I have a Wordpress function that loops thru 10 input fields & saves the data from those input fields. The data entered is either an absolute or relative link to an image. The loop looks like this.

<?php for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) { ?>

    <input type="text" name="<?php echo 'fresh_banner'.$i ?>" value="<?php echo $settings['fresh_banner'.$i]; ?>" />

<?php } ?>

The saving looks like this:


function freshSaveThemeSettings() {

    $settings = get_option( "freshThemeSettings" );

        for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {

            $settings['fresh_banner'.$i] = $_POST['fresh_banner'.$i];


    $updated = update_option( "freshThemeSettings", $settings );



To output one of the images, it goes something like this:


    $settings = get_option( "freshThemeSettings" ); 

    echo $settings['fresh_banner1']; 


What I'm trying to do is randomly display one of the images at a time. Each time the page is refreshed, a new image would be displayed. What is the best way to go about this?

1 Answer 1


This is more a basic PHP question than a WordPress one!

$settings = get_option( "freshThemeSettings" ); 
$random = rand( 1, 11 );

if ( isset( $settings[ "fresh_banner$random" ] ) )
    echo $settings[ "fresh_banner$random" ]; 
  • Yeah I feel ya. But any mention of Wordpress over at Stackoverflow is just askin for it. Thanks a ton for the help, this should work just fine! Commented Jul 11, 2012 at 10:56

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