user profile page with a vanity URL, which he can share with others. The users are divided into ...
Karthik Kamalakannan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Add a button to users.php

I am working on a plugin that adds meta data for each user to the users.php table that is displayed by adding columns. I have that done but I would like to also add a button that will delete the meta ...
graphical_force's user avatar
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Let users register weight each day and save it in DB

I need a way that lets my users register they're weight (kg) and maybe % of bodyfat and save that information on each user in the DB. Then i need a way to output that number again on the logged in ...
Demilio's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating Custom user type just like custom post

How to create custom user types (User Role) just like the custom post types. For example: User Role 1: Having a normal profile field. User Role 2: Having 3 extra fields in the profile. 2 ...
Nidheesh Chandran's user avatar
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Assigning multiple or additional capabilities to specific users or how to create additional roles like bbpress roles?

even though I think I understand the hierarchy of roles in WordPress, I never really bothered creating my own user roles or custom capabilities. What I need to achieve is to assign a few capabilities ...
unfulvio's user avatar
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How to display custom user meta from registration in backend?

I'm considering using the hooks for the WordPress registration form to add some custom fields: My question is, if it's even possible, how ...
gstricklind's user avatar
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Validate user meta and redirect

I wanted to add some extra fields to obtain extra user info which I have added easily that looks like. The example code for a single form field, I added: add_action( 'show_user_profile', '...
10wtaylor's user avatar
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How to list users by custom field?

I have a custom user field in the standard database, called company. I want to output on to a page the usermeta info only of users whose company matches Widgets Inc ... How do I do that? What I'd ...
Robert Andrews's user avatar
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wp_insert_user not creating account correctly when ID is manually set

So, I'm trying to create a new user account with wp_insert_user based on credentials I receive from a Facebook user profile. I want the new user account ID to equal the Facebook account ID (ex: ...
Jared Eitnier's user avatar
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Get users with different roles and call function on each of them (user_meta)

First of all, I have a custom function in functions.php that gets some author information. This works on great on single posts with a single author. <?php function the_author_box() { ?> <div ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
1 vote
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WP_User_Query pulling ACF to loop

I'm using following code to display my users on template <?php $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; $paged -= 1; $limit = 100; $offset = $paged * $limit; $args = ...
jmysona's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to order users alphabetically by their last name?

I use the following shortcode and function to display members of some departments: add_shortcode( 'list_of_members', 'members_listing' ); /* usage: [list_of_members department = 'psychology'] */ ...
Yuri's user avatar
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users and usermeta table

Is it mandatory for each user to have entries in usermeta table as well or it's optional? Recently, I came across a wordpress database which has thousands of users in user table however only a few of ...
eth.block's user avatar
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Let admin users edit member profiles from front end

I'm using WP User Frontend Pro, but the pro version lacks the feature of letting admins edit registered users profiles from front end. I'm building a web app using WordPress, and the administrator ...
Andreas Olsson's user avatar
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2 answers

Average Account Age

I'm trying to see if there is a way to find an average age of user accounts which came through my wordpress site not including the age of the administrator account. When I say age I don't mean their ...
user1823055's user avatar
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Does WordPress Need BuddyPress to Handle Large Amounts of Users?

I understand that technically there can be 18446744073709551615 users (db limitations). But I heard at a talk that the vanilla install of WP in actuality can't handle many users that well due to ...
r00tAcc3ss's user avatar
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Randomize Users

I'm trying to randomly display my users and I was wondering if I could edit the answer on this page to suit my needs (multiple users instead of a single user): Sidebar random author spotlight Here's ...
Austin Biggs's user avatar