some friends of mine installed a WordPress instance at around 2013. Long story short:
- nothing was updated in all the time
- a short while ago the admin pages weren't available anymore (just blank screen, error 500)
- the former administrator doesn't care about the site anymore and just send me an SQL dump and the files from the webserver directory
In the version.php file lists the versions wp 3.8.2, php 5.2.4, mysql 5.0
My goal is to get the site back up running with all of the content. The plan is to start the site locally, fix the admin pages, pull a backup through the admin panel and push it into a fresh install.
My attempts:
Installed latest wordpress in docker container, pushed the sql dump into the server -> WordPress error (wrong database format or something like this)
same as the first try, but with wordpress 3.9 (oldest image available) -> “Your PHP Installation Appears to Be Missing the MySQL Extension Which Is Required by WordPress”
mount the whole directory in the container of the previous attempt -> same error as above
to exclude a problem with docker i installed apache, php and mysql local on my machine -> same error
My next step will be to install all I thought, that it should work if i install php and mysql with the specific versions mentioned in the version.php. Unfortunatly, i can't find them or i don't know how to install them.
So. before i continue fooling around with my problem, i hope that someone did something similar and i don't have to "reinvent the wheel".
I think my biggest problem is the missing knowledge about wordpress, php, mysql and maybe linux to solve this. Also i think (or hope) that there is a easier way to solve my problem.
Thank's in advance