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How to use Readmore.js? [closed]

I am trying to use Readmore.js for WooCommerce category description "Read more / Close" functionality. I enqueue the JavaScript and add $('article').readmore(); in the "Insert Header and Footer" ...
armin's user avatar
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Read more tag shows up on EVERY post

I recently read this awesome post and I need help figuring out how to display the 'Read More' link only on posts with more content to display. As it is, currently, it's displaying on every post, even ...
Jeff W's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change the "Read more" text?

I am using this code in functions.php to so it will show on the front of my site and show the read more, but the read more is not showing, your help would be appreciated. function new_excerpt_more( $...
Ray Williams's user avatar
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Ignore a more tag when using get_the_content()

This is such a simple question it seems yet I can't find a definite answer on it. So how do you make get_the_content() obtain all the content of a post even if it has <!--more--> inside of ...
AdamJones's user avatar
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"Read more" link doesn't show up when the post length is under the excerpt length

I have posts with very different post lengths. Sometimes there are very long posts, sometimes a very short comment on a book. I have set my excerpt length to 50 words, but when a post is 25 words ...
Jose M.'s user avatar
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Put teaser content, more-link and full content in different divs if existing... Possible?

im working on a flip-card template and have a problem. <div class="card" id="card-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <div class="front"> <div class="card-headline"><?php ...
dichterDichter's user avatar
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Add Read More Tag to a post content (Single.php)

I have wordpress custom theme made from scratch including: header.php, footer.php, single.php, index.php, functions.php For Listing the blog list i used index.php with excerpt and read more link to ...
Gaurav Saharawat's user avatar
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Define excerpt length by inserting read more tag

I have a blog where the excerpt length is set to 55 words and after that it automatically inserts the read more link. What I want to do is to manually determine the excerpt length by inserting a read ...
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How to customize 'read more'

I'm trying to add a button to every post excerpt. But I get the button without href: function new_excerpt_more( $more ) { global $post; return "<p><a href='" ....
David Freimaucher's user avatar
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How to get sort content by page id?

I wont to get short content in my footer area. So, I write my code as follow: $page = get_page_by_title( 'About us' ); $content = apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content); ?> ...
Lucky's user avatar
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Different read-more link for each custom post type [closed]

Trying to make a custom 'read more' link for different custom post types. Tried this code but does not work as expected. Fairly certain the if/else logic is amiss. Using a Genesis theme if that ...
Brad Smith's user avatar
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need help with '... read more' excerpt in functions.php

I have this to generate the link: <a class="view-article" href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '">' . __('View Article', 'html5blank') . '</a>'; But I don't want it to open the post ...
Devon's user avatar
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Word limit in post_content after more tag

I am using the following code to hide the teaser and show content only after more tag in loop: <?php $after_more = explode( '<!--more-->', $post->post_content ); if( $after_more[...
Skotlive's user avatar
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"Read More" button displays on individual Posts The "Read More" button works fine redirects to the Post. shows up again on the individual Posts. And it doesn't even do anything when you click it. ...
Kane's user avatar
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get "read more" with custom DB query like you would with WP Query

I am using a custom database query to fetch posts. In the post I have a break tag, which is displayed as <!--more--> in the database wp_posts table, but I can't get it to output like I would if ...
Ollicca Mindstorm's user avatar
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Redirect to page 2 after comment

I would like to have commenters going to the page 2 of a paginated post. My posts are separated by the <!--more--> tag so i have the and I ...
lu-bhz's user avatar
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3 answers

Change behavior of the <!--more--> tag

When I click "read more" at the bottom of one of my website posts, it just loads the rest of the text in the same page and the same section, thus overflowing elements with text and spoiling my layout. ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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Child Theme's Read More Text

I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to change the Read More text. I'm currently creating a Child Theme of Oxygen and as far as I can tell, they don't have a function to easily change it. I want ...
Spedwards's user avatar
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Read more link isn't working with custom query

Trying to show the latest post with a featured tag. The query is working fine but it always shows all the content.. not the content before the more link which is all I want. Here is my code. $query =...
markstewie's user avatar
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Only show content before more tag

I am using the Siren Template. In homepage.php this code is used to display the portfolio content print_excerpt(200); But I to need show the content only before <!--more--> I have used this: ...
MajidGh's user avatar
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Custom excerpt showing first paragraph (with HTML formatting)

Can somebody help me how to show the full first paragraph of the post, including all used tags (no stripping)? My code: function new_excerpt_more() { global $post; return '…</p><div ...
tomexx's user avatar
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Turning the read more link into a button [closed]

I want to change the read more text to translate it and add a background to it to make it look more like a button. As it is done here: I´m using ultimatum theme and ...
user50662's user avatar
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Read More link scrolling page

I'm creating a theme, and I want to prevent the page from being scrolled when a user clicks 'Read More' and the code given in the Wordpress Codex is not helping me at all. My functions.php is exactly ...
mindseyeblind's user avatar
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Auto insert More tags in all posts

I have a theme for my mobile site that requires the <!--more--> tag in my posts for it to display an excerpt of my post's content. I've got over 2000 posts already, and its going to take ...
Feyisayo Sonubi's user avatar
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Using <!--more--> tag to output text in Genesis?

here's what i'm trying to achieve! HTML: some text <!--more--> some text when post is loaded: some text MY TEXT WHICH WAS ADDED TO THE MORE TAG some text on my old WP site, i used this to ...
kkin's user avatar
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wordpress 3.8 do not have more button [closed]

i'm using latest version of wordpress and in editor i do not have more button to seperator content. in source editor of that after inserting by hand or button of that in publish or update post, ...
DolDurma's user avatar
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Read more button not working

I want the "read more" button to appear to truncate the blog posts. I tried using the button insert shortcode < !--more-->", but it's not showing up. I've tried everything I know how... Can ...
JCKnoell's user avatar
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new_excerpt_more link not working properly

My "Read More" button is linking to the current page page instead of the excerpt page it is suppose to be linking to. Here is my function in function.php file: function new_excerpt_more($more) { ...
jppower175's user avatar
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Woocommerce "read more" instead of "add to cart" [closed]

Right now my shop have this "add to cart" button. How can I replace this with a "read more" or "show more" button? The "read more" button should link to the product page instead of just add it to the ...
toxen's user avatar
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5 answers

How to remove "read more" link from custom post type excerpt

Is there a way I can add some kind of pre_get_posts() filter to strip out the "read more" link that appears at the end of the_excerpt() for only 1 certain custom post type that I specify? If so, can ...
Evster's user avatar
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<!--more--> quicktag breaking FancyBox plugin on my blog's front page

I use a plugin on my blog that allows the user to click on an image to enlarge it in a pop-up window. My plugin of choice for this task is the FancyBox for WordPress plugin. Most of the time the ...
PowerMove's user avatar
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How to get the excerpt of a page before more tag?

I have many pages in my wp installation. All I want is to be able to display the excerpt of any page, also on any page (before more tag). How do I go about it? I was fetching the content of the ...
Alex Herrmann's user avatar
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Can't change excerpt length and more tag

I tried to change the excerpt length and the more tag the way it is described in the codex: function custom_excerpt_length( $length ) { return 10; } add_filter( 'excerpt_length', '...
Sebastian Starke's user avatar
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Read more doesnt work with query posts

The tite says it all. If I comment out the query_posts it works, if I don't it doesn't. <?php // retrieve one post with an ID of 1 query_posts('p=27'); global $more; $more = 1; ?> <?php ...
Ollicca Mindstorm's user avatar
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Remove the More Link

I am using the "more" quick tag to cut off articles from non-paying members - as in, they can only read the first few paragraphs or so. My setup works perfectly, and here's a snippet of the code that ...
Jon's user avatar
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Using More Tag in Combination with the_excerpt

I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I thought I would ask anyway. I'm currently using a custom plugin that connects to my forums. If people are in a certain custom usergroup, they can see the ...
Jon's user avatar
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Read more to open external link

I would like to have custom field in post editing area where can be putted the external link. If the link is entered to this field then read more button on homepage would open external link, but if ...
levat's user avatar
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Custom post types: change "read more" text

I'm developing a website that has a blog section as well as a "free monthly download" section set up as a custom post type. On the home page I'm displaying excerpts with "read more" links for both ...
dadra's user avatar
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How to end the excerpt with a sentence rather than a word?

Here is the excerpt of the post on my home page. I want to end the excerpt with a sentence. In this case it is ' opportunities. '. I know how to modify the length but it won't do what i want. Here is ...
mc_dev's user avatar
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Extracting gallery images in Wordpress 3.5 on index.php

I'm trying to add a slider on my front blog page for every gallery post, but I have some trouble extracting the images from the post gallery, using the following code: $post_content = get_the_content(...
Ziik's user avatar
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Read more link for blog listing page

I have a blog page setup to list posts. The "Read More" link is added by <?php global $more; $more = 0; the_content('<a href="#" class="button">Read More</a>'); ?> How do ...
Vinnie James's user avatar
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read more, even if excerpt not trimmed

I am using the excerpt field (Not the tag, because the excerpt also serves as a lead paragraph). I altered the "more"-link to be an arrow >. function fabs_excerpt_more( $more ) { return ' <a ...
Sebastian Starke's user avatar
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Automatically adding a link to the next page link before '<!--nextpage-->' tag in posts?

I'm using the following snippet to automatically break a too long post into multiple pages function filter_more_with_nextpage( $content ){ $content = str_replace( '<!--more-->', '<!--...
unfulvio's user avatar
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Wordpress <!--more--> adding a <br> to my anchor for Read More

When creating a post within my wordpress site (using the editor) I want to add the short code, or even use the link at the top of the editor to do so. The end result is (it does create the excerpt ...
Brandon Ellis's user avatar
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How to change the text generated by <!--more--> Tag

I've looked and looked, I've read the codex, and tired several things to change this but nothing has worked. I don't know how to indicate what text to use for the Tag I have a theme that is using ...
NTL0820's user avatar
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multiple excerpt length and styles

I am working on a site, which have many excerpt like text but with different style of read more or click here to read more with different length. is there a way i can make excerpt length according to ...
Ammar's user avatar
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Wordpress truncate posts question (plugin related)

I'm using a plug-in ("Wordpress plugin random post slider") for Wordpress that pulls a random post from a category, and displays it in a slider for use as a shortcode or php code in a template. I've ...
Reece's user avatar
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how to use the_excerpt for two post queries?

I am new to Genesis, i created a child theme it has two post types, one for the THEMES i want to display and other for the PORTFOLIO. both of these are having the_excerpt in their loop, I want to add ...
talentedaamer's user avatar
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more tables created when create a new site

Can someone suggest me an idea on this? I am using Wordpress MU. And as per my requirement every user who register on main site will have a sub-site for them. And it is working correctly. I ...
siddiq's user avatar
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Read more content not displayed loops back to blog page

When I post a blog it automatically splits with read more. I want to know how to show the rest of the content. I am using nexus template .
Bob A Russell's user avatar