
I'm quite new at wordpress. I want to align the image on this page further over to the right so there is more space for the text (which is now a narrow column). I think I need to add something in the twentysixteen child theme css file, but cannot work out what....something about the .entry-attachment?? I've tried various things to no avail.....

this is the page: http://www.heathergaeblersavoie.com/gallery/attachment/asymetric-pear-drops/

1 Answer 1


Add these 2 lines to your css file in your child theme. You can change the percentages to suit your needs. (I've provided a starting point of what I think looks pretty good)

//text size
.entry-footer {
    width: 30% !important;
//picture size
.entry-content {
    margin-left: 55% !important;
    width: 30%!important;
  • Thank you very much! I did that, but it didn't work until I enclosed them in this line: @media screen and (min-width: 61.5625em) { } and now it works!!
    – machi
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 18:56
  • no problem. can you mark as answered please? (check mark to the left of my answer)
    – rudtek
    Commented Nov 9, 2016 at 18:57

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