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6 votes
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Hide/show content starting in the middle of a paragraph

I need to be able to hide/show arbitrary content (paragraphs, lists, maybe pictures) based on a user clicking a link. This is easy enough, but I am running into a lot of problems trying to add this in ...
blendergasket's user avatar
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2 answers

get_posts displaying wrong permalink for "continue reading" link

I lifted the "continue reading" link functions from the Twenty Eleven theme and for the most part, it is working (works in RSS feeds). I created a shortcode to display the latest post on the front ...
gavsiu's user avatar
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how can I add a "read more" tag directly in the template?

how can I add a <--more--> tag directly in the template? I mean, the exact php code to use in a template for that shortcode. I need it for a script that makes use of that shortcode to hide content ...
Devin's user avatar
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