Issue: I need to use the update function as per exact same format as below, the issue is with the conditional statement for id i.e. [ WHERE (id = 1 OR id = 2) AND status = true]

        'status'    =>  false,
        'id'        =>  array($req1_id, $req2_id),
        'status'    =>  true,

1 Answer 1


This is not posible with $wpdb->update(). If you check the source code, you will see these lines (lines 2150 - 2161), there is no way getting an OR in there:

foreach ( $where as $field => $value ) {
    if ( is_null( $value['value'] ) ) {
        $conditions[] = "`$field` IS NULL";

    $conditions[] = "`$field` = " . $value['format'];
    $values[] = $value['value'];

$fields = implode( ', ', $fields );
$conditions = implode( ' AND ', $conditions );

However, you can write your own query using prepare()

    "UPDATE `$tbl_request_log` SET `status` = false WHERE (`id` = %d OR `id` = %d) AND `status` = true",

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