We use the itheme security to hide the back end of our site. When a user signs up they receive an email that says:

To set your password, visit the following address:


This doesn't add the hide back end key so users are being taken to a "this page is disabled" screen.

Could someone please tell me where I can edit the text of this email to add the necessary key?

1 Answer 1


The link of the password reset mail is set here. To adjust the link you have two possibilities. Either use the retrieve_password_message filter or use the filter from the network_site_url() function call. When using the retrieve_password_message filter you would have to probably use a regex to match for the url to add your additional parameters or create a whole new text message.

I'd rather recommend using the network_site_url filter and add your parameters to the URL there. As this filter will apply globally you would have to add conditionals if you want to limit it for specific URLs.

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