I tried uploading two blog posts for my job(they were recipes and had nothing to do with Shopify whatsoever) and then the blog part of the site crashed. I was left with this error:
Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_plugin_data() in /home1/ourname/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopify/index.php:15 Stack trace: #0
/home1/ourname/public_html/blog/wp-settings.php(342): include_once() #1 /home1/ourname/public_html/blog/wp-config.php(89): require_once('/home1/ourname...') #2 /home1/ourname/public_html/blog/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home1/ourname...') #3 /home1/name/public_html/blog/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home1/ourname...') #4 /home1/ourname/public_html/blog/index.php(17): require('/home1/ourname...') #5 {main} thrown in /home1/ourname/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopify/index.php on line 15
How does my coworker, who's the actual admin, fix this issue and get the site operational? She tried to get the site up using Firezilla, but it says the server can't connect. Then she called GoDaddy, who said they don't host our site. We contacted the previous admin who said it's hosted through Arvixe.
I asked her to disable the wp-shopify plugin but she said she's never seen that plugin before and neither have I. We'd greatly appreciate any help you can give us! Thank you.