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Metaboxes inside Tab

I am learning WordPress Plugin development. In this regard I have to save some settings along with Custom Post in Admin Panel under a Menu. Can I place metaboxes inside tab for this issue like the ...
Foysal's user avatar
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How to hide metaboxes in WordPress Admin on WooCommerce "Add Product" page - Remove side sortables for a specific user role

How do I hide certain metaboxes in WordPress Admin screen options for specific user roles? For example, I allow the user role "Store Vendor" to access the WordPress admin to upload their ...
Andrew124's user avatar
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Wordpress admin area: select box with 12.000+ options

I have a custom post type that in admin area has a select custom meta box with 12.000+ options. So, in some cases, WordPress show an error message like memory exhausted. Which could be a good ...
Sebastian Villar's user avatar
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How to verify nonces in bulk?

Hey I'm relatively new to WP, and I'm trying to get a handle on nonces since they're a good security check. I'm having difficulty verifying my nonces in save_post however. The checks fail on the $...
Sean Kelly's user avatar
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Dashboard : remove Safari navigator message

Everytime when i login to wordpress backoffice with safari (only with safari navigator). I got the message on the picture below : I want to Delete definitely this kind of message from the dashboard ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Admin meta Image Path

\inc\admin\inc\images In the admin, images are kept in the above path. say: image_1.png I have to call these images in the Wordpress Post admin in the "Edit" mode. what is the correct method to ...
WordCent's user avatar
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Add_Meta_box to custom page (formidable edit post)

I'm working on a minor "project" on my wordpress site, and im trying to add a custom metabox to the formidable - edit post(page?) screen. But i seem to be unable to figure out how to do it. ...
Mac's user avatar
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add instructions to upload pages and / or forms

I want to put file prep instruction on the media upload forms/pages/tabs. There are a lot of people using the admin. There is a CMS guide but it is rarely read causing issues with page load slow ...
v3nt's user avatar
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How can I create a custom meta box to add an mp4 video to a page?

I've cobbled together code (as I'm a php and jquery newbie) from a couple of different posts to try and get an mp4 video URL input field in the wordpress admin. I've been able to get a media uploader ...
user103741's user avatar
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Use remove_meta_box conditionally on custom post type

I have a custom post type of people with some custom taxonomy boxes, i want to hide these when on child pages. I have found remove_meta_box works fine but i just can't access the $post object within ...
benpalmer's user avatar
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Button inside Custom Meta Box triggering the Update Button

I have a custom meta button that adds additional custom meta fields inside the custom meta box. This meta box, in particular, gives me a choice to enter a particular skill and rate my own ...
Migs M.'s user avatar
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Filter posts of custom post type by meta key in (List All Section)

How can I filter the posts which are displayed on the admin list all page of a custom post based on the value of the a value. So far I know how to do the following anywhere on the front end: $args = ...
Lukesoft's user avatar
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Admin Dashboard with Custom Tab for Client

I am trying to create a basic Tour Date widget. When the user clicks on the Tour Date Tab from the admin dashboard I want them to be presented with five fields. Date Venue City, State or Country ...
Polemistis D'Gnosis's user avatar
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Get content of publish box

is there any way how to safely get content of the publish box? For example via some hook or filter? I wasn't able to find anything. I need to place in in some different place.
Jakub Kohout's user avatar
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How to remove "publish metabox" from each post type

Is there any way, how to remove "Publish metabox" from each post type (post,page,custom_post_type) anything. I know how to remove it manually, for each post type, but how to do it globally? ...
Jakub Kohout's user avatar
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Publish button inside custom field group

Is it possible to move the publish button out of the publish metabox, completely remove the metabox and then put the publish button inside the custom field group? Ask if you need more information, I ...
Christoffer Hansen's user avatar
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Admin auto-refresh is interfering with Firebug -- how to prevent it?

I'm developing a plugin that adds a metabox to the post editing page. When I try to debug it with Firebug, about every 15 seconds the Firebug display refreshes as though the page has reloaded. This ...
Andy Giesler's user avatar
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Including comments meta box on a plugin page

I want to include the 'Comments' meta box (the one usually seen on the post creation page) on my plugin's admin page. Is there a way to do that? I am aware of how you can use add_meta_box() to add a ...
Akoben's user avatar
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Data won't save if metabox within conditional in admin. What am I missing?

What is wrong with this setup? Metaboxes inside this conditional will not get saved. // Only shows for the admin front-page assigned page. $front_page_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); $post_id = (...
Daniel's user avatar
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Hide metabox dependant on page template chosen

I'm using the following JQuery script from this answer to toggle the display of metaboxes dependant on the Page Template selected. The example below shows the featured image metabox when the default ...
leannekera's user avatar
6 votes
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Can I force a metabox to be in one column?

Suppose I created a custom metabox for the add/edit post page that uses a wide width (not suitable for being in the sidebar), is there a way of keeping it in the middle column only and sortable while ...
Charlie Chao's user avatar
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Adding additional text fields and image upload to a Page?

I have a contact page: I would like to add an additional text field below the text editor and another image upload button. And then display it in the template as something like this: <?php echo ...
wyc's user avatar
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Remove default Wordpress styling from metaboxes on edit post pages?

Is there a way to prevent Wordpress from automatically wrapping every metabox in the postbox class? Or at least add my own outer div so I can make custom changes via css? Thanks!
Ben's user avatar
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Make the Status, Visibility, or Date fields opened by default in the Publish box

By default, the Status, Visibility, and Date fields in the Publish metabox are closed, and you have to click Edit to show them. Is there a way to make these fields visible by default? The hidden ...
supertrue's user avatar
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Create a Meta Box in the Admin User Screen?

My client wants the New User admin page to be composed of a meta box. add_meta_box( $id, $title, $callback, $post_type, $context, $priority, $callback_args ); But this seems to be for posts only ($...
Luc Côté Ross's user avatar
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How to Change the Title of a Meta Box on a Specified Custom Post Type? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Change The Title Of a Meta Box Is it possible to change the title of a Meta Box on a specific Custom Post Type add or edit page? For example, if I'm viewing the post type add ...
Michael Ecklund's user avatar
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Randomly Display One Image From a 10-Image For Loop

I have a Wordpress function that loops thru 10 input fields & saves the data from those input fields. The data entered is either an absolute or relative link to an image. The loop looks like this. ...
onestepcreative's user avatar
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Remove "minor-publishing" div from Publish admin metabox

I want to remove the #minor-publishing div from the Publish admin metabox. I came across How to HIDE everything in PUBLISH metabox except Move to Trash & PUBLISH button and
Ana Ban's user avatar
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Setting admin edit panels & metaboxes positions and visibility for ALL users and admins

My WP 3.3 setup involves several post types and customized edit panels with Advanced Custom Fields plugin (which creates many metaboxes) and other plugins such as SEO metabox panel, Scribu's ...
unfulvio's user avatar
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4 answers

Remove Metabox from Menus screen

Been digging into WP files for a bit and think I just might be missing something. The end-goal is to remove the Theme Locations metabox from the Menus screen if someone doesn't have a certain ...
Zach's user avatar
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I need a "Choose from existing content" popin

I'd like to create a field that allows the admin to select from other existing post types. Specifically, I want to create an options box to choose which events display on the homepage. For now, I've ...
Matt's user avatar
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Disable collapse of admin meta boxes

I have been attempting to disable the ability to collapse admin meta boxes. By the looks of it WordPress creates this functionality in postbox.js /wp-admin/js/ but I have been unable to find a hook or ...
Scott's user avatar
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show_option_none not working in meta box

I have the following code going into a meta box: function multi_author($post, $box) { $currentAuthors = esc_attr(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'multiAuthors', true)); if ($currentAuthors) { $...
Tom Jenkins's user avatar
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Using WPAlchemy metabox values in another metabox

I'm building a quite complex custom post type structure and I would need some help regarding my metaboxes. What I want to do: Thank's to the have_fields_and_multi() function, the user enters data in ...
Sinklar's user avatar
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Set Edit Post meta boxes inactive

I'm simply looking to set certain meta boxes inactive. I know about remove_meta_box() but I only want to make them inactive so that the user is still able to turn them back on from the screen options ...
Joe's user avatar
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Disable dragging of meta boxes?

Anyone know how to disable this functionality so the meta boxes can't be repositioned?
fxfuture's user avatar
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