In my wordpress enviroment, I have a number of pages, and I also have a custom post type called casestudy. I have setup a page-clients.php that has some of it's own content on, I then use the query_posts()
function to pull in all the posts with the post type casestudy.
When viewing a single case study I wanting to show a nav, this nav needs to contain the links to pages, clients, and case study and underneath case studies I want to add all the posts that are of the custom post type 'casestudy' so far I have following,
<?php wp_list_pages(array('include' => '154, 136', 'title_li' => '', 'sort_column' => 'ID', 'sort_order' => 'DESC', 'depth' => '1')); ?>
How can I lists all the casestudy posts also, can it be done with wp_list_pages()